A sea cock is a fish capable of

The sea cock is a predatory fish belonging to the orderscorpiform. Its second name is trigle. It can simultaneously be considered ugly and beautiful and, without a doubt, exotic. Her pectoral fins are large, resemble wings. Three finger-like “feathers” unrelated to each other, so-called

"legs". The head is large, flattened at the sides.A huge mouth with a split upper lip, hanging over the bottom, is located across the head. The huge forehead is not typical for fish. Her eyes are large, mobile, above them there are sharp thorns that perform a protective function.

The sea cock has a spindle-shaped body.Along it, spines stretch in two lines, between which a dorsal fin is located, consisting of a high barbed front part and a low one, reaching to the tail of the back. Bifurcated tail well developed.

Prevalence is observed in colorbrick red flowers, and closer to the tail - brown. The abdominal area is silvery white or light pink. Gill fins when folded down reach the tail, outside they are the same color as the belly. In expanded form, the upper surface in lilac tones turns into mauve. On the edge of the fins is a blue border. Here such unusual appearance has a sea cock. The photo shows all its non-standard.

sea ​​rooster fish
His “legs” are irreplaceable while huntingsedentary organisms. The predator also hunts fish, as a rule, at a depth of about 20 m. While waiting for the prey, the sea cock lays on the bottom or climbs into the algae. Red mullet, digging in the sand, and shrimp - the best food for him. Seeing the prey, he rushes at her with lightning speed, having pushed off from the bottom by "feet." With the rapid movement of the fins are folded and do not interfere. Having filled his belly, exotic fish is resting in algae.

The sea cock not only floats, but also flies.Wanting to drive small fish, he jumped out of the water, dissolves the "wings" and flies over the surface of the sea. Overcoming 15-18 meters, he falls into the water with splashes. The flight speed reaches 40 km / h.

Surprisingly, the sea-cock is able to publishsounds like snoring, grunting, rumbling or grunting. This he gives his location. Sounds he publishes throughout the year, and not only in the mating season and spawning. For this ability he is also called the sea cuckoo.

sea ​​cock photo
Половозрелыми самцы морского петуха становятся к three years, females - to four. They spawn in the summer at a depth of 15-20 m. Females spawn several times (up to 4) per season. The eggs can be up to 14 thousand, they mature for a week, then the fry hatch. Incredibly, babies aged 2-3 weeks are exact replicas of their parents. Young animals lead near-bottom lifestyle.

The sea cock can grow up to 75 cm and reach 5.5 kg. But in the Black Sea, as a rule, specimens of up to 35 cm long and weighing up to 1 kg are caught.

Fish usually stay in flocks at a depth of 5 to 60 m. Preference is given to areas of the sea with sandy bottom and aquatic vegetation. With a cold snap go down to 100 m.

The French and the Turks consider the meat of the sea cock as tender, similar in taste to the steam chicken. Perhaps it was from this that his name originated, and not at all from the appearance and “voice”.