/ / Arboretum is an oasis in the center of the metropolis

Arboretum - is an oasis in the center of the metropolis

Many people sometimes have the desire to changethe familiar environment and, turning away from the white-trunched birch trees, turn your eyes to exotic palm trees, cypress trees and barberries. However, not all aspirations coincide with the possibility. Sometimes we do not have enough time, sometimes - material means. And here various parks and reserves come to the rescue: after all, it is here that you can relax and enjoy the beauty not only of plants and trees of temperate climate, but also of their tropical counterparts. The arboretum is the place where a great many specimens of flora are collected from around the world. This is a kind of subtropical jungle in the middle of a noisy and polluted metropolis.

arboretum is

Etymology of the concept

The meaning of the word "arboretum" is rootedin ancient greek language. It was from there that the term "tree" was originally borrowed. In the language of the descendants of the gods of Olympus, this word sounds like “dendron”. If you add the ending -ar, you get a "collection of trees." At present, the original etymology of this concept has expanded slightly, and it means the following. An arboretum is a botanical garden or its separate part, on the territory of which plants, bushes and trees, non-standard for the considered climate, are grown for scientific or experimental purposes. It is noteworthy that the whole flora is cultivated in the open field.

It is worth noting that from the Latin language to usReached a synonym for this word - arboretum. The original form for creating this concept was the borrowed analogue - “arbor”, which means “tree” in translation. Thus, the word arboretum stands for grove, park, tree plantations, etc.

arboretum photo

Sochi Arboretum

Currently there are many differentbotanical gardens that boast a huge variety of different plants and shrubs. In Russia, the arboretum located in Sochi is considered the most ambitious and large. Very often this park is called the emerald treasury of the subtropics. This oasis of beauty and diverse flora is located in the heart of the city. It is an excellent object for informative excursions of residents and guests of Sochi. Forty-nine hectares - this is exactly the area occupied by the park. Arboretum placed on its territory about 2000 different plants, trees and shrubs, which are home to various parts of the world.

park arboretum

History of occurrence

Основоположником этого чудесного субтропического Islet is the publisher of the Petersburg newspaper, a collector and playwright Sergey Khudyakov. A prerequisite for the creation of the park was a plot of land that he acquired in 1890. Khudyakov used most of the territory to build a summer cottage. The remaining land was planted with seedlings and various plants. Gradually white acacia, hornbeam, Japanese quince and many other bushes and trees joined ordinary oaks, pines and maples.

meaning of the word arboretum

Aquarium, cable car and tunnels

Today, the Sochi Arboretum isgarden consisting of two tiers. At the bottom of the park is an aquarium. Its volume is 150 cubic meters. The aquarium is inhabited by representatives of the Black Sea. Depending on the season of the year and the weather conditions, the number of species of fauna varies from fourteen to twenty seven.

The upper part of the garden is an oasis, onthe territory of which grows about 2000 copies of plants, shrubs and trees. Both tiers are interconnected by cable car and tunnels. The first was built in 1987 for the convenience of excursions.

Croatian landmark

Sochi Arboretum is one of the mostlarge botanical parks, not only Russia, but the whole continent. However, this is not the only garden of this kind, located in Europe.

arboretum is

One of the oldest is the Croatian arboretum.Photos of this delightful park can be seen on many tourist posters and brochures of the country. This garden is located in a place called Trsteno, near the popular resort town of Dubrovnik. It is worth noting that this arboretum is the oldest and only arboretum on the territory of the modern Mediterranean. It was founded in the Renaissance. The garden is famous for a huge variety of plants. In addition to the strange specimens of flora, tourists are given the opportunity to admire the amazing villa, built in the XV century, various fountains and aqueduct. Croatian arboretum is also the hero of numerous films. More recently, a new season of the Game of Thrones series was filmed in the park.

There are other arboreta on the territory of the CIS.For example, Chisinau, Zheleznogorsky and other arboretums. Of course, they are not as majestic as the two previous analogues. But they have all the chances to become bright sights of their cities, because these gardens are still very young.