/ / Chronicle of the Patriotic War. What year did Napoleon attack Russia?

Chronicle of the Patriotic War. What year did Napoleon attack Russia?

The French army seemed invincible untiluntil she went to Russia. Here she suffered a crushing defeat. What year did Napoleon attack Russia? Before answering this question, let us recall the events that preceded the war between two powerful states.

in which year napoleon attacked russia

Battle of Friedland

In 1807, forty kilometers from Königsberg, a battle took place, culminating in the defeat of the Russian army. It was another victory for Napoleon. Current name Friedland - Pravdinsk.This city is part of the Kaliningrad region, which became a Soviet territory in 1946. But the story of Konigsberg and its environs is not directly related to the topic of today's narrative and does not gives answer to the question of what year Napoleon attacked Russia. We remembered this battle, because its outcome cited to the fact that Alexander I was forced to conclude an agreement uncomfortable for Russia. It was called the Tilsit world and assumed the accession to the continental blockade of Great Britain.

The contract concluded with Napoleon, Not only was walking contrary to the interests of the country, but also insulted the feelings of the Russian nobility. However, provided an opportunity to accumulate power for the upcoming war, which was just around the corner.

In 1808, Russia seized Finland, as well as yet some minor territories.An ambitious Corsican, meanwhile, was getting closer and closer to the borders of a great empire. What year did Napoleon attack Russia? Consider the terms of the peace agreement. Perhaps they will bring us closer to the answer to this question.

Napoleon attacked Russia in what year

Tilsit world

Let's talk about the negotiations between Russia andFrance, before remembering when Napoleon attacked Russia. The date of commencement of negotiations - July 13, 1807. Lasted twelve days. As a result, a peace treaty was concluded, the conditions of which the Russian aristocrats did not like so much. Later, many legends arose, telling of Napoleon's meeting with Alexander I. Even medallions were made, depicting emperors embracing.

So, the rulers of the two states met. What did they talk about? Nobody heard their conversation. Napoleon and Alexander I talked more hours on the raft which It was located in the middle of the river, in a covered pavilion. They didn't need a translator - the Russian emperor spoke Frenchbetter than native. It is known that Napoleon all this time tried to persuade his opponent to make an alliance with him. In exchange, he promised to help get Finland and the Balkan Peninsula. At the same time, he decided to keep Constantinople. What year did Napoleon attack Russia? The date will be named a little later.

The conditions offered by the Russian emperorBonaparte, were not to their liking. He stood his ground for a long time. After the end of the negotiations in the circle of his associates, Napoleon called him a real "Byzantine", that is, a strong man, able to stand on his own. Still, Alexander conceded in something. It was necessary to conclude an agreement, which for several years was discussed with indignation in Russian aristocratic circles.

in which year napoleon attacked russia date

Agreement conditions

What did the emperors decide on that momentous July day? Russia pledged to fulfill the following conditions:

  • Recognize the conquests of France.
  • Maintain the blockade against the UK.
  • Withdraw troops from Wallachia and Moldavia.
  • Do not interfere in the policies of Napoleon in the Ionian Islands.

Among the conditions were yet one thing. And this clause in the contract may gives hint on the question of what year Napoleon attacked Russia. According to Tilsit the world, Napoleon should not have more assist Turkey in the war that she led with Russia. And this war began in 1806 and lasted six years.

Napoleon attacked Russia date

UK blockade

Русско-французские отношения стремительно spoiled. The fact is that the continental blockade of Britain was extremely disadvantageous. The Russian government created all sorts of ways to circumvent one of the points of the peace agreement. And then it happened yet several events that seemed to have nothing to do with politics. But it is only at first sight.

The question of what year Napoleon attackedRussia would never have arisen, probably, if the French emperor had not received a rejection from the sister of Alexander I. Napoleon had proposed to Grand Duchess Catherine. She refused, referring to the fact that she was already engaged. Then he proposed another Grand Duchess - Anna. But here, too, the Corsican expected failure. But I so wanted to intermarry with the Romanovs and strengthen their imperial status! He had no choice but to marry the daughter of the Austrian ruler. Relations between Russia and France have deteriorated sharply. It happened in 1810. Soon war was to begin. What year did Napoleon attack Russia? The answer to this question is very close.

Napoleon attacked Russia

Impact of the treaty on the economy

From the peace agreement with Napoleon in Russialandowners and merchants suffered first of all. And this, of course, reflected negatively on the state treasury. In 1810, Russia established trade with Great Britain through intermediaries. This increased the customs rates for products exported from France, which could not please Napoleon.

Some researchers believe that the Russian economy was not very affected by the so-called blockade of Britain. Even opposite, limited import of goods stimulated the production of domestic. In addition, no essential goods were supplied from the UK. So, without English coffee and sugar in Russia in those the times were fine. As for salt, it was also produced in abundance on the territory of the Russian Empire.

Napoleon attacked Russia without a declaration of war

Russian-French intrigue

Both Napoleon and Alexander I from time to time violated some points of the peace agreement. Mistrust grew with each passing month. It became clear that very soon will begin war.

About the enemy you need to have as much as possibleinformation. Napoleon knew this very well, and therefore thoroughly studied the economic and military situation in Russia. In Moscow and St. Petersburg there was a huge number of informers who entered the country under the guise of travelers, monks, merchants, tutors. Among them were not only the French, but also the Poles.Russian intelligence also worked perfectly. Twice a month, Alexander I received detailed information on the size of the French army and all the changes that occur in it.

Military forces of opponents

In 1811, the French army, according toofficial figures consisted of more than 400 thousand soldiers. Later it was proved that this information is exaggerated. The number of the great army was not more than 230 thousand people. With the French arming the situation was excellent. The weak side of Napoleon’s army was a rather motley national composition. There were Germans and Poles here. In total among military men there were representatives of 16 nationalities. In terms of technical and material support, Russia was not inferior to France. As for the number - superior. The weak side was embezzlement, theft of quartermaster officials and various official abuses.

Napoleon attacked Russia in 1812

Start of hostilities

Napoleon attacked Russia without declaring war on the part of the fortress Kovno. Согласно общепринятой версии, его целью была Moscow. Later, many semi-legends appeared, telling how the French emperor, in the circle of his entourage, dreamed of capturing the capital, thereby parasite Russia to the very heart. there is yet one version. Napoleon was still dreaming of the blockade of Britain. He sought an alliance with Russia, for which he went to her boundaries.

Napoleon attacked Russia in 1812. Avant-garde french troops has entered in the Russian fortress on June 12. Alexander I was informed about this event at the time when he was at a ball in Vilna. The first clash with the Russian army occurred near Barbarishki. Already later a few days was taken the city in which yet not so long ago, the Russian emperor danced at the ball with the grand dukes. Alexander I suggested that Napoleon make peace, but he refused. And went to Moscow.

The decisive battle, as is known, took place in the Moscow region village of Borodino. Kutuzov could not escape him not only by political, but and for moral reasons. The Russian army retreated.

Burned city

September 14, Napoleon managed to take Moscow, and without a fight. Already on this night, the Russian capital was in fire. Napoleon did not have to stay in the Kremlin for a long time - already on September 16 he left Belokamennaya. Ahead he had a long heavy way back home. The great army was lost in the vast Russian expanses. Napoleon's army was experienced, consisted of brave soldiers, but the conditions of severe hard climate could not stand.