/ / Carolingian dynasty - is it rulers or usurpers?

The dynasty of the Carolingians are rulers or usurpers?

Does everyone know that the Carolingians are the first rulinga dynasty of kings officially recognized by the church, the world and all nations? Prior to this, small attempts to unite individual areas of Europe into a single powerful force called the Frankish Empire, for a long time almost no one succeeded, and only the persistence and mind of Charlemagne changed the situation, for which he was given this nickname during his lifetime. What began the history of the rule of Europe in the territory of the Germanic tribes in antiquity, who stood at the origins, consider in more detail.

Who is the founder of the Carolingian dynasty?

Carlos Magnus, who is also the famous Charlemagne,is the second ruler in this family, and his name was the modernized name for the dynasty. The first was his father, Pipin the Third Short, who was descended from an ancient family, coming from Bishop Arnulf, canonized after the death by the Catholic Church and being the patron saint of brewers. It was Pepin who, on his deathbed, divided the huge Frankish state into two parts and gave it to his sons: Karl and Carloman.

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The last, younger brother did not live long andat the age of 20, he unexpectedly died in his castle, they say that it was not his own death, since there was a serious conflict with women: Carloman left his lawful wife with a child and wanted to marry another. All the lands of his brother Charles joined his own, making an alliance with influential people close to Karloman and officially marked the beginning of the Carolingian dynasty - this happened in the year 800, when Pope Leo III himself crowned him.

Unfortunately, when in the year 817, before the death of his sonCharlemagne Louis Pious, ruling at that time, divided all lands into three parts and gave to his sons - Louis, Pepin the Younger and Lothar, the state again split and formed countries: Bavaria, Aquitaine and Italy. The internecine strife increased until, in 843, the peace of Verdun was signed, consisting of the newly born three Frankish kingdoms: Western, Eastern and Central.

How did the Carolingians come to power?

It happened in 751, when the cunning descendantArnulf convened the council of the Germanic tribes in order to decide: if the king does not use his power and does nothing for the state, giving the reins to the advisers and mayordes, then perhaps it is worth electing another, more worthy king? The situation was extremely thought out, the ground for reflection was prepared by previous exploits and deeds of Pepin, who at that time was the main major of the Frankish commonwealth.

Carolingian dynasty
Naturally, for his candidacy votedmost, and now the "ruling" King Childeric the Third, were tonsured as monks and sent to the monastery of Saint-Bertin. Officially, Pipin the Short was anointed for reign in May 752, and died, transferring power to children in the fall of 768.

How many rules of dynasty?

The Carolingian Board lasted from 751 until987 year, that is, a total of only 236 years. Of course, this is a rather short period of time (for comparison, the rule of the Rurik dynasty in Russia for 748 years), but within the limits of those times it was very much.

By following the specified genealogical tree, all representatives of the Carolingians can be traced - this is easy to do when all the descendants of Pepin the Short are put together.

Carolingian Board
After the replacement of the ruling dynasty, the male line of the Carolingian clan lasted until 1080, and in 1122 the last representative of the oldest clan died.

Who is the successor?

In place of the Carolingians came the Capetians, becauseThe last representative of the descendants of Charlemagne - Louis Lazy - had no children, therefore, at the suggestion of the Bishop of Reims, Hugo Capet, guardian of the young Louis the Fifth, was appointed king at the meeting of powerful French families. This representative of the new dynasty did not last long, only nine years, most of which he spent on eradicating all representatives of the Carolingians. It also forced Capet to appoint his son Robert as co-ruler in his lifetime, in order to exclude any desires and attempts of other elections for the king’s post: the Capetianties approved the line of succession on the family inheritance.

Who was behind the transfer of royal power from the Merovingians to the Carolingians

It's pretty easy to track down historicalFacts: Considering that Childerik the Third did not take any part in state and social life, it is quite natural that there existed more tendencies in personality, as Pepin the Short was.

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For a long time of service, he thoroughly studied allthe subtleties of manipulating the opinion of the governing structures, so during the land harassment by the Lombards Pope Roman, Pipin at the time offered his help and protection, thereby buying his voice in the elections. And if we consider that the pope’s opinion was usually supported by the majority, since the fear of excommunication from the church was beyond the fear of death, it was a very wise move that once again proves that power and clergy are inseparable.