/ / Parodist Andrei Barinov. Biography, career, photo

Parodist Andrei Barinov. Biography, career, photo

Parodist name A.Barinov is now often seen in magazines and print publications in columns devoted to celebrities, their life and work. Parodist conquered everyone from the first meeting on the big stage. Although at that moment he was already famous in his native Pervouralsk and Sverdlovsk region.

The first manifestation of talent

Literally immediately after the release of the first parodies infans of the parody genre began to look for information about who Andrei Barinov is. The biography and the facts of his personal life were not put on display. Although over time, fans and journalists still found information about this talented guy.

He was born in 1992 in a small town.Pervouralsk. Here he spent his childhood and youth. Little Andryusha almost from the cradle showed himself a creative person. He was extremely in love with music. Parents often noticed, as the son, having heard the familiar song of modern pop, began to dance and whisper something under his breath. Since childhood, he imagined that he was standing on the stage and basking in the applause of satisfied spectators.

Not yet knowing the science of writing and reading, the kid saidparents that would like to learn to play the piano and demanded to buy it. Parents discouraged their son for a long time, but for the 6th birthday, they still gave him an instrument.

Trying not to miss the moment and in time to develop musical talent, parents record their son to study at the school of music in the piano class. Andrei Barinov was a diligent pupil.

Andrey Barinov

The debut performance of 14-year-old Barinov

A little later he began to attend vocal lessons.During classes, teachers noticed that the guy has an extraordinary talent to copy the voice and manner of performance of singers of the national stage. Andrei Barinov became seriously interested in the parody and began to develop an open in himself talent. In parallel, he attended acting classes in the drama circle. He took part in the productions of children's performances. It was on the scene of the local factory DK, he first felt the desire to become a famous actor. It also lit up at age 14 and as a parodist. He showed the audience his parodies of Yeltsin, Zhirinovsky, Mikhalkov, Litvinov. After his performance in the hall, there was a standing ovation, and the public screamed with pleasure.

After school, Andrei Barinov dreamed of enrolling incultural institute to become an actor. But the parents thought that they needed to have a certain education in order to find a decent job in the future, and insisted on entering the technical school at the programming department. Andrew, not wanting to upset his relatives, went to study, but he did not stop dreaming about performing on the big stage.

Andrey Barinov Parodist

Parodist's talent and first job

Combining studies at a technical school with performances,the guy got a job at a nightclub. It was here that Andrei Barinov appeared as the parodist for the first time. The actor constantly improved his ability to copy vocal performers. Before inventing, rehearsing a room and singing with the voice of a popular artist, he studied the image of a star, its manners, behavior on stage. After some time, Andrei Barinov became a real star in his native Pervouralsk. The parodist won the audience not only with high-quality and bright performances, but also with his charm. The young man easily and naturally kept on the stage.

The news that in one of the clubsPervouralsk stands a real talented master of parodies, very quickly scattered around the neighboring towns. He became more and more popular, but the dream of performing on the big stage continued to live in it. And fate presents him with a gift - the opportunity to shine and show himself at the casting of the program "Big Difference".

Kadysheva and Andrei Barinov

Moscow selection in the "Big Difference"

Once, Andrei was caught by the information thatIn the program "Big Difference" parodists are recruited for the contest. He decided to go to the casting in the capital. The first round was passed. In Moscow, Andrei was one of the 29 lucky ones who were invited to participate in the last show. The guy heard Tsekalo say with a smile that he should not plan anything for August. The young actor was approved and invited to the Odessa Opera Theater for the last hearing.

Андрей Баринов, приехав домой, долго не мог believe that his dream is starting to come true. He shuddered every telephone call, fearing that in Moscow they would change their mind and refuse the young talent and his participation in the Odessa parodists. But he worried in vain.

Andrey Barinov biography

Performance in Odessa Opera Theater

Arriving in Odessa, he saw that among allwishing to participate in the competition, he was the youngest. There were a lot of parodists at Odessa viewing, but the young man wasn’t even nervous. Intuition suggested that his talent and skill would be noticed.

And in August, stepped onto the big stage of the operaTheater in Odessa actor Andrei Barinov. A quick rehearsal, a quick explanation of who will be performing for whom - and then the young parodist is the first to step on the stage to show his skills in a 10-minute issue. The potpourri, sung by Andrei, was liked by the judges, only Dolina, from her own considerations, put 8 points out of 10 possible. But Andrey was still accepted into the Big Difference troupe.

Artist Andrei Barinov

The famous parodist Andrei Barinov

He was invited to perform at concerts and broadcasts.Who just did not copy the talented Andrei Barinov. A parodist quail many famous artists. In particular, Gurchenko and Moiseyev, Pugacheva and Baskov, Varum and Agutin. The performance, in which Kadysheva and Andrei Barinov sang together the song “Flows the Creek”, was bright and memorable. According to the audience, closing his eyes, it was impossible to determine by ear when one of them sings.

Not only domestic pop stars singingAndrew. One day, he presented his parodies of Michael Jackson and Lady Gaga to the public. And he sang in English. The performance of the artist really enjoyed the audience. All noted the versatility of Barinov's talent.

All his parodies are qualitative and beautiful,interesting and incredibly similar to the original voice. With each performance a young artist becomes more popular. The public is always looking forward to the release of their favorite parodist on the scene. Someone compares Andrew with Galkin, and for some it seems that he is far superior to the star and more talented. And everyone predicts to the young parodist incredible popularity and stellar future.