/ / De facto and de jure. Definition of concepts

De facto and de jure. Definition of concepts

In jurisprudence, there are two forms of acceptance:de facto and de jure. These expressions with time from the professional environment of use were included in public use. In this article we will explain what these phrases mean and in what cases it will be appropriate to use them.

De facto. Meaning of the word

de facto and de jure

De facto acceptance is official, recognizedauthorized persons action, but not quite complete. This form is used when they wish to prepare a basis for regulating relations between states. Or when the country's leadership considers the fact of recognition premature. An example from a story can be given. In 1969, the USSR leadership recognized the Provisional Government in the Republic of Algeria. Often, after some time, the adoption of de facto turns into the adoption of de jure. In other words, the first is the preliminary stage of official confirmation. It turns out that de facto and de jure are interrelated. It is also worth noting that the first is currently quite rare in the international legal framework.

De jure. Meaning of the word

This concept refers to international law inwith respect to states and its governing bodies. In everyday life, it means that there is no doubt. For example, de jure acceptance is unconditional and final. It implies the establishment of the right to maintain international relations between the subjects of the international legal field and is often accompanied by an official statement of recognition and the establishment of diplomatic relations.

In addition to de facto and de jure adoption, there isthe so-called ad hoc. This concept means situational recognition, that is, at the moment. Such a case happens when the government of one state enters into a one-time relationship with the leadership of another state, while adhering to the policy of official non-recognition. For example, when the question arises about the protection of its citizens who are in a given country.

de facto meaning of the word

Types of recognition

The concepts of "recognition of governments" and "recognitionstates should be distinguished. The latter occurs when a new independent state appears on the international arena, which arose as a result of a political upheaval, war, division or unification of countries, etc. Recognition of the leadership (government) of a state occurs basically simultaneously an independent unit. But history knows cases where the government has been recognized without state acceptance.

Currently there is a trend whensome individuals, representatives of the separatist movement, seek to obtain the status of opposition resistance bodies. And accordingly, the advantages and rights that flow from this.