/ / Mexican tarantula Brachypema Smithy

Mexican spider-tarantula Brahapelma Smithy

Recently, fashion has appeared instead of the usualcats and dogs wind up exotic pets. The special attention of wildlife enthusiasts attract spiders. Brachypema Smithy is one of the most common representatives of home-grown tarantulas. Before you start such a pet, you need to study the rules and conditions of its maintenance, familiarize yourself with safety precautions, since these spiders are poisonous.

Некоторые люди считают арахнидов (паукообразных) The most ideal option for a pet, especially for bachelors. They do not require as thorough care as other pets, thus do not create inconvenience to their owner.

brachipelma smithi

Spider description

Ptitseid living in deserts and semi-desertsMexico - Brahipelma Smithy. The content of this spider in domestic terrariums has become a very popular phenomenon. This species of tarantulas has a bright attractive color. Spider grows to impressive size, does not have an aggressive disposition. The length of the body is about 7 cm, and in the span of the limbs - 16 cm.

This tarantula is considered one of the long-livers. There was a recorded case when the pet lived for about 30 years in captivity.

The spider has an attractive color. His back and belly is black. The head of the chest is outlined with a yellow-pink stripe. Legs are black with bright markings. The body of the spider is covered with small hairs.

brachipelma smith content

What conditions should be kept tarantula?

Smithy's Brochipelm, like other tarantulas, is contained in a horizontal terrarium. It is important to monitor the humidity and temperature in the spider's home. The optimal conditions are:

  • Temperature - 27 degrees.
  • Humidity - 65-70%.

A substrate should be placed in the terrarium, approximately5-6 cm thick, since spiders love to burrow in it and build their nests. As feed used crickets, cockroaches and other insects. Adults can throw newborn mice, but not more often than 1 time in 7 days.

brachipelma smith spider

What you need to know when buying a bird spider?

Before you decide to buy a spider BrachypellmaSmithy, you need to weigh the pros and cons. There is an opinion that it is possible to take a pet in hand to tame it. However, this is an erroneous judgment. In fact, the spider does not distinguish between the owner, as he has no sense of affection. Therefore, it can be easily exchanged for another arahnid, which is what many collectors do. A person thinks that if he takes a spider in his arms, shows him his caress, he will appreciate it. In fact, such a manifestation of tenderness causes great stress in a pet, which makes him aggressive and able to bite the owner.

Spider bite is not always accompanied by injectiontoxic substance, since the process of producing poison is very complex and requires large energy costs from the tarantula. Brahipelm Smithy decides on a poisonous bite for protection if he feels seriously in danger.

Dropping hairs that contain poison is consideredanother way to protect. The hind limbs of the spider begin to comb the hair that grows on his back, which are also dangerous when hit on human skin.

It is not recommended to keep such animals at home.if the family has a small child. Depending on the species, the aggressiveness of the spider is also determined. Some arachnids can be quite peaceful, thus not dangerous to humans. If you do not have experience in the maintenance of such exotic pets, acquiring yourself the first tarantula, make sure that your chosen form is not aggressive and not prone to attack.

brachipelma smithi

What manifestations can occur after a spider bite?

Brahyphelm Smith's spider is poisonous, but still, likemost tarantulas do not pose a deadly threat to humans. His bite often resembles wasp. After a spider attack, the affected area of ​​the skin becomes swollen, and fever is also likely. If the pet has managed to inject poison, such manifestations may occur:

  • hallucinations;
  • convulsions;
  • mental disorders;
  • disorientation.

The greatest danger of a spider bite is people withallergic diseases, as a reaction to toxins can even lead to the death of a person. Despite this, scientists have not recorded any such case.