/ / Science for dummies: how are the activities of the main participants of the economy

Science for Dummies: how the activities of key economic actors are interrelated

The economy is a complex, multi-component system, all the subjects and processes of which are dependent on each other. Interaction of participants (subjects) associated with action economic laws and is based on the principle of limited resources. But should be considered in more detail how the activities of the main participants of the economy

Consumers and producers in the economy

Участников экономической деятельности можно divided into consumers and manufacturers. At the same time, the same participant in different economic processes may act in both forms. It depends on what role it will play in the particular process. Before you consider how the way the activities of the main participants of the economy are interconnected, it is necessary to consider in more detail who these subjects are.

Subjects of the macro level and the level of the national economy (microeconomics)

Economic actors, or main actorseconomic activity can be defined both at the macro level and at the micro level. Within the national economy, the state and the public sector will occupy the upper level, and the human level (as the most dynamic and flexible participant in the economy) will occupy the micro level. Within the framework of the international economy, the macro level will comprise the entire world economy, which is an even more complex system of interconnections of all countries of the world.

How are the activities of the main participants of the economy

Participants of economic relations

  1. Man as an economic unit of all processes, on the decision and the choice of which the economic processes of the micro level are built.
  2. Households are an association of persons (mayconsist of one person). In the household, economic decisions, choices, consumption and production processes are carried out collectively. This means that there is a certain balance of interests between members of the economy. Within the framework of households, not only consumption of economic goods can occur, but also their production for the purpose of sale. Production and consumption at this level is associated with the benefits of the consumption structure of each household subject. In other words, the goal is to maximize the satisfaction of needs.
  3. Firms, as participants in economic relations, accumulate financial and production resources and attract workers. The main firm's task - cost-effective functioning, that is, making a profit. All production and consumption of the company is directed to this.
  4. The state can be considered as specialeconomic participant. On the one hand, it acts as the same consumer and producer of goods and resources, since there are state-owned enterprises and institutions. On the other hand, the state is the guarantor of compliance with the rules and regulations in the economic field, develops regulatory and legal documents, and oversees the creation of competitive conditions for all participants. Great importance is attached to the state in regulating the processes of the economy, supporting other economic actors during periods of recession and restraining the economy from “overheating” during periods of growth.

How are the activities of the main participants of the economy interconnected?

The reasons for the interaction of economic entities

All listed participants, one way or another,interact with each other. It is important to understand how the activities of the main participants of the economy are interconnected. As is known, the distribution of any resources that can only be determined is uneven, and access to them is different for different actors. That is, each participant has a set of resources that the other does not have, in the right quantity for certain purposes. Therefore, the economy and its main participants can be represented as a model of a cycle of resources and benefits, when each participant is interested in another subject. This model demonstrates that factors of production and production results go through cycles of creation, distribution and consumption. At each stage there is an involvement of certain resources and subjects of economic relations.

economy and its main participants

Каким образом взаимосвязана деятельность основных participants of the economy, the subjects of which can be considered from the standpoint of the producer and the consumer? A manufacturer cannot exist without a consumer and vice versa. Consumer requests for the necessary goods create a production system and a set of manufacturers. In economics, their relationship is determined by the mechanism of matching supply and demand. When the producer’s offer is supported by the consumer, an equilibrium is reached and a deal is concluded between the two subjects.

main participants of economic activity


The economic system is multi-component, in itthe interests of many participants are coordinated, answers are given to the question "what, how, for whom and in what quantity to produce?". Considering how the activities of the main participants of the economy are interconnected, you begin to understand the basic economic processes.