Oleic acid

Многие жирные (карбоновые) кислоты включены в composition of vegetable fats and animals. These components are endowed with the energy function (when their splitting is formed by energy) and plastic (participate in the formation of biological membranes in the skeleton of plant and animal cells).

Synthesis (connection) of fatty acids is carried out in the intestinal wall, liver, bone marrow, pulmonary, fatty and other tissues. All these (fatty acids) are divided into unsaturated and saturated.

Самой ценной считается олеиновая кислота.The chemical properties of this compound ensure the stability of the permeability of membranes, the resistance to oxidation of deposited lipids with a moderate content of antioxidants.

Synthesis of this compound occurs inparticularly in the cytoplasm of human hepatic cells. Along with this, oleic acid is found in food fats, which is of great importance in human nutrition. The greatest amount of this compound is found in olive oil (64-85%) and peanut oil (37-47%). It should be noted that during thermal treatment (during the preparation) of these products, oleic acid is less exposed to destruction.

Olive oil is quite common in the preparation of various dishes, canning.

The required amount of oleic acid,Food supplied with food is provided with a balanced diet. In this case, the human diet should include fats, one-third of which is left to vegetable, and two-thirds are animal compounds. With this consumption, the proportion of oleic acid should be about 40%. In this case, the normal vital activity of the organism is ensured.

Наиболее благоприятным в рационе считается the content of oleic acid, close to its content in the fat depot. Thus, the need for significant changes in fatty-acid composition of lipids coming with food is excluded. This, in turn, prevents unnecessary waste of resources in the body, including energy.

Oleic acid has a beneficial effect onmaintenance of immunity. This connection, as well as the others, is a source of energy. It (energy) is released during the oxidation of oleic acid after its elimination from the lipid molecule under the influence of juice from the pancreas.

In industrial conditions, the compound is obtained by multiple crystallization in the splitting of olive oil lipids.

When making fat base for margarinesthe hydrogenation method is applied. As a result, an isomer of oleic acid, trans-oleic acid, is formed. This compound is excellently assimilated in the human body, but it is practically not put aside for storage (does not enter the fat depot).

Oleic acid. Application

This connection is used quite widely whenmanufacture of various cosmetics. Among them, creams designed to care for the skin of the legs, body, face, hands. In addition, oleic acid is a part of cosmetic soap. Means for problem skin, including this compound, have a beneficial effect on the process of cell membrane regeneration, help to retain moisture. Problem areas soon acquire an attractive appearance. In cosmetology, the use of olive oil - the product with the greatest amount of oleic acid - is of great importance and quite common. Salts derived from the compound are part of a large number of fairly common detergents.

It is very common to use in industry. Oleic acid is used as a base for the production of drying oils, paints, and varnish coatings.