"What does the word" mentalist "mean?"This is exactly the question people have asked after watching the first episode of the same series, in which Patrick Jane helps the police in solving the most complicated crimes (usually murders). For the Russian spectator’s ear, the term “psychic” (a person with supersensible abilities) is more familiar than an incomprehensible “mentalist”. The word coined by George Kreskin, which means by this term a simple man who developed the superpowers of his consciousness. Of course, this does not correspond to the Hollywood stereotype about gaining super abilities as a result of an accident, abduction by aliens or a strike by lightning (current). Americans rational mind denies such miracles and considers their carriers to be charlatans (which is 99% true). But at the same time, any sane person understands that, if desired, anyone can develop the appropriate abilities. Since most of us are materialists, we want to believe in it. Besides, don't hypnosis, manipulation of mass consciousness, etc., exist? d.
What does the word "mentalist" mean?
Let's talk in detail about this concept.In his interviews, George Kreskin very often gives a definition of the notion “mentalist”. The meaning of the word is: “This is a person who possesses the skills of suggestion and hypnosis, sharpness of mind, control of behavior. The mentalist not only reads other people's thoughts, but also easily introduces his own ones, knows the answer to the not yet asked question, finds out the interlocutor's past and can predict his future. In fact, in his actions there is nothing supernatural, although at first glance it seems that way. Simply, he maximally developed in himself the possibilities of consciousness that are given from birth to any person, and uses them "to the fullest." Any good mentalist understands people very accurately and knows how to recognize their psychological characteristics. As a tool, he uses the facial expressions of a person, his gestures and any specific traits of behavior. In order to become a mentalist, Kreskin spent almost 60 years. Not everyone is ready to go for it! But to understand what skills are needed for this lesson, it does not take a lot of time.
Main skill
So now we know what the word meansmentalist, and we can examine in detail the necessary skills for this case. And the most important of them is understanding. That is, when a person says something to you, and you understand him. This happens infrequently, and this needs to be learned. After all, usually we just pretend to listen, looking forward to when we are given a chance to speak.
The desire to understand someone else is a rare gift,with which you can get answers to almost all the questions. But for this you need to be able to overcome yourself and even listen to something that completely contradicts your beliefs. Only in this case can there be an interest in a person and the ability to understand him. It is very important to play for the interlocutor the role of an obedient student, whose main goal is to listen and understand, and not to "get into the soul." As a textbook, be sure to watch the series itself, and then you will not even have a question about what the word "mentalist" means.