/ / Distance learning: Moscow Institute of Technology. Student reviews, program, description and features

Distance learning: Moscow Technological Institute. Students feedback, program, description and features

With the development of information technology bigDistance learning has become popular. The Moscow Institute of Technology has the most favorable reviews, thanks in large part to the new system “Portal for open education of ESSS VET MIT”. Students and trainees receive a system access password immediately after enrollment.

distance learning Moscow Institute of Technology reviews

Course of study

Before the student the curriculum is developed, wheremarks for already completed current disciplines, as well as marks of mastered electronic teaching materials. The basic manual is a reader, divided into modules (sections). Also, the student has the opportunity to use the electronic library, where in each of the disciplines there is a huge amount of additional materials, without which successful distance learning is impossible.

Moscow Institute of Technology reviews onThe applicants' questions about the quality of education are collected at university forums in large numbers. The curriculum of the program determines the list of available disciplines in the LMS, and the program is compiled in accordance with the current semester. Independently determine the rate of passage of the material in the discipline and make an individual certification plan can only students enrolled in external studies. Under the same system, students get access to the forum where you can ask questions about the material being studied and get an answer from the teacher within a maximum of two days.

mti Moscow Institute of Technology reviews distance learning


In addition to access to the materials under studyThe student can use the webinar and a forum for planned disciplines where they discuss both educational and organizational issues with a personal tutor. After completing the study of the discipline, the student receives an admission to pass the final test, after which he is given the control task for the discipline. Final testing needs to go through no more than three attempts, that’s how the Moscow Institute of Technology planned distance education. Reviews say that such a system of education is much easier for those students who are independent and disciplined by nature.

When will all the disciplinescurriculum and certification plan and successfully passed the final test, the student is admitted to the final attestation - a state exam or a diploma, which pass only in person. The administration of MIT coordinates with the student the time and place of the state examination or the protection of a diploma, the rector of MIT is engaged in obtaining admission to the final attestation. Extremely conveniently organized distance education Moscow Institute of Technology, reviews on the forums confirm this.

Moscow Institute of Technology reviews distance learning


It combines fundamental traditions.academic education with the latest achievements of the latest educational technologies. The latter is the face of MTI (Moscow Institute of Technology). Distance learning reviews collects numerous, since in recent years this system has become increasingly popular because of the convenience and time savings of both students and teachers. All the advantages of this education system can not be overestimated.

The quality of teaching at the highest levelsince there is quite a lot of experience: over fifteen years, tens of thousands of high-profile specialists have been released, to whom competent and talented teachers have fully transferred their knowledge, and their quality does not depend on full-time or part-time teaching at Moscow Institute of Technology. Reviews distance learning of this university gets even more often than full-time of many other institutions.

mty distance learning

First benefits

The main advantages of entering MITare the availability and continuity of education in this university. Here, each student can find the most convenient form corresponding to age, place of residence, income level, state of health, degree of employment and other personal circumstances.

What other university will provide such practicallyunlimited opportunities for personal development, like Moscow Institute of Technology? Reviews distance learning shows only thank. Here you can not only get a higher education, but also continue to study in a magistracy, those who want to get a second higher education are also always welcome, there is a continuing professional development, BBA, MBA.

The benefits are also first.

Manufacturability and relevance of learningmay be the advantages of the second plan. The latest achievements are used in educational technologies so skillfully that the learning process becomes not only effective, but also very convenient, minimizing the time and resources that are always associated with learning.

The teachers are real experts in theirfields of knowledge, they develop and use teaching methods that are based on the most advanced technologies. Graduates have relevant knowledge and are ready to apply them in practice, so they are always in demand and do not experience difficulties in finding employment after graduating from the Moscow Institute of Technology. MTI receives reviews of distance learning not only from students and graduates, but also from their employers.

reviews about the Moscow Institute of Technology


MTI - University, which was created by the will of time.As early as the 1980s, members of UNESCO formulated an idea, thanks to which an international network of technical universities grew. Its goal was the internationalization of efforts to train highly qualified specialists, experts in high technology. It was necessary to provide continuous and affordable technological education and strengthen inter-university cooperation.

Since the pace of scientific and technological progresshave become colossal, there is an objective need to create such a network. Technical specialists had to understand the globalization of the consequences of scientific development and feel responsibility regarding the use of their knowledge - especially for the benefit of society, and all the more important is the responsibility for the man-made disasters everywhere. Training programs were developed in the best educational institutions in the world, the most advanced technologies at that time were involved in them.

Moscow Institute of Technology vtu distance learning


The true story of MIT, distance learningwhich brought him real glory, began in the 90s of the last century. The Russian government has taken initiatives to strengthen cooperation with the UN and its units involved in the development and modernization of the education system.

Thus, the only institution of higher learning was created that unitedregional, national and international efforts to improve and develop technology education. Created by the efforts of UNESCO and the government of the Russian Federation, the World Technological University became the recognized leader in distance education, and in 2000 received accreditation as a higher educational institution in Moscow. Reviews about the Moscow Institute of Technology (VTU in the past) began to arrive almost immediately after its formation.


In 2006, VTU divisions were formed:Department of Business Education (Moscow Business School), International Center of High Technologies, representative offices in different cities of the CIS and the Russian Federation. In 2010, VTU was renamed the Moscow Institute of Technology. VTU distance learning already had, and excellent quality.

По окончании выпускники получали (и получают) diplomas not only of the state sample of the Russian Federation, but also with the European application (Diploma Supplement), which allows employment in America and Europe. MIT branches exist in all major cities of Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, the Czech Republic and many other countries.

reviews about the Moscow Institute of Technology vtu


Reviews about Moscow Institute of TechnologyMention innovative programs in distance education, which allow in a fairly free schedule to master all academic disciplines in full accordance with the plan. They also talk about participation in workshops, communicating with fellow students and teachers through webinars and web conferences. Not only MTI students use distance learning, gaining access to educational materials, but their parents can personally be admitted to the information on examinations and tests that are coming their offspring, and can also see a list of grades.

Московская бизнес-школа (Moscow Business School) - MIT Educational Center - trains employees of leading companies in both the Russian and Western markets. There are branches of the school in the CIS countries, in the UK, USA, Switzerland and in all major cities of the Russian Federation. Students in the scientific community are engaged in organizing meetings with business experts, leading scientists, highly qualified specialists, informing about the possibilities of realizing creative potential within MIT. Also willingly student scientific community participates in conferences, forums, round tables, contests, competitions. Here creative teams are formed that win grants, then they carry out scientific research as a result of winning.