/ / Who is Talaat Pasha and who killed him?

Who is Talaat Pasha and who killed him?

Who is Talaat Pasha? So, his full name is Mehmed Talaat Pasha, and this is a Turkish politician who left a bright mark in world history.

Talaat Pasha


The future Ottoman Minister of the Interior was bornthe empire in 1874, in the seedy provincial town of Kardzhali (Edirne), which is currently in the Kardzhali region of Bulgaria. Talaat Pasha was born in the family of the ataman military leader (investigator). By origin, Mehmed Talaat Pasha was pomak. Pomaki is a Bulgarian-speaking religious group that professed Islam. It is important to note that pomaks were a mixed group of their origin. Pasha converted to Islam in his youth to advance his career in the Ottoman Empire.

Interesting fact: Talaat Pasha had rather dark skin, for which he was often called a Gypsy at work.

Future politician graduated from high schoolin edirne. And then began to build his career. As you know, this figure during his short life, 47 years old, managed to prove himself in many industries as an employee. He managed to occupy high positions in the administration of the state; however, due to his harsh convictions and criminal activities towards the Armenians and directly their destruction, Talaat was killed. Because of his political actions, 1-1.5 million people became victims.

Beginning of career pasha

The famous politician MehmedTalaat Pasha began his career as a clerk in a telegraph office. But over time, he became actively interested in political activities. Being still a clerk in the office, Pasha also actively fought against Abdulgammuda's tyranny, and decided to become a member of the Young Turk movement. However, in order to gain a deeper understanding of this topic, it is necessary to explain what the Young Turk movement is and what its goals were.

Mehmed Talaat Pasha

Young Turkish movement

So, the Young Turk movement (members of thismovements are often referred to as "Young Turks") —this is a political movement in the Ottoman Empire, which began its existence in 1876. Its goal was to carry out certain reforms in the state and create a constitutional state structure directly. In fact, the achievements of the Young Turk movement are very important, because the Young Turks were able to overthrow Abdul-Hamid of the 2nd and carry out a number of specific reforms. However, it is important to note that the power in the hands of this political movement did not last so long. Indeed, after the fall of Turkey in the First World War, the Young Turks lost all control over the state.

Young Pasha was such an ardent revolutionary thathe was arrested and punished for political crimes: two years in prison. However, after the arrest and serving of punishment, Mehmed continued his work, only the first time he labored only as a postman. But after 1908, when the political situation in the state completely changed (after the Young Turk coup in 1908), Mehmed Talaat Pasha was elected a deputy in parliament.

He was a member of the Unity and Progress Party, which advocated the Sultan’s displacement.

Post Minister of the Interior

Not much time had passed, as early as 1909Mehmed Pasha receives a high-ranking government position, namely the post of Minister of the Interior of the Ottoman Empire. And it is important to note that by 1909, Mehmed became one of the most influential people of the Ottoman Empire. And while occupying this post, the nationalist takes the most severe measures against national minorities, and this was especially evident in relation to the Armenian nation, which was regularly exterminated by order of the Pasha. A political leader of the Ottoman Empire once wrote in his memoirs that he is very afraid that the Armenian nation will proclaim an independent state.

After receiving this position, Pasha is acceptedfor organizing a campaign of forced "cultivation" and is carrying out ideological work, imposing ideas of Pan-Turkism. Pan-Turkism is a political and cultural movement that embodies ideas about the need to consolidate the Turkic peoples, based on the cultural, ethnic and linguistic norms of these peoples. Nationalist Talaat Pasha believed that Armenians are a big obstacle on the way to exterminating the population. Therefore, he decided that the best way out of the situation is getting rid of Armenians. He was convinced that it was necessary to end the Armenians forever.

The post of Minister of the Interior was the last step on the career ladder of Mehmed Talaat Pasha, because he was killed.

Enver Pasha, Talaat Pasha and Jemal Pasha

The main reason for the murder of the Minister of the Interior. Armenian Genocide

As the story goes, in 1915 Talaat Pasha givesinstallation on the extermination of the Armenian population throughout the Ottoman Empire. He also initiated a program on which many Armenians were deported to the desert, where poor people died from hunger and thirst. And sometimes they became victims of the cruel marauders, who, not sparing, killed them. Already in June of the same 1915, an order was received that absolutely all Armenians living in the eastern part of the Ottoman Empire were to be exiled to the desert.

The plan was as follows: at the end of the Armenian Genocide, their number in the country should have been no more than 10 percent of the Muslim population.

It is important to note that the Armenian genocide was carried out in several stages:

  1. The disarmament of Armenian soldiers.
  2. Selective deportation of Armenians.
  3. Adoption of a law on their expulsion.
  4. Mass deportation of Armenians.
  5. Mass destruction of the Armenian population.

However, the main instigator of the hard genocide is not only Talaat. The main organizers are considered the leaders of the movement "Young Turks" Enver Pasha, Talaat Pasha and Jemal Pasha.

Talaat Pasha. Murder

Enver and Jemal Pasha

Enver comes from Istanbul.Born in 1881 in the family of an ordinary employee of the railway. The family was quite large, consisting of five children. Enver was the eldest. From childhood, he knew that he wanted to be a military man, and in his youth he went to military school. Then he graduated from the Academy with the rank of captain. But over time, and received the rank of major.

Then Enver became one of the members of the Homeland and Freedom military movement.

Enver Pasha was actively involved in many wars, such as the Italian-Turkish War, the Balkan War and the First World War.

He had a particular dislike for the Greeks and Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, who professed Christianity. Therefore, he became an active accomplice in the genocide of these peoples.

Ahmed Jemal Pasha was born in 1872 inMytilene, in the family of a military medic. He also studied at a military school, and then - at a military academy. There was the same as Jamal, Talaat, an active participant in the movement "Unity and Progress." He also participated in many wars, and was a political figure in the Ottoman Empire.

Death of talaat pasha

Background of the Armenian Genocide

As already known, while in the Ottoman EmpireAll power was concentrated in the hands of the Young Turks, who were disliked by the Armenians and the Greeks. And the reason was that these peoples professed Christianity. But the act of genocide was carried out by representatives of the Young Turks not only because of their sadism and cruelty. Naturally, there were some reasons and prerequisites for these terrible events.

The story says that Armenians lived in the territoryOttoman Empire for many centuries. And they built a large part of the economy of the empire. It is important to note that Armenians have always been discriminated because of their religion.

However, the real reason lies in the fact that ArmeniansAt the end of the 19th century, underground organizations began to be organized, the purpose of which was to create an independent Armenian state on the territory of the Ottoman Empire. The government, of course, did not like such organizations. Therefore, they took the most severe measures towards the entire Armenian people, fearing that the Armenians would seize power.

Talaat Pasha Jew

Death of talaat pasha

March 15 in Germany in the city of Berlin wasOttoman Interior Minister Mehmed Talaat Pasha, 47, was shot dead. Witnesses said that it was a sunny day and Pasha was walking along the avenue, and an unknown person was walking to the meeting, who suddenly shot at the Minister of the Interior. But who killed Talaat Pasha? The story says that a political leader of the Ottoman Empire was killed in the framework of Operation Nemesis, which punished the perpetrators of the Armenian genocide. And at number 1 on the kill list, it was Talaat Pasha’s name that stood. The murder of Mehmed was not a big surprise, because at that time everyone who started the massacre of the Armenians was executed for their criminal cases. And Mehmed was the direct organizer and ideological inspirer of the Armenian genocide.


How was Talaat Pasha killed and by whom?

The Minister of the Interior of the Ottoman Empire on March 15, 1921 in Berlin was shot dead by Soghomon Tyleryan. It is important to note that in the end the Pasha murderer was acquitted in a German court.

Soghomon Tylerian was born in the villageNerkin-Bagari, which was located on the outskirts of the Ottoman Empire. He was Armenian and the only survivor of his family. Soghomon lost all his relatives as a result of the Armenian genocide, headed by the nationalist Talaat Pasha. The killer acted within the framework of the vengeful operation "Nemesis" and avenged his family, which was completely destroyed as a result of the brutal genocide.

Who killed Talaat Pasha

Dönme sect

As the story goes, Talaat Pasha is a Jew from the Denme sect. But what is this sect? And how did she influence the further fate of Mehmed?

Dönme is a Kabbalistic sect founded infar 1683 As is known, this sect began to support the Young Turk movement, therefore Talaat Pasha became its member. It is known that all the time of its existence, the sect led a closed way of life, and therefore various rumors and conjectures wove around it. However, in the 20th century, it took root in the secular elite and became more open. Now it still exists in Turkey, however, the number of its members is not so great: only 2,500 people.