/ / Animal columns: description, lifestyle, food, photo

Animal columns: description, lifestyle, nutrition, photo

What is a column animal? How does it look and where does it live? What kind of life is the animal? What eats? Answers to these and other questions can be found in our material.


column animal

Начнем описание животного колонок с его внешнего kind of. Adults reach sizes of about 50 cm in length. About a third of the body is tail. The weight of the column can reach 800 grams or more.

The animal has an elongated body, whichcharacterized by extreme mobility and flexibility. The columns have short legs, on the fingers of which there are underdeveloped webbed folds. Small black eyes glitter on the sharp muzzle. This kind of weasel and ferret has miniature rounded ears.

Настоящей гордостью животного выступает его fluffy, soft fur coat. The fur column has a shade of ocher in the winter. With the onset of summer, the rich red tint is replaced by a dark fawn color. The muzzle is decorated with white spots and a blackish eye mask.


column photo

Columns, the photo of which can be seen in ourpublication is most common in the Far East. Extensive populations of such animals are found in the Ural forests, in Yakutia, Siberia, Primorye. Representatives of the species are rarely seen in the European part of Russia. Siberian columns often wanders into the territory of neighboring states, in particular, China.

The mastering of new areas by animals depends onforest thicknesses, abundance of prey, land availability with fallen trees and windbreaks. Open spaces are trying to avoid the species. Such animals most like mountain slopes covered with dense vegetation that are near rivers and streams. In the taiga, the column is occasionally found on elevations over one and a half kilometers above sea level.

Representatives of the species often wander into placesinhabited by man. This column attracts the presence of small rodents, as well as the ability to eat poultry. Meeting with animals near settlements is far from uncommon. This phenomenon is due to the migration of the animal due to lack of food.


Siberian speakers

Columns, photos of which are presented in the article,prefers a sedentary lifestyle. To force representatives of the species to get out of a certain territory can only be the danger of neighborhood with natural enemies and an extreme lack of food. Migrate for small distances such animals are also capable of finding a partner for mating.

The animal of the speakers necessarily gets the mainhousing and a few extra in the nearby areas. These animals usually occupy the abandoned mink of other rodents. Also, the massive roots of old trees become shelters for them.

The columns are extremely agile.The animals show increased activity at dusk. It is at this time that representatives of the species go hunting. Active animal columns, in terms of the search for food, can be in the daytime. However, this happens most often in the winter when there is famine. In pursuit of prey, the columns are capable of moving deep in the thick of snow.

Representatives of the species are great climbing trees. But this behavior is extremely rare. The animals swim pretty well. When changing habitat, they are able to cross small mountain rivers.


Column animal description

Column - omnivorous predator.The basis of the diet of the animal are small rodents, such as field mice and hamsters. In the highlands, columns prey on pika. Do not disdain representatives of the species of small birds, if such an opportunity happens.

The largest speakers are capable of huntinghares. If there are numerous reservoirs in the habitat inhabited by a large number of muskrats, such animals can catch and eat their young.

Sometimes small fish and frogs are considered as a source of food for the column. In the most hungry periods, representatives of the species are able to eat insects and even carrion.


kind of affection and ferrets

Column animal actively reproduces withthe onset of warm spring days. During this period, mature members of the species become extremely restless and aggressive. Males spend all the time in pursuit of females and almost forget about the need to search for food.

Pregnancy at the columns lasts a little over a month.At this time, the females pick themselves safe mink, where they bear offspring. On the light of the animals produce, on average, 6-10 cubs. In cases where the brood dies, the female column necessarily mates a second time and gives birth to babies in the same year.

The animals are born naked, blind and helpless.The mass of young at the time of birth is only a few grams. Females do not depart from babies until they open their eyes and gain weight.

Mothers stop caring for offspring bythe passage of several months. By the fall, juveniles reach sizes that almost correspond to the parameters of adult animals. During this period, they gradually move away from their relatives, leave the mother and begin to lead a solitary life.

Natural enemies

Columns - an animal that they love to huntlarge hawks and owls. The number of animals that live near human settlements, can reduce stray dogs. Columns are often prey for foxes and sables.

This enmity animals are with mink.Usually they settle on the same terrain. Representatives of the species are often involved in fights for the territory. And mink fight and columns to the last. The winner is the one who managed to stay alive.


In their natural habitat column live notmore than 4 years. However, with the content of the animal in captivity, this period may be increased several times. However, only those representatives of the species who were born in a cage differ in their compliant nature and harmlessness. Animals that were captured in their habitats are often aggressive and dangerous to others.

Commercial value

Column fur is extremely appreciated in the industry.clothing production. It is worth noting that in the old days there was at least one hat made from the skins of such animals in almost every Soviet family. Nowadays column coats are used, first of all, when creating expensive designer items.