/ / Beauty of Georgia. Darial Gorge

Beauty of Georgia. Darial Gorge

Ah, Georgia ... To this geographic regioncan not be indifferent. The beauty and magnificence of the mountain ranges located on its territory simply attract the eye. However, among the whole natural diversity of this country, the Darial Gorge stands out, the photo of which is presented below. In this article you can get acquainted with the description of the most picturesque areas of this valley.

A bit of history

Darial gorge is located in the valley of the riverTerek. Above the bed of this reservoir, rocks rise to a height of 1000 meters. Moreover, such a hilly picture pleases the eye for 3 km. Daryal gorge became an important link in the Middle Ages. By the way, the Georgian-Georgian road passes there today. Initially, the Darial Gorge was owned by nomadic tribes. In view of this, before the valley bore their name - the Alan Gate.

Daryal Gorge

Pass "Heavenly Gorge"

Until the beginning of the XIX century, this stretch of roadwas a very unsafe and narrow "corridor", which still used by many wanderers. But this path gained historical significance only in 1783, after the conclusion of the famous treaty - the Treaty of St. George. To date, the Georgian Military Road, 207 km long, has been laid from Vladikavkaz to Tbilisi. Over the entire length of the site opens a very picturesque picture. Driving through the Redantnaya Valley and bending the Pasture Range, on the right you can see the town of Fethuz, towering in all its glory, and on the left - the Lime Mountain overgrown with beech forest.

Daryal Gorge Kuinji

By the way, on its slopes you can easily considerlimestone quarry. The mountain ranges of the Central Caucasus are formed at the expense of the Lateral, Wooded, Rocky and Pasture Range. From the outside, such a natural formation is represented as a giant ladder. Especially well these ridges are revealed from the side of North Ossetia. From the southeastern direction, Table Mountain is crowned by a hollow, reaching a height of 3000 meters. For your information, the top of this array has an intricate table shape.

Nature in art

The beauty that distinguishes the Darial Gorge,inspired many famous poets. Artists also could not stay away. Particular attention among existing works should be paid to the canvas, which depicts the Darial Gorge, "Moonlight Night". The painting was written by an outstanding Russian painter. This canvas by Arkhip Kuindzhi is part of the collection of the Tretyakov Gallery. Natural appearance in the works of the artist is completely devoid of any everyday life. On the contrary, it contains something majestic, somewhere even theatrical. Moreover, this manifestation is observed in classical landscapes. An example of this can serve such paintings as "Rainbow" or "Lake Ladoga". Surprisingly, most of the master's works, which depict the Darial Gorge, Kuinji performed from memory. But this did not prevent the painter from transmitting through the canvas all the natural grandeur of the valley, as well as its expressiveness and mystery. And the paintings, as connoisseurs of beauty can be convinced, are distinguished by rare authenticity.

Daryal Gorge moonlit night

Darial gorge. Picture

This work is very different from allother works of the artist. In it, the master depicted the Georgian Military Road, where the harsh river Terek hurries along the bottom of the hollow. And the uplifting cliffs, significantly rising above the ground, pierce the sky with their peaks. The painter was able to achieve just a unique image of the gorge. Many viewers, when looking at his landscape, involuntarily have a feeling of slight sadness. But at the same time, elusive freshness flows directly from the canvas. In addition, in this picture, due to a variety of glare, the illusion of volume so inherent in the master was created. And, despite its small size, the image of the landscape is not very accurate. This style of drawing is also characteristic of Kuindzhi. With its help, it transmits not only the transparency and freshness of the night air, but also an atmosphere of calm and serenity.

Daryal Gorge Picture


To show the public all the beauty of those places andTo create a volume in the canvas, the artist includes two bright spots in his work: this is the night light and the reflection of the lunar path in a calm water creek. This image gives the work some serenity and allows you to balance the light contrast in the landscape. At the same time, Kuinji used one risky element in his work. This is an almost opaque image of clouds that are brightly illuminated from below by the moon. The doubtfulness of the application of such an artistic solution lies in the fact that the master has departed from realism. However, viewers can make sure that this element has allowed not only to balance the picture, but to give the glow of the night light even more power. It should be noted that the master captured the mountains in the foreground. As a result, he had great difficulty in writing the sky. But it was extremely difficult to portray his darkness, as well as a mountain haze, but the artist managed to circumvent all the rules of painting. By simply adding more contrasting, uniform patches, Kuindzhi was able to create the effect of "pushing" the sky to the public.

Daryal Gorge photo


Occupying the position of professor-leader inArt School, Arkhip Kuindzhi explained to his students the technique of composition precisely on the basis of this work. Here he clearly demonstrated that the use of volume in some cases is more preferable than the play of light. By the way, thanks to Kinji, many adjustments were made to Russian painting.