/ / Kurdish languages: alphabet, writing, area of ​​distribution and lessons for beginners

Kurdish languages: alphabet, writing, territory of distribution and lessons for beginners

“There is no worse than language and no sweeter than language,” says a Kurdish proverb. What are they, Kurdish languages ​​- one of the most popular languages ​​of the East?

Kurdish languages

What is the language of the Kurds?

Kurdish languages ​​belong to the Iranian group.They originated from the Medes, but in the Middle Ages they were influenced by Arabic, Persian, and later Turkish. Currently, about 20 million people speak Kurdish. But between them there are significant differences, as they speak different dialects and use different alphabets.

This is explained by the fact that the Kurds live onterritories belonging to different countries. In Iran and Iraq, Kurds use Arabic script, in Turkey, Syria and Azerbaijan - the Latin alphabet, and in Armenia - Armenian (until 1946) and Cyrillic (since 1946). Kurdish is divided into 4 dialects - Sorani, Kurmanji, Zazai (Dumili) and Gurani.


Where are Kurdish languages?

The most widespread Kurdish languagein Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Azerbaijan, Jordan and Armenia. 60% of Kurds live in Turkey, North-West Iran, in the north of Iraq and Syria (North-West, West, South-West and Central Kurdistan), speak and write in Kurmanji dialect. About 30% of the Kurdish population live in Western and South-Eastern Iran, Eastern and South-Eastern Iraq (Southern and South-Eastern Kurdistan) use the Sorani dialect. The rest of them are used by the dialects of Zazai (Dumily) and Gurani (South Kurds).

Kurdish language in Turkey

Kurdish language: basics

For those who want to quickly learn the language of the Kurds suitable Kurdish language for beginners, which includes the most basic phrases in Kurmanji, Soran, and South Kurdish.

Dem Bashi / Silav / Silam - Hi.

Choni? / Tu bashi? / Hasid? - How are you?

Chakim / Bashim / Hasim - Excellent.

Supas / Sipas / Sipas - Thank you.

Tkay / Tika wild / That Hwa - Please.

Hwa Leleli / Mal Ava / Binishte Hvash - Goodbye.

Min Tom Hosh daveet - I love you.

That minh Hosh dave? - Do you love me?

Faith bo era / Faith - Come here / come here.

Bo Kwe Herr - Where are you going?

That chi dekey? / That heriki cheat? - What are you doing?

Echim bo ser car - I'm going to work.

Kay degerrieteve? / Kay deyteve? - When will you be back?

Herim Demeve; Ewe Hatmeve / Ez Zivrim / Le Pistimesh - I Return.

Kari then chi ye? / Chi karek dikey? - What do you work?

Min Herr / min Maid Birrom - I'm going ...

Min Bashim / Ez Bashim - I'm fine.

Min Bash Nim / Eze Nee Bashim / Mähves Niyim - I am not alright / - I have no mood.

Min nehoshim - I feel bad.

Chie ye / eve chiye / eve ches? - What is it?

Hitch / Chine / Huche - Nothing.

Birit ekem / min birya te kriye / hyurite kirdim - I miss you.

Deytewe; deereiteveve / tu ye bi zirvi / tiyedev; Herders? - Will you come back?

Nayemeve; nagremremeve / ez na zivrim / nietiyemev; Negermer - I won't be back.

When communicating in an unfamiliar language, do not forgetabout sign language, which is almost the same in this world, except for some. They can be clarified before traveling to a country where there will be communication with the Kurds.

Navi min ... uh - my name is ...

Yek / doo / se / duvar / pench / shesh / heft / hasht / no / de / yazde / dvizde / szede / chard / panzde / shanzde / hevde / hede / nozde / bist - one / two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight / nine / ten / eleven / twelve / thirteen / fourteen / fifteen / sixteen / seventeen / eighteen / nineteen / twenty.

Dushemme / Dushem / Dushem - Monday.

Sheshemme / Sheshambe / Sheshemme - Tuesday.

Chuvarshemme / Charshambe / Chvarshem - Wednesday.

Penceshemme / Penchsham / Penchsheme - Thursday.

Jumha / Haney / Jume - Friday.

Shemme / Shemi / Sheme - Saturday.

Eckhamme / Eshchembi / Eekscheme - Sunday.

Zistan / Zivistan / Zimsan - Winter.

Behar / Bihar / Vejar - Spring.

Havin / Havin / Tavsan - Summer.

Payze / Payze / Payih - Autumn.

kurdish for beginners

Kurdish Learning Resources

The best way to learn Kurdish isconstant practice, and the best kind of practice is communication with a native speaker. This can be both a teacher and ordinary people for whom Kurdish is native.

You can find such people in groups in socialnetworks dedicated to the Kurdish language and culture. You can usually find video tutorials for beginners, a dictionary and a phrase book, look at pictures with inscriptions in Kurdish, read poems in the original and, if something is not clear, ask native speakers.

If you want to get better acquainted with the culture of the Kurds, then you can find groups dedicated to Kurdish music and cuisine.

Kurdish languages

If there is no opportunity to talk with the carrier, then you can find courses for self-study Kurdish language.