/ / Musa Manarov, cosmonaut from Dagestan: biography

Musa Manarov, cosmonaut from Dagestan: biography

Space for most people on the planet isunattainable. Some dream to go there, others are afraid even for a second to imagine themselves in open space. But be that as it may, brave brave men, including the hero of today's article, Manarov Musa, have long been outside the atmosphere. He flew twice to the Mir space station and knows firsthand about the bewitching beauty of the cosmic universe. But the speech in the material will go mostly about the life of an astronaut, his father, childhood, family. However, a separate paragraph will still be devoted to the memoirs of the hero of the article on space flights.

musa manar

Manarov Musa: biography and interesting hobby

Almost all publications, publishing information aboutthe cosmonaut and Hero of the Soviet Union, Manarov, is said to have been born in the Azerbaijani city of Baku. Musa Hiramanovich himself does not deny this fact, but notes that he failed to live in this amazing place. The family almost immediately after his birth changed the country of residence.

However, the moves occurred quite oftenbecause Manarov's father was military. By the way, the future cosmonaut was born on March 22, 1951. Remembering his father, Musa Hiramanovich notes that he went through the Great Patriotic War, and after, having completed a specialized academy and having received an education, he devoted his whole life to military affairs. He was an artilleryman.

manarov musa hiramantovich


Childhood years Musarov H. Manarov spent inUkraine. There he went to school, and at the age of 12 he discovered in himself a certain talent: he soldered the boards of black and white TVs and various transistors that were popular at that time, bringing the broken equipment back to life. The future astronaut was already finishing school in the city of Alatyr, in the Chuvash Republic. After graduation, the family moved to Moscow, and for so many years Musa Manarov has not left the capital. Speaking about himself, he notices that he has become practically a radical Muscovite: the city made its character tougher and made it work out the strength and will to win.

Musa Manarov Cosmonaut

The astronaut hardly knows his native language, becausehis family spoke Russian, and he rarely visited his relatives who remained in Azerbaijan. However, in each interview, Manarov says that he considers Baku to be the best city on earth. Still worth saying: despite the fact that Manarov is a Dagestanian by his father, he certainly respects the traditions of this people, but does not respect them.

A family

Космонавт Муса Манаров из Дагестана (такое mention can often be found in the press) got married, graduating from the Aviation Institute at the Faculty of Radio Electronics of Aircraft, which he graduated in 1974. By the way, there was no question of choosing a profession. Children's hobby has grown into a hobby, without the equipment and circuits Musa Khiramanovich Manarov did not represent the further development of the situation.

musa manar biography

Избранницей космонавта стала девушка из Баку, Doctor by education. The couple had two children in marriage: a son and a daughter. An interesting fact from the life of Musa Khiramanovich: he, his wife and daughter were born in a maternity hospital in Baku. Son Manarov continued the work of his father, however, it has nothing to do with space. He is an engineer, and his daughter followed in the footsteps of his mother, becoming a doctor. Currently, Manarov live in the capital.


В статье уже говорилось о том, что Муса Манаров made two space flights, but now I would like to pay more attention to this stage of the hero’s biography. In 1978, Manarov was taken to the cosmonaut corps, where he later underwent training for his first flight into an open, unexplored area. But, and Musa Hiramanovich got there not by chance. For four years (from 1974 to 1978) he worked as an engineer at NPO Energia, where he prepared spacecraft for flight and their operators.

Вспоминая то время, Муса Манаров говорит, что ему A proposal was made to try to undergo a medical examination and try to claim a place in the space crew. He did not particularly believe in the success of this operation, but agreed to try. And then, when the first survey was successful, you had to go to the next one, and did not want to stop halfway through.

Musa Manarov cosmonaut from Dagestan

First flight

Пройдя все этапы подготовки к полету, Муса Manarov set off on his first voyage to the unknown and not fully explored on the Soyuz TM-4 ship. This momentous event happened on December 21, 1987. The team spent exactly one year in space. Manarov was a flight engineer on board. It is worth noting that many considered his partner an unlucky person, because he was burning in a rocket. To this, the hero of today's article says that he thought differently: "If a person burned in a rocket and escaped, it means that he is lucky."

In general, the year that Soyuz TM-4 spent inspace was leap. For many superstitious people, this is a bad omen. However, the astronaut recalls that the entire flight went smoothly, without excesses and unforeseen situations.

Impressions of what he saw in space

Musa Manarov in his first flight to the orbitalstation "Mir" went into space. He notes that he always had problems with putting on the spacesuit, and in a state of weightlessness, they were even more aggravated. When trying to dress in space outfit Musa Hiramanovich badly hurt his hand. In general, he recalls that the first seconds of being in a spacesuit always seemed to him painful. He felt a claustrophobic feeling, but then it disappeared.

An astronaut in an interview told aboutsensations that experienced when going into space. It was an indescribable pride for their country and for themselves. The Mir station, the largest in size, appeared in front of the gaze. Drops of condensate that were inside the device when opening the valves, instantly detached from the walls and, turning into pieces of ice, rushed into the open universe. Following them, Manarov himself came out into space. It is this memory that remains in the memory of Musa Hiramanovich. Upon returning to Earth, the astronaut received the Order of Lenin, the Gold Star medal and the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. In the second flight, Manarov spent just over 34 hours in open space, and the flight itself lasted 175 days.

At the 60th jubilee of cosmonaut Musa Manarov, he was asked if he would like to repeat his fate regarding flights to the open Universe. The answer was: "I would hardly have decided on that again."