/ / College of Railways in Moscow after grade 9: specialties. Moscow College of Railway Transport

College of Railways in Moscow after grade 9: specialties. Moscow College of Railway Transport

Railway transport is still consideredone of the most reliable and convenient, and in the near future in this industry the situation will not change. For those people who want to help her develop, the College of Railway Transport has been established in Moscow. What specialties can you get here? Let's find an answer to this question for applicants wishing to enroll in the College of Russian Railways in Moscow after the 9th grade, as well as get acquainted with the educational organization.

History of the educational institution

A modern college, working in Moscow,a long time ago. Its history began in 1872. Emperor Alexander II ordered to open a technical railway school in Moscow. The educational institution was given the name of Baron AI Delvig. This man was a famous leader and organizer of the erection of many large engineering structures on the lands of the Russian Empire.

In the years of its existence the educational institutionwas independent. It changed the names several times. At present it is called the Moscow College of Railway Transport. The educational organization is a structural subdivision of the Institute of Applied Technologies, which, in turn, is a part of the Moscow University of Communications of Emperor Nicholas II.

college in Moscow after 9th grade

Acquaintance with college: open day

Metropolitan College of Railway Transporthas an official website. It presents all the information about the training and education in it. However, often applicants do not have enough Internet resources to make a decision on entering this institution. In order for the applicants to know the merits of the college and the specifics of studying in it, its employees annually organize an open house. At this event, future students and their parents get acquainted with the leadership, members of the admissions committee, teachers, ask them questions of interest, learn about the proposed specialties, consult on preparation and reception.

On the open day, everyoneis given the opportunity to walk through the RZhD college on the "Alekseevskaya", see its audience, logistics. Also guests are invited to go to the museum of the educational institution. There are a lot of photos and documents related to the history of the college. Only after visiting here, it is possible to understand, through what obstacles and events the educational organization has passed in its development, which it could achieve over the years of existence.

college on Alexeyevskaya

On the level of education

Московский колледж железнодорожного транспорта is part of the structure of the university, but it does not offer applicants a higher education program. In secondary vocational education, mid-level specialists are trained. The college is open for graduates of 9 and 11 classes. Also, graduates of other colleges and universities can come here wishing to obtain a new specialty for themselves.

Every student of the capital's collegerailway transport studies a lot of disciplines. After the successful completion of all subjects and practices, a diploma of secondary vocational education is issued. With this document you can easily find a job. If you want, you can go to the university for a specialty, which was acquired in the secondary school, and continue training on an accelerated program in order to obtain higher education.

Specialties related to the transport industry

And now let's talk about those areas of training,which is offered to university entrants by the College of Railways in Moscow after the 9th grade. All available specialties can be divided into several groups. One of them belongs to the transport industry. This group includes the following specialties:

  • with technical operation of transport radio-electronic equipment;
  • construction of railways;
  • maintenance and repair of vehicles;
  • the organization of transportations and management on transport;
  • automation and telemechanics in railway transport, and so on.

Each of the specialties is relevant andin demand. For example, the direction "Organization of transport and management in transport" is technical, but at the same time creative. On it, students learn to organize the movement of trains, effectively and competently manage this process, to seek the fastest and most economical solutions.

Moscow College of Railway Transport

Specialties related to computers

Another group of training areas is related tocomputers. One of the specialties in the capital college of railway transport is "Computer networks". Graduates are given the qualification of a technician. With this specialty, they can participate in the design of network infrastructure, organize network administration, operate network infrastructure objects.

The second specialty of the group is "Informationsystem (by industry) ». It also qualifies the technician. Students are prepared to operate and modify information systems, participate in their development.

railway college in moscow

The most popular specialties

Some applicants enter the railwaycollege in Moscow because of the presence in it of the most popular in the modern world specialties that allow you to work in different organizations, enterprises, and individual entrepreneurs.

One of the training areas is "Economics andaccounting (by industry) ». In college in this specialty, students study all the necessary disciplines for future practical work. Training allows you to prepare for accounting, documentation of business operations, performance of work on inventory of property and financial obligations of the organization, drawing up reports, making settlements with budgetary and extra-budgetary funds.

Another of the specialties in the College of Railways -"Operational activities in logistics." Applying to it, entrants plan to become operational logisticians in the future. This profession allows you to plan and organize the logistics process in the organizations (divisions), manage the logistics processes in procurement, production and distribution, optimize the organization's resources related to the management of intangible and material flows, evaluate the efficiency of the logistics systems and monitor logistics operations.

the organization of transportations and management on transport

Material and technical support

On all specialties a qualitativeeducational process. The Railway College in Moscow has the necessary material and technical base. There are audiences in which general disciplines are conducted. There are specially equipped classrooms for practical classes. For technical disciplines are equipped laboratories.

For example, there are laboratories:

  • architecture of computing systems;
  • technical means of automation;
  • electrical engineering and electrical measurements;
  • systems of telecommunications, etc.

college rdz specialty


High quality of education in the College of Railways in Moscowafter grade 9 is provided by highly qualified specialists. Pedagogical cadres have higher education in the profile of the discipline taught. Many of them have a teaching experience and practical work experience, which is a very important advantage.

Teachers periodically undergo internships.So they update their knowledge, receive information relevant to the modern world. For internships, employees are sent to specialized organizations. This procedure is carried out at least once every 3 years.

Reviews about the educational institution

О столичном колледже РЖД отзывы оставляют очень different. Many praise the educational institution, they say after the admission about the fulfillment of their long-standing dream, leave positive comments about the teachers. But there are people who have a negative opinion about the school.

Стоит ли поступать в колледж РЖД в Москве после 9 class? Everyone must find the answer to this question himself. The first is to talk with those persons who are in college. They can tell how much quality education you can get in a secondary school. By the way, some of the reviews are just evidence of the fact that teachers teach students very well, give out all the necessary information in class, help those students who could not grasp something.

college rzh reviews

If it was decided to enter thissusuz how to get to him? You can take the subway and get on "Alekseevskaya". The Russian Railways College will be located 5 minutes away on foot at Kuchin Lane, 14. Here, the admissions committee starts to work in the first building of the educational institution in the summer.