/ / Oil becomes cheaper, more expensive gasoline: why? Why is oil getting cheaper, and gasoline rises in Russia?

Oil is getting cheaper, gasoline is becoming more expensive: why? Why does oil become cheaper, and gasoline in Russia becomes more expensive?

In today's energy market, you canwatch the amusing situation. While oil is getting cheaper, gas prices are rising. Why this is the way the situation develops, almost no one can explain in detail. Experts associate the phenomenon with price arbitrariness, which is not limited by the state. Monopolists, turning the situation in their favor, do not miss the opportunity to make good money. Manipulation of prices is carried out in personal interests. This is not a public agreement. Owners of gas stations simply focus on each other and maintain prices at approximately the same level. The market economy, in which oil fell by almost 38%, and fuel rose by no less than 8%, is quite problematic to call honest.

The antimonopoly committee is inactive

oil becomes cheaper gas more expensive why

Due to the inaction of the antitrust committee oilcheaper - more expensive gasoline. Why the government is not taking drastic measures is very problematic to explain. You can say about the reluctance to get involved in conflicts and strife. Rumors that the situation on the market has a certain material benefit to the officials themselves are quite common, although this cannot be proved directly.

How to change the situation in theory: from the experience of developed countries

The question of why gasoline does not become cheaper afteroil, interests many. At the same time, actions by the authorities are not observed. It is quite realistic to rectify the situation if the antimonopoly service is given the opportunity to do the work of any structure financially and economically transparent in the event of suspicion of a monopoly position. In Germany, it is common practice to return prices to their former place when their jumps are detected. Only after the stabilization of the situation begins the investigation. At the same time, the trader, fearing criminal liability, continues to sell his goods at the old price. This approach is due to the fact that if at the time of the proceedings the cost of the product is left too high, it can cause irreparable damage to the state’s economy.

In Italy, in order to avoid the oppression of small businesslarge network trade, established a unique rule. In particular, a large supermarket can only be built in the area where it is simply impossible to open ordinary stores. At the same time a certain percentage of goods on the shelves should be locally produced. Such a system of doing business can easily be introduced even by regional authorities.

The gap in gas prices between countries

why oil is getting cheaper and gas prices are going up

The arbitrary situation in Russia does not allowworry about why oil is getting cheaper, and gas prices are going up. The price level in the country has already reached the American one, and in places it has overtaken it. It is quite problematic to immediately understand why Russians pay for fuel made from their own oil more than a dollar per liter, and Americans who buy “black gold” in Russia, refuel at a price of 23 rubles per liter. The situation does not change for a sufficiently long period of time, and compatriots, it would seem, have become accustomed to the situation on the fuel market. However, jumps in price over the past couple of months by 8%, and over the past 2 years - by 14%, even the wealthiest people have not been indifferent.

Why oil becomes cheaper, and gasoline rises in Russia: the speeches of politicians

Many officials have repeatedly spoken withstatements that when the price of oil begins to increase sharply, the cost of fuel cannot be contained by any known means. The price of fuel takes off very quickly. Little attention is paid to the fact that by reducing the cost of oil, gasoline does not become cheaper, but remains at a stable level.

What do experts say?

why oil becomes cheaper and gasoline rises in Russia

Experts have attempted to explain why oilcheaper, and gasoline is more expensive. Financial analytics connects the situation with an excessively large increase in inflation, which will soon reach a level of 12%. Let us pay attention to the fact that the increase in prices already at this stage significantly exceeds the bar set by forecasts. Economists pay attention to the simplest law of the market. As long as the consumer pays, fuel prices will rise. According to statistics from the Federal Road Service, the number of foreign cars increases every year in Russia. So, by 2014, their number reached 50 million cars. Conclusion: if people can buy expensive transport for themselves, then there will be money for fuel. The government’s vision of the situation is quite simple and not critical. Some officials even wonder why the citizens of Russia are so concerned about the question of why oil is getting cheaper, and gasoline is becoming more expensive.

How does the cost of fuel affect pricing in Russia?

why oil becomes cheaper for the third month and gas prices are going up

According to the short-term forecast, in the next fewmonths, gasoline will actively go up. There is a very “good prospect" that in the near future, visiting a gas station will become a luxury. It is alarming that the prices of almost all products depend on the cost of gasoline. The cost offered to the consumer for any product already includes transportation costs. This is not only transportation from one place to another, but also the delivery of raw materials to the place of production. Fixed active growth in the cost of many goods. The fuel jump will soon hit the pockets of not only businessmen and car owners, but also pensioners, who, having come once to the store for bread and milk, will see exorbitantly high food prices.

The cost of gasoline in different countries

Far from all countries, oil is getting cheaper - gasolinegoing up. Why this happens is determined by the internal policy of each country. The price of fuel is formed under the influence of several factors simultaneously:

  • fuel cost;

  • manufacturer's markup;

  • taxes and excise;

  • wholesale and retail markups (amount of markups and manufacturer’s markup should not be more than 10% at each stage).

The main part of the fuel price is determined by the sizetaxes and excise taxes. Each state has its own approach to the issue of taxation of the oil sector. The highest taxes in Europe, which leads to the high cost of gasoline in countries such as the Netherlands and Portugal, Norway and Germany. Russia is one of the countries with the highest fuel prices. The second category of countries is those whose taxes do not constitute more than 20% of the retail cost of fuel. The brightest representative of the category is America. The third category of states not only does not set high taxes, but also allocates subsidies from the budget for the development of the industry. Politics operates in Kuwait and Turkmenistan, in Saudi Arabia and Algeria, in Venezuela.

news why oil becomes cheaper and gas prices go up

The current situation has determined a clear pricing policy of countries and the fixed cost of fuel. To date, the fuel market has the following essays:

  • Venezuela - 1.2 rubles. per liter;
  • Iran - 3.5;
  • Saudi Arabia - 4.57;
  • Libya - 3.67;
  • Egypt - 5.6;
  • Russia - 35.7;
  • United States - 23.8;
  • Great Britain - 52.7;
  • Norway - 71.8;
  • Holland - 72.2;
  • Sierra Leone - 116;

What methods can reduce the cost of gasoline?

After the urgency of the question of whyoil is getting cheaper, and gasoline in Russia is becoming more expensive, it has increased several times, experts began to consider methods of reducing prices. Long-term economic studies have led to the conclusion that only the state can change the situation. Individuals will under no circumstances give up their profits. Attempts to pull the blanket over and become the reason that oil is getting cheaper, gasoline is becoming more expensive. Why the majority does not want to change the situation is quite obvious - this is a material benefit. It is problematic enough to take and freeze the price of fuel in a flash across the country. Initially, the authorities should reduce fuel taxes, which correspond to 55% of its retail value. Let's say right away, no one will do it, because about 40% of the federal budget is a profit from the energy sector.

Why officials do not lower the tax?

why gasoline does not become cheaper after oil

Чиновники категорически отказываются понижать tax on "black gold", because it will lead to the devastation of the state budget. The fact that the government does not want to lose profits from the energy industry, says all the news. Why oil is getting cheaper, and gas prices are going up, it becomes very obvious. The high cost of fuel allows the country to stay afloat, especially in a situation with the depreciation of the ruble and the active supply of oil to the international market by America.

It can be said that reducing the cost of fuelcan lead to the fact that people will have a desire to buy cheap fuel in Russia and sell it at a higher price abroad. The only more or less objective way to change the situation is to direct all forces towards improving the well-being of the country's population.

How much does gasoline cost in Russia?

why oil is cheaper and gasoline is becoming more expensive financial analyst

Leading active discussions about why oilthe third month is getting cheaper, and gasoline is becoming more expensive, it is worth considering the actual situation in the country. Thus, since the beginning of 2014, prices increased by 9.2%, which is significantly higher than the official inflation rate (7.6%). Fluctuations in fuel costs vary by country, depending on the region. The most expensive fuel in the Ulyanovsk region, and all the news speaks about it. Why oil is getting cheaper, and gasoline is going up at the fastest pace in this particular region (by 11.7%), experts cannot explain. Calm atmosphere only among the owners of diesel vehicles. Fuel for them has changed in price for a penny.

Finishing consideration of whygasoline becomes more expensive if oil becomes cheaper, it is worth saying that due to an increase in supply and a decrease in demand in the international market, domestic companies suffer certain losses. Compensation of material costs is carried out precisely because of a tough pricing policy for fuel. As long as the situation on the international global market does not stabilize, while oil companies do not stop losing money because of the fall in the cost of a barrel of oil, the situation at gas stations does not change, and it may even worsen.