In 1765 by decree of her imperial majestyCatherine II was formed by the oldest public organization - the Free Economic Society. It was independent of the Government, precisely because it was called Free. The special status and rights of the organization were confirmed by each successor of Catherine II at his accession to the throne. And even more, quite often the Free Economic Society received impressive sums from the treasury to implement their ideas.
Purpose of the Free Economic Society
At the source of the organization's education there was a wholea group of courtiers representing the interests of liberal-minded nobles and scholars, headed by M. V. Lomonosov. At that time, these people put forward very revolutionary ideas:
- The development of monetary economy.
- The growth of industrial production.
- Abolition of serfdom.
True, Elizaveta Petrovna, who ruled then, did notsupported them. And only Catherine II allowed to start the project implementation and strongly encouraged it. Free Economic Society openly declared the primacy of the interests of the state, which should be developed based on effective economic activity.
Beginning of work
И вот в далеком 1765 году, наконец-то, был принят Articles of association. The establishment of the Free Economic Society contributed to the solution of the tasks of "increasing the people's well-being in the state by bringing management into a better state." The first step was to hold a competition among 160 specialists from various countries. The main topic was the distribution of land owners rights for maximum benefit to their country.
The main merits of IHEO before the Empire
The creation of the Free Economic Society was of great importance for the state. Among the merits of the organization both before the ruling dynasty and before the people of the country it should be noted:
- Initiation of the abolition of serfdom.
- Universal primary education.
- Start of work of statistical committees.
- Bookmark the first cheese factories.
- Distribution and popularization of new species and varieties of various cultivated plants (in particular, potatoes and others).
Publishing and educational activities
His works on intensificationagricultural production, increasing the industrial power of the state and many other topics the members of the organization tried to convey to the widest possible masses of the population. The Free Economic Society of Russia published both monographs and periodicals. The library of the organization consisted of almost two hundred thousand monographs, and in the collection of Zemstvo publications there were more than forty thousand copies of brochures and books. At various times, such large thinkers of the Russian Empire as I. F. Krusenstern, A. M. Butlerov, G. R. Derzhavin, D. I. Mendeleev, N. V. Vereshchagin, P. P. Semenov-Tyan were members of the Society. -Shansky, V.V. Dokuchaev, A. and L. Eylery, A.S. Stroganov, V.G. Korolenko, L.N. Tolstoy, A.A. Nartov, A.N. Senyavin and many others.
Contribution to the defense of the country
World War I mobilized everythingwhat was the Russian Empire. The Free Economic Society also did not stand aside. A special unit for the needs of the troops, Voentorg, was created in its structure in Moscow. His task was to provide officers, who were directly involved in the hostilities, with various goods at reduced prices.
Collapse and rebirth
The activities of the IVME structures were severely war and subsequent revolutions. And after the events of 1917, the organization of economists in Russia ceased to exist. Work resumed only after many years. In the seventies of the last century, the restoration of the public association of leading economists began. At this time, the need to improve the economic activity of the state again arose. It was then that economists organized their own organization - NEO. The newly formed Community carried out work throughout the country. Already at the end of the eighties, an NEO transformation took place. It became known as the All-Union Economic Community.
Modern activity of VEO
In the early nineties happenedsignificant event. The organization of economists in Russia has regained its former historical name. Now it has become known as the Free Economic Society of Russia. A great contribution to the restoration of the organization’s work was made by Professor Popov. Today, VEO operates in every region of Russia. This organization employs thousands of scientists and various specialists. VEO seeks to use historical experience in order to fulfill the main role in understanding the problems facing the national economy of the country. The organization aims to boost Russian entrepreneurship. This large army of economic scientists and administrative workers must find a new approach to solving the urgent economic problems of the country's development.
The organization is engaged in large scientific programs. The most famous of them are:
- "Russia and the XXI century".
- The development of women's business.
- Study of issues related to issues of national and economic security.
- Programs related to the development of small business and medium-sized businesses.
Modern Editions of VEO
In Russia, the organization again began to produce"Scientific works". During the first three years of activity, 4 volumes were printed, which are devoted to the most pressing problems of the domestic economy. In "Scientific Works" articles of the most famous economists of Russia are printed. VEO also released:
- Analytical and informational publications.
- "Economic Bulletin of Russia".
- Monthly "Past: history and experience of management".
Revival reviews
With the help of the active work of the VEOThe tradition of holding various national competitions has been restored. At the end of the 1990s, the Moscow government and the VEO conducted inspections in which young scientists, many students and students took part. Two topics were considered: "Russia and the beginning of the XXI century", as well as "Moscow is the basis of the country's economic development." Being a member of the International Union, which unites workers in the economic sector, the VEO performs work to improve the country's integration ties in the existing system.
VEO development
Among the many works there are several:
- Employment, problems of unemployment.
- Investments, finances and the possibility of cash investments.
- Further improvement of the banking system.
- Caspian Sea: problems, choice of directions and priority decisions.
- Ecological problems.
- Increase economic growth.
All proposed works of VEO are supported and approved by the President and the Government of the Russian Federation.