/ / What is the subject of economic analysis? Comprehensive answer

What is the subject of economic analysis? Comprehensive answer

Экономический анализ является необходимым element when building a competitive enterprise or company. It allows you to search for weaknesses and shortcomings, predict and model the future situation and implement many other similar moments.

general information

the subject of economic analysis is
Economic analysis is a scientificknowledge system that is based on the laws of functioning and development. It is used to form a methodology for diagnosing, evaluating and forecasting financial and economic activity. Every science necessarily has its own subject. And here you can form the main question of the whole article. What is the subject of economic analysis in the framework of the system? Under it are recognized business processes occurring in enterprises, their economic and social efficiency and the final results of activity, which are influenced by subjective and objective factors, which is reflected in the financial indicators of the information received. It should be noted that the subject (object) of economic analysis poses a number of tasks for researchers. Among the main should be the following:

  • Check the optimality of management decisions.
  • Identification and impact on internal reserves that exist within a specific production process.
  • Determination of the level of effectiveness of the use of material and labor resources.
  • Objective consideration of the process of implementation of plans and established standards.
  • Optimization of the scientific and economic justification factor.

So, we have already found out that the subjecteconomic analysis is the economic and financial aspects of enterprises or sectors of the country. But these are common words! Therefore, we consider the issue in more detail.

Role and feasibility

what is the subject of economic analysis
Economic analysis is a necessary element.for long successful management. Therefore, depending on the needs of a person, there are several types. It should be noted that the classification is rather conditional, because in practice the need to apply something in its pure form is rare. Consider a small example. We have a market economy. It is characterized by the dynamism of the internal and external environment of the enterprise. In this case, operational analysis plays an important role. What is important? In this case, the subject of economic analysis is the complexity and efficiency of processing information files and the use of the data obtained at the level of individual functional services.

Species classification

the subject of economic analysis is economically
In this case, signs play a big role. So, in the case of the level of information support, analyzes are performed:

  • Internal management.
  • External financial.

Depending on the content of the management process, there are:

  • Preview (prospective).
  • Subsequent (retrospective).
  • Operational.
  • Final (final).

By the nature of the objects of management allocate analysis:

  • The constituent elements of production and relations existing on it.
  • Stages of extended reproduction.
  • Departments and enterprises.
  • Sectoral.

Depending on the subject analysis on behalf of:

  • Economic services and management.
  • Management bodies and owners.
  • Counterparties (these are financial and credit authorities, buyers, suppliers).

Depending on the frequency of analysis is:

  • Daily.
  • Decade.
  • Monthly.
  • Quarterly.
  • Annual.

Depending on the completeness of the studied questions and their content:

  • Thematic.
  • Local.
  • Full.

Depending on the methods used for studying objects, the analysis is:

  • Systemic
  • Comparative.
  • Complete.
  • Solid.
  • Selective.

Depending on the level of automation, there are:

  • Analysis using the software of electronic computers.
  • Without using the above.

As you can see, the diversity is significant.

Methodology used

The subject of economic analysis of health facilities is
Of course, you can concentrate on the maintopic. But in order to understand it better, it is necessary to consider together the subject and method of economic analysis. It is on this basis that it would be advisable to make a small digression. So, methods are ways to implement approaches to the study of business processes during their smooth development. They have such characteristic features as:

  • Determination of the basic system of indicators with which it will be possible to assess the activities of the organization
  • Identify the relationship between various factors.
  • Setting the co-ordination of indicators with the cumulative result of factors.
  • The choice of methods and techniques that will explore the relationship.
  • Quantitative change in the strength of influence of a factor on an aggregate indicator.

All together it is included in the method of economicanalysis. Three areas of knowledge intersect in it. This is economics, statistics and mathematics. In the first case, this is a comparison, grouping, graphic and balance methods. Statistical methods are used in this way: relative and average values, regressive and correlation analysis, the index method and other similar points. Mathematical methods are represented by matrix, the theory of production functions, interindustry balance, graphs, games, queuing, nonlinear and dynamic programming.

A little explanation

subject of economic analysis
What is this all about?After all, we know that the subject of the economic analysis of the economic activity of an enterprise is processes. What is mathematics? And the answer here is simple: it is necessary for calculations. Let's look at a small example. The subject of economic analysis is the income that the company received in 2016. To understand whether things are going well or not, you can use the method of comparison. It involves the comparison of the studied facts and data of economic life. That is, to find out whether the position of the company improved in 2016, its income should be compared with the situation of 2015. But can we say that this alone is enough? Not. After all, it is also necessary to take into account the effect of inflation, to calculate the amount of profit and many other parameters.

What is used to study the subject?

What tools are used by people whocarry out economic analysis? Assume that we already have accurate and reliable data. What can we do with them? Here is a small list of basic techniques:

  • Reviewed earlier comparison.
  • Average values They are calculated on the basis of the available data set. The tool is used to determine general patterns.
  • Grouping. Used to display dependencies in complex phenomena.
  • Balance method. Used to compare two sets of indicators, seeking a certain equilibrium.

Complicating the tools used

subject of economic analysis of economic activity

Agree, earlier rather simple moments were considered. Let's complicate them a bit:

  1. Graphic way. It is used to recreate large-scale images of indicators, as well as to identify their dependencies.
  2. Index method. Based on relative indicators that express the relationship of the phenomenon to the base of comparison.
  3. Method of regression (stochastic) and correlation analysis. It is used to provide a close connection between indicators, between which the functional dependence is not established.
  4. Matrix model. It is a schematic reflection of economic phenomena or processes, for which scientific abstraction is used.
  5. Mathematical programming. This is the main tool for solving existing problems of optimization of operations of economic activities.
  6. The method of research operations.It involves the study of economic systems to determine such a structure of interrelated elements, which will allow to achieve the best economic indicators of all possible.
  7. Game theory. She is engaged in mathematical modeling in the conditions of conflict between several parties that have their own interests, or in case of uncertainty.


Let's look at the medicine situation atexample of a medical institution. The subject of economic analysis of health facilities is the relationship of specialists with clients (doctors and junior staff, on the one hand, and patients - on the other). When someone falls ill, he goes to a specialized institution. A person is examined there, pills are prescribed for him, and procedures are prescribed. And then comes the payment. Here, economic analysis is faced with the task of optimizing processes, for example, ensuring that a person buys everything in a pharmacy of a medical institution.


subject of economic analysis of the enterprise
So, we already know that the subject of economicanalysis is the internal interaction in the enterprise. It should be noted an important aspect: the practical use of knowledge of this discipline allows for a gradual transition from the initial to the final factor system. But that's not all. Depending on the nature of the relationship distinguish deterministic and stochastic factor analysis.


Вот нами и был рассмотрен предмет экономического analysis of enterprises and economic sectors. All phenomena and processes that take place are in a certain interdependence and interrelation. An economic analysis at the same time allows you to identify the most important points and focus your attention on them. Thanks to him, it is possible to ensure a higher level of efficiency of the enterprise’s activity, or even the whole national economy sector. But it is not enough to draw the right conclusions, it is necessary to further implement them in practice. After all, what is the cost of even the most advanced economic analysis and data obtained if they are not taken into account by the managerial personnel for whom they are prepared?