/ / Means of artistic expression: examples in the literature

Means of artistic expression: examples in the literature

Full, juicy, accurate, bright speech the mostwell conveys thoughts, feelings and assessments of the situation. Hence the success in all endeavors, because correctly constructed speech is a very accurate instrument of persuasion. It briefly describes what means of artistic expression a person needs to achieve the desired result from the outside world every day, and which ones - in order to replenish the arsenal of expressiveness of speech from literature.

means of artistic expression

Special expressiveness of the language

A verbal form that can attract attentionlistener or reader, make a vivid impression on him through novelty, originality, unusualness, with a departure from the usual and everyday - this is language expressiveness.

Here any tool works wellartistic expressiveness, in the literature, for example, metaphor, sound, hyperbole, personification and many others are known. It is necessary to master special techniques and methods in combinations of both sounds in words and phraseological units.

A huge role is played by vocabulary, phraseology, grammatical structure and phonetic features. Each means of artistic expression in literature works at all levels of language proficiency.

means of artistic expressiveness in literature


Here the main thing is a sound recording, a special artisticA technique based on the creation of sound images through sound repetitions. You can even imitate the sounds of the real world - twitter, whistle, rain noise, etc., in order to evoke associations with the feelings and thoughts that you need to evoke from the listener or reader. This is the main goal that the means of artistic expressiveness must achieve. Examples of onomatopoeia contain most of the literary lyrics: Balmont is especially good here "Midnight at a time ...".

Практически все поэты серебряного века used sound recording. Beautiful lines left Lermontov, Pushkin, Boratynsky. Symbolists, on the other hand, learned to evoke auditory, visual, even olfactory, tasteful, and tactile ideas to move the reader's imagination to experience certain feelings and emotions.

There are two main types, most fully revealing the audio-recorded means of artistic expressiveness. Examples from Blok and Andrei Bely, they used very often assonance - Repetition of identical vowels or similar in sound. The second type - alliteration, which is often found already in Pushkin and Tiutchev, is a repetition of consonant sounds - the same or similar.

what means of artistic expression

Vocabulary and Phraseology

The main means of artistic expressiveness in literature are trails that expressly depict a situation or an object using words in their figurative meaning. The main types of trails: comparison, epithet, personification, metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, periphrasis, litot and hyperbole, irony.

In addition to the tropes, there are simple and effective means of artistic expressiveness. Examples:

  • antonyms, synonyms, homonyms, paronyms;
  • phraseological units;
  • lexicon, stylistically colored, and vocabulary, which is used in a limited way.

The last paragraph includes both argo, and professional jargon, and even vocabulary, not accepted in a decent society. Antonyms sometimes are more effective than any epithets: How clean you are! - to the kid who has bathed in a pool.Synonyms enhance the color and accuracy of speech. Phraseological units are pleased with the fact that the addressee hears the familiar and comes to contact more quickly. These language phenomena are not a direct means of artistic expressiveness. Examples are rather nonspecial, suitable for a particular action or text, but capable of significantly adding brightness to the image and impact on the addressee. Beauty and liveliness of speech completely depend on what means of creating artistic expressiveness are used in it.

means of artistic expressiveness of speech

Epithet and comparison

Epithet - application or addition in translation fromGreek. Notes an essential feature that is important in this context, using a figurative definition, based on a hidden comparison. More often this adjective: black melancholy, gray-haired, etc., but can be an epithet of a noun, adverb, adverbial, pronoun and any other part of speech. It is possible to divide the used epithets into general language, folk-poetic and individual-author means of artistic expressiveness. Examples of all three types: grave silence, kind fellow, curly twilight. You can divide differently - into the picturesque and expressive: in the fog blue, nights insane. But any division, of course, is very conditional.

Comparison is the comparison of one phenomenon,concept or object with another. Not to be confused with the metaphor, where the names are interchangeable, in comparison both the subject, feature, action, etc. should be named. For example: glow, as a meteor. You can compare in different ways.

  • instrumental (youth nightingale flew by);
  • comparative degree of adverb or adjective (eyes greener seas);
  • conjunctions as if etc. (like a beast creaked the door);
  • the words alike etc. (your eyes look like two fogs);
  • comparative subordinate clauses (golden foliage spun in a pond, just a flock of butterflies flies on a star).

In popular poetry negative comparisons are often used: That is not a horse top ..., poets often build fairly large in volume.works using this artistic expression alone. In the literature of the classics this can be seen, for example, in the poems of Koltsov, Tyutchev, Severyanin, the prose of Gogol, Prishvin and many others. It was used by many. This is probably the most popular means of artistic expression. In the literature, it is present everywhere. In addition, it serves both scientific and journalistic, and colloquial text with the same diligence and success.

means of artistic expression Russian language

Metaphor and personification

Another very widely used remedyartistic expressiveness in literature is a metaphor, which means a translation in Greek. The word or sentence is used in a figurative sense. The basis here is the unconditional similarity of objects, phenomena, actions, etc. Unlike comparison, the metaphor is more compact. It leads only with what this or that is compared. The similarity may be based on the shape, color, volume, purpose, feeling, etc. (a kaleidoscope of appearances, a spark of love, a sea of ​​letters, a treasury of poetry). Metaphors can be divided into ordinary (common language) and artistic: skillful fingers and stars diamond thrill). In everyday life, and already scientific metaphors: ozone hole, solar wind etc. The success of the speaker and the author of the text depends on what means of artistic expression are used.

A kind of trail similar to a metaphor is a personification, when the signs of a living being are transferred to objects, concepts or phenomena of nature: lay sleepy fog, autumn day turned white and went out - the personification of natural phenomena, which happens especially often, less often the objective world is personified - see Annensky "Violin and Bow", Mayakovsky "Cloud in Pants", Mamin-Siberian with hisgood-natured and cozy physiognomy at home"and much more. Even in everyday life, we no longer notice the avatars: the device says the air heals, the economy has stirred etc. There are hardly any ways to better this means of artistic expression, painting a speech more colorful than the personification.

means of artistic expression of painting

Metonymy and synecdoche

Translated from the Greek metonymy meansrenaming, that is, the name is transferred from the object to the object, where the basis is adjacency. The use of artistic expression, especially such as metonymy, is very adorable for the narrator. Connections on the principle of adjacency can be the following:

  • content and contents: eat three plates;
  • author and work: scolded homer;
  • action and its instrument: doomed swords and fires;
  • subject and material of the subject: on gold ate;
  • place and actors: the city was roaring.

Metonymy complements the means of artexpressiveness of speech, with it, clarity, accuracy, figurativeness, clarity and, like no epithet, laconicism are added. Not for nothing, it is used by writers and publicists, it is full of conversational speech of all sectors of society.

In turn, the type of metonymy -synecdoche, in Greek, correlation is also based on replacing the meaning of one phenomenon with the meaning of another, but only one principle is the quantitative ratio between phenomena or objects. You can transfer this way:

  • less for more (to him the bird does not fly, the tiger does not walk; have a drink a small glass);
  • part to whole (Beard, why are you keeping silent? Moscow did not approve sanctions).

what means of artistic expression are used

Periphrase, or paraphrase

A description, or a descriptive sentence, translated from Greek, is a turn used instead of a word or a combination of words, is paraphrase. For example, Pushkin writes “Peter the Creation,” and everyone understands that he meant Petersburg. Perifraz allows us the following:

  • identify the main features of the item that we depict;
  • avoid repetition (tautology);
  • brightly evaluate the image;
  • give the text a sublime pathos, pathos.

Periphrases are not allowed only in business andofficial style, in the rest there are plenty. In colloquial speech, it most often coexists with irony, merging together these two means of artistic expression. The Russian language is enriched by the merger of different tropes.

Hyperbola and litotes

A figurative expression with an inordinate exaggeration of a sign or signs of an object, action or phenomenon is a hyperbole (translated from Greek as exaggeration). Litota - on the contrary, understatement.

Мыслям придаётся необычная форма, яркая emotional coloring, convincing assessment. Especially well help create comic images. Used in journalism as the most important means of artistic expression. In the literature, these trails cannot be avoided either: rare bird at Gogol will reach only until the middle of the Dnieper; tiny cows Krylov and the like are many in almost every work of any author.

Irony and sarcasm

Translated from the Greek, this word meanspretense, which is quite consistent with the use of this trail. What means of artistic expression are needed for ridicule? The statement should be the opposite of the direct meaning, when a completely positive assessment hides mockery: smart person - an appeal to the Donkey in Krylov's fable is an example. "Hero unsinkability"- the irony used in the framework of journalism,where quotes or brackets are most often put. The means of creating artistic expressiveness are not exhausted by it. Ironically, in the highest degree, evil, caustic, sarcasm is quite often used: the contrast between the expressed and the implied, as well as the deliberate exposure of the implied. Disgraceful, sharp exposure - his handwriting: I usually argue about the taste of oysters and coconuts only with those who ate them. (Zhvanetsky). The algorithm of sarcasm is a chain of such actions: a negative phenomenon gives rise to anger and indignation, then comes the reaction - the last degree of emotional openness: fed pigs worse than hungry wolves. However, sarcasm should be used as much as possible.more carefully. And not often, if the author is not a professional satirist. The carrier of sarcasm most often considers itself smarter than others. However, not a single satirist came to get love at the exit. She and her appearance always depend on what means of artistic expression are used in the evaluating text. Sarcasm is a deadly powerful weapon.

Non-specialized language vocabulary

Synonyms help give the speech the most subtle emotional nuances and expression. For example, you can use the word "race" instead of "run" for greater expressive power. And not only for her:

  • clarification of the very thought and transfer of the smallest semantic shades;
  • evaluation of the portrayed and the author's attitude;
  • intense expression enhancement;
  • deep disclosure of the image.

Antonyms are also a good expressive tool. They clarify the idea, playing in contrasts, more fully characterize this or that phenomenon: glossy waste paper flood, and genuinely fiction - a streamlet. From antonyms occurs and widely demanded by writers reception - the antithesis.

Many writers, and simply notebook wits willingly play with words that match the sound and even in writing, but have different meanings: cool guy and boiling water, and steep shore; flour and flour; three in the diary and three thoroughly stain. And anecdote: Listen to the bosses? That's really, thank you ... And fired. These are homonyms, homographs and homophones.

Words similar in spelling and sound, but with completely different meanings, are also often used as puns and have sufficient expressive power for clever use. History - Hysteria; maitre - millimeter etc.

It should be noted that such non-basic means of artistic expression, such as synonyms, antonyms, paronyms and homonyms, are not used in official and business styles.

Phraseological units

Otherwise - idioms, that is, phraseologically ready.Expressions, too, add to the speaker or the writer of eloquence. Mythological imagery, high or colloquial, with an expressive assessment - positive or negative (small fry and pupil of the eye, soap the neck and sword of Damocles) - all this enhances and decorates with claritytext imagery. The salt of idioms - a special group - aphorisms. Deepest thoughts in the shortest execution. Easy to remember. Often used, like other means of expression, in an artistic text. Here you can also include proverbs and sayings.