/ / SWOT-analysis of the enterprise

SWOT-analysis of the enterprise

SWOT-analysis of the enterprise is considered mandatorypreliminary step in the development of marketing and strategic plans. The results obtained in the course of situational analysis become the basis for compiling strategic goals and objectives of the enterprise. The methodology of SWOT analysis of a firm is reduced to determining its strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the external environment.

swot analysis of a construction company

Strengths, strengths, reflect theenterprise advantages. Weaknesses, weaknesses, show its shortcomings. Opportunities, opportunities - what in the environment surrounding the company can be used to create the advantages of an enterprise in the market. Threats, threats - that in the environment surrounding the company can potentially change for the worse the position of the enterprise in the market. In the final form, the enterprise SWOT analysis is the matrix shown in the table below. Its carrying out takes place in several stages (steps).

O - Features

T - Threats
S StrengthsCO *CT *
W WeaknessesWO *WT *

* - type of strategy

First, strengths and weaknesses are established.For this purpose, a list of factors is drawn up, according to which the organization will be evaluated, then for each of them it is determined what is weak and what is the strength. After that, the significant ones that are included in the matrix are selected. In the SWOT-analysis of an enterprise, the following groups of parameters usually fall: organization, finance, production, innovation, marketing.

swot enterprise analysis

At the next stage, the market is evaluated,a study of the situation in the environment surrounding the enterprise is conducted, it is established what opportunities are available and what threats exist. At this stage, the SWOT analysis of the construction company is similar to the first step. A list of parameters is also drawn up, according to which the market situation is evaluated, it is determined that of them is a threat, and that is a possibility, the most significant indicators for the subsequent entry into the matrix are selected. Usually in the analysis, the following groups of factors are studied: demand, competition, sales, socio-demographic, economic, legal and political, scientific and technical, socio-cultural, environmental and natural, international.

In the third step, the SWOT analysis of the enterprise consists offrom the comparison of strengths and weaknesses with threats and opportunities. The outcome of the third stage is the strategic conclusions that will allow the organization to solve four issues. The first is how to use the opportunities of the external environment and the strengths of the company. The second is that what is inside the organization can interfere with its plans. Third, what strengths will help minimize the threats of the external environment. Fourth - what negative factors of the external environment should be feared most.

swot analysis

Information on strengths and weaknesses for SWOTusually obtained from the internal documentation that characterizes one or another field of activity of the organization (accounting documentation, reports of production services, audit data of the enterprise, etc.). Receiving data about threats and opportunities for the external environment is a more complex process. For this, statistics, surveys in open sources, targeted studies conducted by experts on contractual terms are used.