/ / Why did Olga fall in love with Oblomov, and married Stolz?

Why did Olga fall in love with Oblomov, and married Stolz?

Wedding of the main characters - lovers in each otherOlga Ilyinskaya and Ilya Oblomov - seemed like the natural ending of Goncharov's novel. But everything turned out differently. Therefore, not all readers understand why Olga fell in love with Oblomov, but married married another person?

Why Olga fell in love with Oblomov in the novel Goncharova Oblomov

Characteristics of Olga

Having an inner core and a constantthirst for self-development, the girl took an active life position. Her inner beauty - tenderness, openness, ingenuity, discretion, nobility - was in harmony with her external data. She was a nature addict, that's why Olga fell in love with Oblomov and gave herself up to this feeling with her head.

She impressed others with her brilliant mind, female grace and the ability to keep herself in company. Her living, real character, she was so different from the coquettish girls of that time.

Why Olga fell in love with Oblomov

The personality of Oblomov

Ilya Ilyich was a small landowner, who in no waycould adapt to life in a big city, and all dreamed of returning to his ancestral estate - the village of Oblomovka. Homemade warm cakes from the oven, raspberry jam and pickled cucumbers from the barrel - it was his breadboard model of happiness. Therefore, Oblomov spent most of his time in dreams and dreams about the coming quiet life in his village. He was not interested in anything else.

Why Olga Ilinskaya fell in love with Oblomov

Why Olga fell in love with Oblomov

Their acquaintance was organized by Stolz in order to drawHis long childhood friend from eternal hibernation. He believed that a young, confident and motivated Olga would entice a dreamy master, encourage him to think, to do things, to develop, in a word, to get off the couch in a literal and figurative sense.

Girls sometimes tend to sculpt men for themselves, and Olga was no exception. But all this was more like a creative experiment, and not love in the true sense of the word.

"I love Oblomov's future," she said, havingin view of what awaits from him an internal coup. She longed for her chosen one to rise above her, she seemed to expect to see Ilya Ilyich on a pedestal and only then to give him himself as a well-deserved reward.

Why Olga fell in love with Oblomov, and married Stolz

As far as Oblomov was lazy and passive, soOlga was active. Young people were complete opposites of each other. Therefore, the more difficult it is to understand why Olga Ilyinskaya fell in love with Oblomov. She was attracted, most likely, by his purity of soul, naivety and sensuality. Twenty-year-old girls love romantics, and Ilya Ilyich was one of those. She really led him to life, and for some time it almost conformed to her ideal.

The parting of Ilinsky and Oblomov

They even planned to get married.But then the indecision and inertia of Ilya Ilyich affected: he continually postponed the wedding. Soon she realized that they still had fundamentally different views on life, and therefore deliberately left him.

He preferred to be not a leader, but a slave.In their relations, he was satisfied with almost everything, he would gladly give the reins of government to Olga. Perhaps another woman would take it as a gift of fate, but not her. Why did Olga fall in love with Oblomov not entirely, but only some of his character traits? Because for her, for hurrying to live, to reconcile with the eternal lying on the couch was unacceptable. She wanted to see a man near her, surpassing her almost in everything. At the same time, Ilinskaya realized that Oblomov would never become like this.

Why Olga fell in love with Oblomov, not Stolz

Love or something else?

Their connection was more like a teacher's relationshipand the student. It was the sculptor's love for his creation. Only Galatea in this case was Ilya Ilyich. Ilinskaya admired the results achieved in the re-education of his personality, and this feeling mistakenly perceived as something more than compassion or pity.

Why Olga fell in love with Oblomov, and married Stolz

Andrei was a practical and enterprising person,perfectly able to adapt to life, unlike her previous lover. Marriage with Stolz would guarantee stability for her. Although you can not blame Olga for her self-interest towards Andrei. No, she would never allow guile or insincerity.

A logical question arises:why Olga Ilyinskaya fell in love with Oblomov, but did not become his wife? Was it blasphemous or hypocritical on her part? Not at all. Her feelings have long dried up. Since the moment of parting with Ilya Ilyich, a year has passed. She realized that she was looking for a reliable life partner, and not a dreamer in the clouds. It was very sensible of her. Andrew aspired to support the beloved in everything and could give her everything she wanted. He was a head taller than her at the beginning of their relationship, so he played the role of mentor and teacher of life. True, over time, his wife overgrew him in spiritual development and the strength of feelings, and deep in thought.

It would seem that the union of two people with very similar values ​​and a vital position should be just ideal.

Family life with Andrew

Was she happy in marriage?It seems that rather yes than not. At least all the components of happiness were available: children, a cozy family nest, an intelligent husband, confidence in the future. But sometimes there were difficult moments. The fact is that her marriage with Andrew was influenced more by a cold mind than warm feelings. And she expected from this union a little more: Olga was very eager to develop as a person, to grow, to realize herself. But, unfortunately, marriage for a woman in the century before last was the last step and the limit of dreams. So sometimes Olga had periods of depression.

The family life of the Stolz family was deprived of a stormypassion, sensuality, to which the soul of Ilyinsky so strived. Andrei was a cold-blooded and calculating man. These qualities he inherited from his German father. Their mutual decision to unite their destinies was dictated by a cold mind, and not by fiery feelings. Sometimes she remembered Ilya Ilyich with a quiet sadness, who had a "golden heart". That's why Olga fell in love with Oblomov, not Stolz from the very beginning.

Strangely enough, but their quiet, stable familylife with Andrei more and more reminded the woman of the "Oblomovism", which she and her current husband wanted to eradicate from Ilya Ilyich. Stolz himself did not see a problem in this, on the contrary, he believed that this was such a temporary stage of their life, a side effect of creating a cozy nest, and Olga's apathy must pass by itself. True, he was also frightened at times by the dark abyss of her restless soul. After living with Stolz for three years, she sometimes began to feel that her marriage was restricting her.

So, why did Olga fall in love with Oblomov?In the novel "Oblomov" Goncharov explains this by her belief that the best qualities of Ilya Ilyich will take the mountain over his laziness and he will become an active and active person. But, unfortunately, she had to be disappointed.