/ / Writing on the topic "Conscience": is it important today?

Composition on "Conscience": is it important today?

The essay on the topic "Conscience" calls for an understanding of such issues as "what is conscience", "what is its value in our day." Does it matter, or are there other qualities in priority today?

Writing-reasoning on the topic "Conscience" is a small step towards realizing how important this concept is in our life.

Notion of conscience

The definition of conscience is difficult to give accurately, because each person understands this concept in his own way. But to form a fairly correct definition is still possible.

essay on conscience

Conscience is the ability of a person to formulate and follow moral values ​​and obligations. This is the ability to control and evaluate their actions in terms of moral norms.

Of course, over time, the concept of conscience was modified, but its essence remains the same: live in such a way that it is not ashamed of your actions.

But is it relevant today? Writing on the topic "Conscience" will help find the answer to this question.

Past humanity

What is the role of conscience at different times? During what periods was it revered, and during which was it not a value at all?

In fact, such "leaps" in the value of consciencethere were plenty. Take at least an example of the sale of indulgences in the XV-XVI centuries in Europe, when, having done many unscrupulous acts, you could atone for your fault by buying special paper.

This example suggests that there was a time when conscience was a bargaining chip. But there was another time when she was honored and valued above all else.


But what can an essay on the topic "Conscience" say about its meaning today?

Definitely it can be said that its value is again in decline, despite the fact that several decades ago it was the highest moral standard.

an essay on the subject of human conscience

Can you blame the people? Partly yes.It is important to note that at any time and under any circumstances there will always be people conscientious and unscrupulous, and this is normal. The only question is the number of those and other people.

Why today this moral standard has ceased to beimportant? One of the reasons is the moral decay of society in pursuit of wealth. In the conditions of the modern world, it is extremely difficult to achieve any serious material successes, which forces people not only to work and achieve their goal in an honest way, but also to go over their heads, ignoring moral values.

The need for conscience

But does a person need a conscience at all? What if it only hinders and hinders the accomplishment of human will and development?

composing reasoning on conscience

This is not true.Conscience is what keeps a person from committing immoral and dishonorable acts that can harm others. And if you completely destroy the sense of conscience, then even the wisest and honest person can begin to commit evil deeds. And this will lead to the complete destruction of society and the well-being of the world.

Therefore, this moral norm shouldbe present in every person and be above selfishness and dishonor. Only this will help to normalize relations between people and return to society the value of good and benevolent actions.

But how to embark on this path in order to return the moral standards back?

In fact, it is quite simple.It is necessary that, first of all, each person should think about the meaning of conscience in their life and how important it is in its moral values. Having defined this, anyone can start to make themselves better, because it is quite simple.

We need to start thinking a little differently.Take a look around - the world is really beautiful, apart from the problems, most of which we exaggerate or create ourselves. Pay attention to those who need help. Do not pass by people who need support. Help once again, even if you are not asked to openly.

an essay on the topic of duty and conscience

Перестаньте обсуждать людей за их спиной, learn to appreciate what you have. Stop being jealous and try to be as angry as possible and complain about life. And then you will notice how much you yourself have changed and how the world has changed around you.

Perhaps to do all this at first.It will be quite difficult. But in moments when it seems more difficult than before, reread the essay on the topic "Debt and conscience." Even starting with one thing, you will already be on the right path and will help not only yourself, but also society, to begin to change. It is a mistaken opinion that one in the field is not a warrior. Each person is able to influence the other and make life around him much better. The writing on the theme "Conscience" encourages everyone to look into his soul.

Take care of your conscience. It is a value that will always be with you, and for which you will never be ashamed. We hope that the essay on the theme "The Conscience of Man" has helped you to understand many issues.