/ / Types of memory. Main memory function

Types of memory. Main function of memory

As you know, every experience, movement orthe impression of a person in one way or another forms a certain trace, which is able to persist for a very long period of time. In addition, under certain conditions, it can manifest again, and therefore, become the subject of consciousness. What is memory? Kinds, functions and its main properties are somehow interconnected? How exactly? These and other equally entertaining questions can be found in the process of familiarization with the materials of the article. It would be advisable to start to consider directly the concept.

memory function

Memory, memory functions

If expressed in simple language, the memory candetermine how the recording (recording), preservation, as well as the subsequent recognition and, if necessary, reproduction of traces of experience in the past. Such an interesting scheme allows you to accumulate information without losing the old information, skills, knowledge.

С научной же точки зрения память является function processing of stimulus information. This is the most complicated process of a psychic nature, which contains several processes of a private orientation, interconnected with each other. So, any consolidation in relation to skills and knowledge must be attributed to the activity of memory. What problems, reflecting the category, features and functions of historical memory and national identity, exist today? It is important to note that in modern times a number of complex issues arise before psychology. How are events captured in memory? What are the physiological mechanisms of this process? Which of the methods known today allows more to expand the memory, types, functions of it?


basic memory functions

Как выяснилось, память как высшую психическую function must be considered as a reflection of reality. Thus, in accordance with the concept, the main functions of memory consist in consolidating, preserving and subsequently reproducing the experience of past periods. It is through memory that the past and the present of man are connected. In addition, it gives the individual the opportunity to learn and develop.

In this chapter, it is advisable to considerfunctions of human memory. This category contains five functions that complement each other and develop into a single puzzle, among which are the following:

  • Memorization. In accordance with this situation, a personIt has the ability to memorize fundamentally new information for itself, which is based on previously assigned information This memory function assumes that in the process of physical reproduction of the material one way or another, the process of cognition begins, in which sensory memory takes part. Then, when the materials are already processed, it turns into a short-term memory. In addition to the above, the presented function uses the operational memory, where recognition and analysis of characteristics is performed.
  • Considering the basic functions of memory, it should be noted preservation. So, the duration of storage of information in anyThe case depends on the degree of its application. In other words, the more often a person uses memorized information, the longer period of time they will be stored in memory. This memory function is also called archiving. Why? The fact is that in accordance with it, the process of retention and subsequent processing of the material is carried out. It is here that it is advisable to mention semantic memory characterizing mental functions. It is capable of storing concepts and definitions collected throughout a person’s life. In addition, there is an episodic memory indicating how well-known concepts and definitions are associated at a particular moment with a particular person. Thus, the two above types of memory operate in tandem.

Reproduction and forgetting

memory: types, functions

In addition to memorizing and saving, the following memory functions are known today:

  • Reproduction Is a memory function based on the applicationdurable memory. It is thanks to this position that the human brain can successfully repeat, display previously anchored information. It is necessary to add that the individual reproduces the material in the same form as remembers it. To do this, you just need to remember the most important details. This memory function assumes participation directly in the process of episodic memory. This can add to the playback of some of the events associated with it. Such events are called “reference points”.
  • Forgetting. It is important to note that the speed of the correspondingThe process depends primarily on time (expand the functions of historical memory). There are various reasons for forgetting, for example, a low level in terms of data organization and their nature. In addition, the frequency and age of information application is taken into account. Another important reason is the "interference". It is primarily associated with the negative impact of certain information. For example, if an individual learns a report, but in the process of implementing the procedure he finds out unpleasant news, then he will not be able to achieve the result in the memorization procedure. Moreover, it is worthwhile for a person to say about motivated (purposeful) forgetting how he deliberately transfers information to the subconscious.


From the above it can be concluded thatthe central function of memory is nothing but preservation. Why? The fact is that it is in the process of work in the mind of a person of this procedure that it is possible to assimilate important and useful information that allows an individual to become better, smarter, reach new heights and express incredibly interesting ones. However, it should be remembered that all of the memory functions presented above are closely related. That is why they can exist and “act” in a favorable way only in aggregate, in an organized system (expand the functions of historical memory and national identity).

Varieties of Memory

To begin, it should be noted that today asthe most common basis for determining different types of memory is the dependence of its features on the characteristics of the activity associated with memorization and reproduction. Thus, in accordance with the following key criteria, certain types of memory are allocated:

  • Classification according to charactermental activity, which somehow prevails in the process of any activity. So, it is customary to allocate emotional, motor, verbal-logical and figurative memory.
  • Classification in accordance with the nature of the objectives of the activity requires the presence of arbitrary and involuntary memory.
  • Classification by durationsecuring and preserving information, which is closely related to the role and place of the activity produced. Thus, the memory is divided into operational, long-term and short-term.

Fingerprint touch memory

 human memory functions

Для начала раскройте функции исторической памяти and national identity. This can help one entertaining exercise, called the direct imprint of sensory information. This system is capable of holding a fairly complete and accurate picture of the world, which is somehow perceived through the senses. It is important to note that the duration of its preservation is very frivolous. So, it is only 0.1-0.5 seconds. What needs to be done?

Похлопайте четырьмя пальцами по собственной руке.Be sure to follow the direct sensations after they disappear. So, first of all, the real feeling of a slap is preserved, in after - just a memory of him.

Try to move your finger or pencil indifferent sides before eyes, looking straight ahead. In this case, pay attention to the rather vague image that follows the object in motion.

Закройте глаза, после чего на мгновение откройте close them again. Track how you see a clear and clear picture of a certain period of time is preserved, and then slowly disappears.

Short-term and long-term memory

 expand the functions of historical memory and national identity

It is important to note that through short-termmemory is held material, which is characteristic of one typology (sensory memory also acts exactly the opposite). In this case, the information held is not an absolute display of events occurring at the sensory level, but an immediate (direct) interpretation of them. For example, if one or another phrase is formulated in the presence of a person, he will remember not so much the sounds that make it up, but the words themselves. As a rule, five or six final units of the presented information are subject to memorization. Having made an effort at a conscious level (in other words, repeating the information over and over), a person has the possibility of holding it in short-term memory for an indefinite time period.

Далее целесообразным будет рассмотреть long-term memory. Thus, there is a convincing and clear distinction between the memory of events and situations of the distant past and the event that has just occurred. Long-term memory is extremely important, but at the same time extremely complex system of the category being studied. It should be noted that the capacity of the reduced memory systems is very limited: the first consists of a certain number of storage units, the second - of a few tenths of a second. Nevertheless, some framework in terms of long-term memory today still exist, because the brain somehow serves as a finite device. It consists of ten billion neurons. Each of them can hold a considerable amount of information. In addition, it is so large that, in practical terms, the memory capacity of the human brain can be considered unlimited. Thus, all information held for more than two or three minutes must in any case be in long-term memory.

The main source of difficulties that closelyassociated with long-term memory, is the question of finding the necessary materials and information. The amount of information contained in the memory is incredibly large. That is why there is an interface with rather serious difficulties. However, as a rule, with a strong desire to find the necessary data can be very quickly.

Operational, motor and emotional memory

Under the RAM should be understood processes.mnemic nature, which are engaged in the maintenance of relevant actions and operations. Such a memory is designed to preserve information provided that they are subsequently forgotten. The storage period for this type of memory depends mainly on the concomitant task and can vary from two to three seconds to two to three days.

Motor memory is nothing but a process.memorization, preservation and subsequent reproduction of various kinds of movements, as well as their systems. By the way, today there are many people in the world with a clear and excessively pronounced predominance of this particular type of memory over others, which is a very interesting topic for psychologists.

Under emotional memory should be consideredmemory of feelings. Emotions somehow signal how people’s needs are met. Thus, the feelings that a person has experienced and retained in his memory appear as signals, either encouraging action or holding back from action when such an experience in the past has caused negative experiences. That is why, in theory and practice, the concept of empathy is often highlighted, which implies the ability to empathize, sympathize with another person or a hero of a book. This category is based precisely on emotional memory.

Figurative and verbal logical memory

functions of historical memory and national identity

Under the figurative memory should be understood memorypictures of life and nature, views, as well as on tastes, sounds and smells. This type of memory is visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, and also taste. While auditory and visual memory is developed, as a rule, quite well (that is, these species play a major role in the vital orientation of an adequate person), olfactory, tactile and gustatory memory can truly be defined as professional types. As well as the corresponding sensations, they develop especially rapidly due to quite specific conditions of activity, reaching an incredible level, provided they replace or compensate for missing types of memory, for example, for deaf or blind people.

The content of memory is verbal-logicalnothing but the thoughts of man. The latter cannot exist without a language (this is where the name of the species originated). Since thoughts can be embodied in different linguistic forms, their reproduction can be directed to the transfer or only the key meaning of the information presented, or its literal design in the literal sense. While the latter case involves the exclusion of material exposure to semantic processing, literal memorization can be defined as not logical, but mechanical memorization.

central memory function

Involuntary and arbitrary memory

Memorization and subsequent reproduction, wherethere is no special purpose to remember something, it is called involuntary memory. In cases where a similar process is focused, we are talking about arbitrary memory. Thus, in the latter situation, the processes associated with memorization and reproduction act as special mnemic actions. It is important to note that the presented types of memory form two successive stages of development, which today are widely studied by psychologists and other interested persons carrying out a particular activity in the relevant scientific field.