Yury Sergeevich Pivovarov was born on April 25, 1950 in Moscow. This academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences is best known as an outstanding historian and political scientist.
Yuri Pivovarov (by Russian nationality)He was educated at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), graduating in 1972. In 1981, he became a candidate of historical sciences. The young specialist defended his thesis on the topic of the socio-political organizations of workers in Germany. In 1995, Yury Pivovarov was already a doctor of political science.
Since 25 years old, a scientist has been working at INION - Institutescientific information on social sciences. Pivovarov was the director of this institution in 1998–2015. At the same time, he was in charge of the political science and law department of INION. The historian lectures at the RSUH and MSU.
Posts and appointments
In 2001, Yuri Pivovarov was elected presidentRAPN - Russian Association of Political Science. He also served for six years as Chairman of the Expert Council of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. At Moscow State University, the historian heads the department of comparative political science, which is part of the faculty of political science. He has not only the experience of a teacher, but also an effective manager.
In 2010 - 2012Yury Sergeevich Pivovarov was a member of the Commission, which examined historical falsifications, which were detrimental to the interests of Russia. He also collaborates a lot with scientific journals (“Archivist's Bulletin”, “Political Studies”, “Philosophical Sciences”).
Fire at INION
On the night of January 31, 2015 in the library INIONthere was a terrible fire that destroyed not only the building, but also a significant part of the library’s unique book collection. The President of the Institute at that time was Yury Sergeevich Pivovarov. The biography of the scientist and the head of scientific organizations and institutions in general is similar to the biographies of his colleagues, but the fire episode became a unique precedent for him.
As a result of the fire killed more than 5 million.editions. Losses accounted for about 20% of the library, which was considered the heart of the country's humanitarian thought. The President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Fortov called the fire in the Institute for Scientific and Technical Information “Chernobyl of Russian Science”. Because of what happened, Yuri Pivovarov was removed from the management of the Institute. In April 2015, leaving the presidency, he was appointed scientific director of INION.
С детства Пивоваров Юрий Сергеевич, родители whose interest was in his interest in science, was interested in political science and history. As a professional scientist, in his work besides these topics he also touches on issues of Russian statehood and the methodology of humanitarian knowledge. Yuri Pivovarov wrote more than 500 scientific papers. These include 8 in a row monographs. Much of the work of a political scientist is devoted to Russia and Germany.
Also most of Pivovarov's researchrefers to the twentieth century in national history. This is due to the fact that in Russia during this period there was a real anthropological catastrophe. Killed a huge number of people. Revolutions, wars, hunger - the scientist tries to comprehend all this and summarize in his works. He regards the terrible Soviet terror as the most grandiose in the history of mankind on a par with the Khmer Rouge terror in Kampuchea.
Scientific style of the author
Russian thought and political culture - twokey disciplines in which Yury Sergeevich Pivovarov was engaged and engaged. "Married" on theoretical and methodological issues, he has little concern with specifics. The author himself, following the French historian Fernand Braudel, calls the facts “dust”.
In posing questions and trying to answer thethem, Pivovarov refers to the creative heritage of Russian thinkers, justifying this by the fact that any national thought is a way and experience of collective self-knowledge. The scientist noted that attention to gnoseology and methodology is characteristic of the West, and in Russia it is characteristic of historiosophical themes (themes of historical philosophy).
Russian thought
A significant part of the scientific activity of YuriPivovarov is associated with the study of the heritage of Russian social thinkers of the 20th century. In the nineties, after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the lifting of ideological prohibitions, it became possible to restore the intellectual, moral and aesthetic momentum of Russian culture. This is what Purivarov Yuri Sergeevich took up. The family of a scientist was born in Moscow, and in the era of the USSR it was easier for him to get samizdat publications. Now, many of the forgotten works got from the special stores, and there was unprecedented space for work.
Soon, Yuri Pivovarov noted that the unexpectedthe appearance of a huge layer of literature had no effect on society. This issue is devoted to the work of the scientist "Russian thought." The author also called it "the experience of critical methodology." Pivovarov conducted his research on the example of the legacy of such thinkers as Boris Paramonov, Boris Groys, etc. The scientist identified several key problems of Russian thought. In the first place - this is the desire of the national philosophy to be original, using tools developed in the West. The presentation of incorrect requirements for Russian thinkers is another important paradox that Yury Sergeevich Pivovarov revealed (the photo of the scientist is presented in the article). Photographically, he noted the key contradictions of Russian sociology of the 20th century.
State Nature Studies
Russian thought Yuri Pivovarov continuously connectedwith the Russian government. On the pages of his scientific works, he argued and proves that these two phenomena have related similarities. This feature in particular led to the fact that our state has always differed from Western European states. The author raised this problem in his work “Russian Power and Historical Types of Its Comprehension”.
In all major European languages, the term“State” means approximately the same thing: “state”, “Staat”, “stati”, etc. It appeared relatively recently - four centuries ago. It happened after the European Reformation. Then came the “Constitutional state”, in which the choice of religion became the personal matter of each person. This is how the foundations of European democracy were born. Metaphysical and religious was taken out of the social. This is due to the fact that the main subject in the western constitutions is the citizen, society and nation.
Pivovarov Yury Sergeevich biographywhose nationality and career were continuously connected with Russia, was able to formulate the main inconsistencies of the Russian state with the above-described European principles. It did not separate the concepts of sovereignty and property. In Russia, both in the 19th and 20th centuries, power was associated with the ownership of the whole country and its inhabitants. From this emerged the key cataclysms of national history, as well as royal despotism and Soviet totalitarianism. This is the key thesis of Pivovarov's scientific works on Russian statehood. For example, it is traced in the author's collection "The Last Death in earnest."
The influence of fiction on politics
Exploring the history of the Russian state andsociety, Pivovarov touched on the importance of their development of artistic and philosophical literature. As an example, the scientist re-evaluated the results of the work of Leo Tolstoy. In his novel War and Peace, he created a new reality and personality types, which ultimately determined the new perception of life in Russia in the second half of the 19th century. The system of such artistic myths of Tolstoy Pivovarov called it “a real tolstovstvo” (as opposed to the classical religious teachings).
Fyodor Dostoevsky - another myth maker of thisorder, the work of which was investigated by Yury Sergeevich Pivovarov. The writer's “children” are his novels, and in them, among other things, the Russian revolution was predicted. We are talking about the Brothers Karamazov and Demons. Pivovarov compared the characters of 1917 with the generation of Dostoevsky's imagination.
The dependence of domestic policy on foreign
In the bibliography of Yuri Pivovarov there are severalworks on the political culture of Russia (including the monograph “Political culture of post-reform Russia”). This also includes lectures and journalism of the author. One of the key questions that Pivovarov asks is the question of the interrelation of the external and internal dimensions of domestic policy.
Russia has been stable for five centuriesincreased its territory, solving various global tasks (for example, the problem of access to the seas). The existence of many neighbors and opponents with common borders has led to regular wars in any historical era. Because of this, foreign policy has always strongly influenced and hung over domestic policy. For a long time, this regularity interested Yury Pivovarov, who devoted many pages of his research to her.
The denial of historical laws
Юрий Пивоваров считает российскую политическую и the legal culture is “power-centric” (while, for example, the Western one is “anthropocentric”). In Europe, everything starts from a person - there he remains the measure of all things. In Russia, in the center is power. This is a tradition. She can hide and mimic, but still remains in the public consciousness.
Интересно, что Юрий Пивоваров в своих лекциях denies the existence of solid historical laws that would be immutable truths. Instead, there are traditions. The difference lies in the fact that the latter may change, since the historical process is open in its properties. Contrary to the laws of the Brewers also puts free human will. For example, it is the actions of people that led to the October Revolution in Russia (and not economic, social, and climatic conditions).
Power and Church in Russia
Difference of the Russian state fromWestern European Brewers also explains the medieval connection of Russia and Byzantium. By adopting Orthodox Christianity from the Greeks, the Eastern Slavs cut themselves off from the rest of the Old World. First of all, they found themselves outside the Latin world, since the church Latin served then as an instrument of interethnic and scientific communication.
The scientific activities of Yuri Pivovarov in somedegree affects the theme of relations between the state and the church. The scientist believes that the question “who has more resources” plays a decisive role in their correlation. In other words, who is more influential, he intervenes in someone else's agenda. In Russia, in practice, this led to the fact that the state began to influence the spiritual life. The Orthodox Church has never been as independent as, for example, the Catholic Church in the West. The merging of spiritual and secular authorities influenced the further development of the institutions of Russian society.