/ / What is the chariot: origin, application in ancient countries

What is the chariot: origin, application in ancient countries

The chariot is the most ancient type of military equipment. What is the chariot, as it was used by the inhabitants of ancient countries? Read about this and more in the article below.

The invention of chariots

Before proceeding to a detailed analysis of thisancient type of technology, you need to figure out the important thing. Not everyone knows what a chariot is, what it is. In fact, this is a wagon that had two or four wheels into which horses were harnessed. Managed the cart man, called the charioteer. A chariot was used in combat, sports and ritual processions.

Scientists suggest that chariots were inventedfourth millennium BC, the Sumerians. They already knew how to control animals from the body and invented the wheel. The Sumerians originally donkeys harnessed themselves to the chariot. Gradually the wagon increased its functionality.

what is a chariot
If its first function was transport, thenlater, it also became a mobile fire center in combat (it was easy to throw darts and shoot arrows from it). Gradually convenient invention migrated to other countries. Many nations learned what chariot is and began to apply this innovation.

Egyptian chariots

From about the second millennium BCEgyptians began to use the invention of the Sumerians. Already under the rule of the Hyksos pharaohs, the chariots become the main striking force of the army. The largest chariot battle in history is known - the Battle of Kadesh, in which more than seven thousand chariots took part. Egyptian chariots were very fast and maneuverable, they broke into the enemy camp and flew from flank to flank, destroying everything in their path.

ancient chariot
With the development of riding, the combat vehicle in Ancient Egypt began to be used less, although the cavalry could not replace it by the force of the blows. But the riders cost many times cheaper than chariots.

Charonie chariots

According to scientists, this type of chariotAppears in 479-401 BC. e. What is the serponose chariot and how does it differ from its predecessors? Its main function is not a powerful combat strike, but a psychological attack. It was supposed to have an impact, reduce the morale of the enemy infantry in a frontal collision. In this regard, it was necessary to create a new kind of troops - fearless, not afraid to rush towards the enemy and death. The cart was designed for 4 horses, had big wheels. Sickles about 90 cm in size were attached to the axles of the wheels. The losses of the enemy from the use of the heart-shaped chariots were not great, but they gave a psychological effect. Due to the lack of versatility, the use of combat wagons eventually faded away.

Chariots of Ancient Greece

Originally in Greece, the chariot served onlytransport role. She delivered a warrior in armor to the battlefield. If the warrior did not die, the chariot with the charioteer took him back. It happened that they were used in battle, but it was dangerous. A carriage requires a level battlefield, as the drawbar on irregularities can break, then the horses will suffer. This is fraught with the death of a warrior on a chariot.

chariots of ancient Greece

The ancient chariot of Greece was very often used outside the battlefield. The Greeks loved to arrange chariot races, later they even entered the program of the Olympic Games.

Along with the progress came new technicalmartial novelties, pushed martial chariots into the background, and then completely supplanted them. By the end of their existence, these carts had already become not so much participants in hostilities, as indicators of the nobility and wealth of their owner. It took a lot of land (for horses) and personnel caring for the animals and the chariot to keep only one chariot. Soon the content of all this became unprofitable, and the chariots sank into oblivion.