/ / Coat of arms and flag: Sri Lanka

Coat of arms and flag: Sri Lanka

Small, but cozy, with a magicalnature, the state. The tropical atmosphere evokes an adventurous mood and resembles the famous fairy tale "Mowgli". The climate here is tropical with a high percentage of humidity. Therefore, not every tourist will be comfortable here. It is recommended to visit a doctor before a trip if there are diseases of the vascular system or heart.

flag of Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka on the world map

Sri Lanka is an island nation locatedin South Asia, and is washed by the waters of the Bay of Bengal and the Indian Ocean. Ceylon is located east of the southern point of Hindustan and is separated by the Polk Strait and the Mannaran Gulf. The nearest neighbors of the island are India, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Tibet and the Maldives.

Sri Lanka on the world map

Sri Lanka has become a popular tourist destinationdirection relatively recently, since the specific climatic conditions of South Asia, a long flight are not suitable for everyone. But those who are allowed health and opportunities, visit here is worth at least once in life. Against the backdrop of exotic nature, there is an excellent beach holiday. Warm, caressing the Indian Ocean, golden sand is just a dream for every tourist.

Since the bulk of the local population profess Buddhism, here you can meet a huge number of Buddhist temples.

Flag of Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka has beautiful emblems of power and state.The flag depicts a golden lion, and 2/3 of the canvas occupies a red field. Noteworthy is the image of the sheets of the piping at the corners of the red cloth. Paypul is a sacred tree in Buddhism. Red is not the only color of the canvas. Two vertical bands of orange and green flowers adorn the flag.

coat of arms of Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka gained independence in 1948 andwas called Ceylon. In the same year, the flag of Kandy (the ancient kingdom) was adopted, on which the Sinhalese lion was depicted. Several times the flag changed. Sri Lanka for a long time was under the rule of England. The flag of Kandy was used until 1815. In the XV-XVI centuries the rulers of Ceylon used a flag of red color, which depicted a golden sing (lion) with a sword in the right paw. The image of the singh is connected with the name of the people of the island. There is a legend according to which Prince Singhat strengthened the Sinhalese dynasty in the I century BC. e. and expanded his influence.

In 1517 the Portuguese navycaptured the port of Sri Lanka - Colombo. They built a well fortified fortress, and in 1720 appeared the arms of the city. The arms depicted a battle elephant with a crossed arms.

In 1951, changes were made - bands of green and orange colors were added. Ceylon was renamed Sri Lanka in 1972, and the leaves of the fig tree (paipule) were added to the flag.

Other symbol

The coat of arms of Sri Lanka consists of the following elements:

  • A lion who holds a sword in his paw.
  • The wheel of dharma, which symbolizes the commonwealth of nations.
  • Buddhist cup, symbolizing the main religion of the country.
  • Circles that mean sun and moon.

coat of arms of Sri Lanka
The country's identity display a coat of arms and a flag.Sri Lanka is a virgin ecological corner. One gets the impression that here in places the human foot has not set foot. In addition to the rich animal world, there are amazing exotic fruits. This country is a tropical paradise, where it is quiet and peaceful, where you can feel free, without worrying about anything.