What is the passing score

Admission to a higher educational institution is an importantstep in the life of any schoolboy. Already in high school, various worries and experiences begin. The main goal of the training is to get the necessary passing score. However, the fact that the Unified State Exam exists for more than a year does not in the least hamper the understanding of how the minimum threshold for admission is considered.

Passing score

Every year the vast majority of higher education institutionsready to open doors for freshmen. This guarantees the availability of a reception campaign, the quality of which determines the prestige of the university in the future. However, in order to attract more talented students, it is necessary to provide the necessary conditions. How is the passing score connected with this? Very simple. Firstly, the higher it is, the more likely it is that the more highly trained contingent will meet in the institution. A good team creates not only a suitable training environment, but also some competition. That is why the MSU pass rate is quite high. Secondly, a high score ensures adequate competition, in which only entrants with good knowledge can really feel. Thus, the minimum threshold forms a certain opinion about the university.

MEPhI passing score

Next, consider how it is considered a passing score.Suppose that you would like to enter some faculty. In this case, as now many people are doing, go to the site of the admissions committee, which should contain a brief information about the sets of past years. After a short search, you can find a certain number N. Firstly, it should be understood that if this operation is done during the campaign or long before it starts, then N practically does not say anything. Especially in the case when M

MSU passing grade

It is knowingly wrong to judge a certain higherinstitution by the parameter under study. For example, if in MEPI passing score is less than in MSU, then this institution should not be immediately discarded. After all, it should be understood that the result of the USE is not a determining factor. Criticism of the current procedure for admission is very justified. By the way, it is worth saying that there is a way to not even think about what the minimum passing grade is in this or that university. To do this, it is enough to win a serious olympiad on a core subject. In this way, thousands of graduates enter the school annually, who do not even worry about the result of the USE. However, it should be understood that this is not the easiest option. To take advantage of the method of enrollment through the Olympiads, you must either have a non-standard thinking, or attend and practice a lot in special circles.

Now you understand what the passing score is and how it is formed. Do not forget that this is a relative variable and a variable, so do not make any special conclusions from it.