Years and even centuries will pass, and nature will notwill cease to amaze a person with the refinement and charm of his creations. Butterfly sailboat - the perfect confirmation of exceptional beauty, combined with ease and unobtrusiveness. Watching the flutter of a creature descended from the pages of fairy tales, soaked in a special mood, means, again, go back to the carefree years of childhood. Feel, as before, the magic of a wondrous moment.
Sailboat butterfly description
A large percentage of the daytime in naturebutterflies, belongs to the family of "gentlemen", also called "sailboats". It absorbed the order of seven hundred species, classified into twenty genera. A sailboat differs from other diurnal insects in the particular shape of its hind wings: the edge that must touch the belly is carved in a graceful arc; besides this, most species have tails on their tips, the length of which differs.
Sailboats have other features.anatomical structures, for example, their caterpillars are the owners of a unique organ - the forked saccular gland or, in another language, osmetry. When the caterpillar is at rest, it cannot be seen, but as soon as the future butterfly feels threatened, the organ will immediately manifest. If you click on it, stand out stinky secret.
Very beautiful butterfly sailboat with extremely fast,almost elusive view of the flight. Taurus reaches thirty two millimeters in length. On the wings there are clearly marked black stripes, adorning a motley, yellow background, as well as a continuous blue band running along the rear wings. It lives in abundance in the southern part of Europe, loves flowering slopes of mountains, especially the thistle growing on them.
It feeds on a plant called fennelDo not hesitate and other umbrella. Can be observed from April to July. Survives the winter, being a pupa. The appearance of the alexanor is similar to the swallowtail; however, the second one has a black color at the base of the wings, and the tails on the lower parts are longer.
К семейству парусников принадлежат и весьма extravagant insects, called apollo, they do not have tails on the lower part of the wings. This genus absorbed fifty species, most of which, due to geographical dispersion, in particular, high in the mountains, separated into isolated populations, scientists assigned them the status of subspecies.
Apollo butterflies live in Europe,found in Asia, common in the western part of North America. However, a large percentage of individuals are concentrated in the middle and central parts of Asia. Only by climbing into the most inaccessible areas of the highlands, you can see the rarest and most beautiful Apollo. Each insect of this subspecies can be called a “butterfly sailboat”. Photos of these wonderful creatures can be found in the article.
For the first time in history, these wonderful butterflies were describedin the seventies of the eighteenth century by the Danish scholar Johann Christian Fabritsky. The man named this insect genus in honor of the heroine of one of the ancient Greek mythological traditions - Chryseis, who was the native daughter of the priest of the god Apollo - Chris.
The butterfly sailboat, called cressida, isthe only representative of the genus. As a rule, females are pale in comparison with males, due to the fact that the first ones after numerous flights lose most of the scales containing a special pigment. He gives the wings a bright color. Males are less mobile, and therefore the color of their wings is richer. Both butterflies and caterpillars of this genus are very poisonous, due to the fact that the latter eat Kirkazon plants germinating in coastal regions, as well as in places where the forest grows in rare rows. Cressida is observed in New Guinea, as well as in Australia. As a rule, its flight is smooth and measured, but if you scare it, it will quickly disappear from view.
Large Sailboat Butterflyreaches forty millimeters, and the span of the wings of all seventy. The wings are painted with a soft cream color, crossed by a number of wedge-shaped bands, the tips of the rear wings are decorated with long tails. The pattern on the upper and lower sides of the wings is relatively the same, the flight is fast enough, provided that the butterfly makes elegant, smooth strokes.
Подалирий проживает не только в тёплых, но и в hot regions of Asia and Europe. It is found in fairly open areas, in forests with a sufficient amount of light, as well as in gardens. Among the butterflies fluttering over the hills, the majority are males. The caterpillars live and feed on hawthorn and turn, they like plums and other fruit trees, their growth rate is very fast, only a month passes, and future butterflies complete the last molt. Adult individuals do not change their habitat, lead a sedentary lifestyle. The years are carried out in May and June, it is possible that one more generation will appear, and then the gallium can be observed from July to August. Pupa winter.