/ / Spivak Mariana Timofeevna: personal life, husband, photo, biography, filmography

Spivak Mariana Timofeevna: personal life, husband, photo, biography, filmography

No one ever doubted thatthat acting talent Spivak Mariana Timofeevna inherited from their famous parents. However, the girl turned into a star of theater and cinema not only because of her ability to masterfully transform on the stage: her diligence and sense of purpose played a significant role in this. At the same time, the young performer Spivak Mariana Timofeevna would not have chosen the actor's path if her father and mother had not instilled in her a love for the “great”. However, they did not at all insist that their daughter become professionally engaged in the art of reincarnation. Everything was decided by itself. What was the girl's career and how did it happen that she chose an actor from all professions? Consider these questions in more detail.

Biographical information

Spivak Mariana Timofeevna was born on March 23, 1985years in the acting family. Her father is a famous stage performer, screenwriter and director who has shot films like “Three Days Outlaw”, “Against All”, “Woe Is Mischief”

Spivak Mariana Timofeevna

The girl's mother is a well-known Soviet actress.Cinema Ekaterina Evgenievna Vasilyeva, who became famous for such legendary films as “Farewell of Slav”, “In the cowberry”, “You never dreamed of.” Even the grandmother of the future performers - Zhanna Prokhorenko - was famous throughout the country, because the viewer could not help but admire her work in the films “Kalina Krasnaya”, “Twenty Years Later”, “The Marriage of Balzaminov”. Naturally, everyone thought that Spivak Mariana Timofeevna would follow in the footsteps of her relatives and become an actress. At the time of the birth of the girl, the family lived in the Otradny district, but soon her parents decided to break off the marriage relationship. As a result, Ekaterina Vasilyeva, together with her little daughter, moves in with her mother.


In the gymnasium Mariana took the most activeparticipation in amateur art activities. She even learned to put skewers. Since childhood, she listened to the conversations of mother and grandmother about the many subtleties and nuances of the acting profession. Remarkable is the fact that at first the girl was not at all seduced by the prospect of playing on the theatrical stage or film set.

Spivak Mariana Timofeevna personal life

In early youth Spivak Mariana Timofeevna,whose biography is not deprived of interesting facts, she dreamed about any specialties, but not about acting. From school she was seriously fascinated by the study of English, which did not prevent her from becoming a teenager-non-formal. She wore jeans and listened to rock music. It seemed that the way to the theatrical scene was ordered to the girl.

Interest in the "great"

В последние годы учебы Марьяна решает перевестись from the gymnasium to a regular school because of a banal conflict with the teacher. Gradually, she wakes up interest in the art of reincarnation, despite the fact that she was sure that she would go to study at the vet or journalist. However, the parental genes won, and the girl, along with her studies in high school, attends preparatory courses at the base of the Moscow Art Theater School. Of course, she understood that acting is serious work, and her mother dissuaded her from choosing Mariana to choose her profession.

Spivak Mariana Timofeevna photo

However, all doubts dispelled her friend -the now well-known actress Daria Moroz, who at that time was already a student of theatrical high school. It was she who prompted Mariana for how to keep herself in the entrance exams in order to enter.

Studying in a theatrical institution

And yet the daughter of Catherine Vasilyeva weresome concerns that she might fail the exams. However, they were in vain. She was a success, and the doors of leading theater schools (VGIK, Pike, Moscow Art Theater) became available for Spivak overnight. The girl chose the Moscow Art Theater School. She began to comprehend the basics of acting at the course of I. Zolotovitsky and S. Zemtsov.

Works in the theater

Already being a student, the girl showeddiligence and interest in the profession. Seeing such zeal, the directors began to try it on the role. So, she took part in the performances of "Hamlet", "Three Sisters", "Nameless Star". After graduating from the university theater, Mariana was accepted into the Satirikona troupe.

Spivak Mariana Timofeevna biography

On the scene of this temple of Melpomena, she brilliantly reincarnated into the images of Matrona ("Balsamine"), Lady Anne ("Richard III"), daughter of the king ("King Lear").


Spivak Mariana Timofeevna, whose photos have becomea real decoration of theater posters, was able to show their talent and on the set. Even at the age of five, she participated in the film "Until Thunder Comes." The girl's father approved her for the role of Vasilisa in the fairy tale "Woe is misfortune." This was followed by work in the TV series "Twins", in which Mariana appeared with her grandmother and mother. Not without its participation and the series "Caper". In 2001, Spivak approved the main role in the serial comedy detective story "Bullet-4".

Other projects

Young actress Spivak Mariana Timofeevna,film which has about 10 works in the cinema, and took part in the sound of movies. In particular, Proctor spoke in her voice in Ghost Patrol, Doc Satler in Jurassic Park, Emma in the film Paranoia.

Spivak Mariana Timofeevna husband

Mariana was also engaged in radio dubbing, taking on the image of Smagina in “Transitional Age”.

At present, the girl is concentrating her strength at work in the theater, and in films is not so often removed.

Life outside art

Спивак Марьяна Тимофеевна, личная жизнь которой hidden from the public, happy in the second marriage. For the first time she went down the aisle with actor Cyril Petrov. About the reasons why the actress broke up with her first spouse, is silent. Spivak Mariana Timofeevna, whose husband No. 2 is the famous mummer Anton Kuznetsov, met a new love within the walls of the Satirikon. Then they were both burdened by marriage, and could not even imagine that their romance would eventually turn into a new union. The actress doubted that they would succeed in something, writing off the flared feelings to “something inspired” by the play “The Seagull” in which Mariana played Masha and Anton - Medvedenko.

Spivak Mariana Timofeevna filmography

В настоящее время их отношения можно считать perfect. In the new family, Spivak Mariana Timofeevna, whose personal life is incredibly interesting to fans of her work, gave birth to a son, Grisha (this happened on the eve of the filming of the TV show "Companions"). The son has already managed to distinguish himself in the cinema, presented on screen in the image of the son of the operative Larisa Voinovich. Mariyana repeatedly declared that Anton is a caring father and an exemplary family man. And although the couple lives in a civil marriage, they are happy with each other.

At leisure, the girl prefers to doneedlework, as well as create a unique and unique ikebana. Remarkable is the fact that Mariana is a left-handed person. This puts it on par with people of creative thinking. Music also fascinates the actress. She gladly listens to domestic and foreign rock, making her choice in favor of such groups as Led Zeppelin, Nirvana, Queen.