/ / Political scientist Mark Urnov: biography, activities and interesting facts

Political scientist Mark Urnov: biography, activities and interesting facts

For more than twenty years, Mark Urnov, one of theknown Russian political analysts, is engaged in research of the state structure of our country, predicts events and conducts sociological polls of the population. The results of his work formed the basis of many techniques that affect the creation of corporate ethics, as well as the education of leadership qualities in the younger generation and the formation of a free-thinking elite.


Mark Urnov was born in 1944 in Moscow in the familyphysics and actress, who because of the birth of her son was forced to leave the theater. My father worked for several years on electron microscopes in a closed institute. The child faced early political contradictions of post-war Russia. The elder Urnov often told how they, the Jews, were oppressed and presumed to expel the representatives of the elected people to Siberia.

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С детства Марк Урнов категорически отрицал все the advantages of Soviet life, what radically differed from the family, because his mother, father and brother were zealous followers of communism. In his rejection of the ideas of socialism, he resembled his grandfather, who was a cadet and almost fled with Kolchak during the Civil War.


Urnov Mark, whose biography would be incompletewithout mentioning this important stage of forming him as an individual, in high school he studied in a wonderful physical and mathematical school. Within the walls of this institution, a surprisingly liberal environment was created: the teachers introduced their wards to the masterpieces of world literature and did not at all preach Marxism. The spirit of independence and intellectual freedom reigned in the lyceum.

This is a contradiction between the ideology of socialism andfree views and brought up the opposition, which became Urnov Mark. He continued his education at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), where, according to the political scientist himself, he finally understood the true state of affairs in his country. After the liberal spirit of high school, the institute seemed to him to be just a “zoo”.

Despite his hatred of economics, he graduatedFaculty of International Economic Relations and defended his thesis. Even then, the young man has a keen interest in the possibility of predicting events, based on statistical data.

Experiments of sociological research

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In the period of perestroika, Mark Urnov holds the firstpopulation polls, including politics. He began with the institute in which his brother worked. Together they offered the physicists to fill out small questionnaires. The results were extremely surprised and frightened: even here, among the supposed elite of the country, there were not the very liberals who were to change Russia. The respondents didn’t accept or see the coming freedom at all, but, on the contrary, were afraid of the future democratic future.

From his first practice Urnov Mark Yuryevichmade important conclusions that Russia is not yet ready for a new social order. Then he begins to understand the main problem of the first generation of liberals - faith in a miracle. Gorbachev and Yeltsin naively expected that with the rejection of the entire Soviet heritage, the people would perk up, political consciousness would develop by itself, and the West would lovingly open its doors and assist the state under construction.

Forming your own technique

После первого опыта проведения опросов Марк Урнов even more interested in identifying the problems of Russian society. To compare the worldview of Russians with the ideology of people from a prosperous Europe, he sometimes used foreign methods that showed the failure of the population, the lack of trust in both the government and people in general.

В начале девяностых годов он впервые проводит polls among deputies and other representatives of the ruling class. Most of them, even the Communists, did not want to see the USSR once again a superpower, but all naively believed in some kind of utopian liberal future. These observations will later form the basis of a large-scale study of the consciousness of the elite of Russia, which Urnov Mark Yuryevich has been conducting for many years. The works on this topic were translated into dozens of languages ​​and were successfully published in the West.

Most popular political scientist brought workdevoted to the analysis of the social and political life of our country: "The party system in Russia in 1989-1983: the experience of becoming" (1994), "The middle class in Russia: quantitative and qualitative assessments" (2000) and "Modern Russia: challenges and answers" (2005).

Work in the analytical department of the President of Russia

The scientist became the author of many sociologicalstudies on various aspects of Russian reality. The work of his team was not only theoretical. Thus, at the time of the acute conflict between Yeltsin and the liberal forces, he predicted with all accuracy all subsequent events, including the start of the war in Chechnya.

Mark Urn Russia

The moment of forecasting in his activity hadgreat importance. In the 1996 elections, he spent several months studying the mood of the population. Despite the small real percentage of the current President Yeltsin, he predicted victory for him. The people are tired of changes and innovations, and this factor - the desire for constancy - turned out to be decisive. Mark Urnov was able to guess all this with an accuracy of 2 percent. Russia, according to his convictions, was not yet ready for something new, and had already lost the old ideals. That is why Zyuganov and lost even at 25% of those who initially voted.

Learning staffing issues

In addition to making forecasts and politicalreviews, a well-known public figure was engaged in the study of the features of Russian managers in comparison with top managers in Japan and England. He was interested in the existing value orientations of the leaders of various structures in domestic and foreign organizations.

Conclusions about the level of corporate culture in ourthe country was helped to shape the principles of a successful model, which should build the image of a leader in the Russian Federation. Mark Urnov held a series of seminars and meetings devoted to this issue. A political scientist introduced students to the mechanism of working with the target audience, conducted practical exercises aimed at developing leadership skills. The low level of training of higher cadres, he considered one of the reasons for the decline of the economic life of the state.

urn mark biography

New momentum in the development of the elite must be madeby learning foreign practices, where there is a big intellectual gap between classes. In contrast, the difference between intellectuals and the lower strata is practically absent in our country. The Soviet government destroyed all the elite, and the formation of a new one takes a lot of time and effort.

A look at Russian reality

Even in 69 years, political scientist Mark Urnov remainsactive participant in the discussion of various problems. His predictions regarding the state of affairs in Russia appear regularly in the media, and he himself has repeatedly participated in televised debates. The views of a famous figure are oppositional, and many studies are aimed at studying the causes of Putin’s Russia, analyzing the president’s actions and the possible consequences of the current way of life.

In an interview with the Presidential Center B.N.Yeltsin "he outlined the conditions under which the current president was able so quickly to win the love of millions of citizens. Mark sees Urnov in the mentality of the Russian people, who did not want to take on the burden of responsibility and build a new society on their own, and, as always, gladly put this initiative in the hands of a strong leader. The researcher called this phenomenon an authoritarian syndrome. Not one generation in our country has grown under the influence of the "iron fist." And this habit will not be overcome immediately.

urn mark education

Mark Urnov sure that lack of independenceviews of our population, together with disastrous attachments to alcohol and drugs, is unlikely to lead the country into a bright future. The problem must be solved by the correct upbringing of a new generation, which will no longer live and work only under the pain of a fist.

Famous sayings

For several years now, Urnov has beenChairman of the Foundation of Analytical Programs. Famous Russian political scientists are participating in it. Sessions are held in the format of a round table, where members of the council exchange views and discuss the latest events in the country and the world.

One of his famous works - doctoralThesis on the influence of the emotional atmosphere on political processes in society. In his interviews on radio and television, Mark Urnov noted that not only in Russia, but also in many other countries of the world, the elite increasingly use the media to achieve the desired result. A certain set of ideas and thoughts, supported by emotional influence, such as a feeling of patriotism, the idea of ​​the unity of nations, is broadcast daily to potential voters.

Urn Mark Yuryevich Trudy

The mistakes of the Russian societythe habit of obeying, not acting. The already familiar form of representing the West in the form of an animal that wants to devour Russia cannot lead to any constructive way out of the difficult economic and cultural situation of the country.

Personal life

Marc Urnov is married and has a daughter.Despite the incredible workload, the political scientist finds a place for hobbies. So, he is actively involved in cycling, adheres to a healthy lifestyle, even dives in the hole in the winter.

political scientist mark urn

Urnov Mark often speaks at scientificseminars in different parts of the world. Doctor of Political Sciences has several awards and additional payments for scientific activities. He does not cease to pass on his vast experience in terms of political forecasting, sociological analysis to the younger generation. In addition to teaching, every year Urnov and his associates organize seminars and practical exercises for young people. It is in the upbringing of educated and free-thinking cadres that he sees his vocation and the hope of Russia for a bright future.