At the end of 1775 and the beginning of 1776In England, the first edition of the famous two-volume book of the Scottish economist Adam Smith was published, devoted to the study of the causes and nature of the wealth of nations. In this fundamental work, the basic mechanisms and principles of foreign trade were first described. The author in his discourse on the dependence of the annual income of the nation on the amount received for the result of labor by each person, formulated a very important principle, now called the “invisible hand of the market”.
How Smith's Invisible Hand Works
Market laws force sellers and buyersact according to mutual interests. So, an entrepreneur will never release products that are suitable only for him, and in which consumers are not interested. Yes, and the exorbitant price, he can not set - in this case, it will easily bypass competitors. It turns out that only those who manage to meet the needs of the population with a product of the best quality and at the lowest possible cost win and receive the maximum profit.
- Market prices formed by balancing supply and demand.
- The fluctuation of norms and masses of profit, i.e. the ability of capital to leave low-profit and join high-yielding businesses.
- Free competition, prompting to produce only the goods necessary for the market.
- Demand, which is a powerful engine for the entire economy.
- The supply of goods that can satisfy all existing demand.
- Lending securities of commercial banks and issuing loans to the latest households and firms.
Invisible hand of the market and modern conditions
It is necessary to take into account that A.Smith created his theory at a time when the world economy still did not know what large-scale crises were, the Great Depression, large financial frauds, transnational corporations, integration processes, environmental disasters, etc. Moreover, the market economy was not completely able to think strategically, solve social problems, protect the environment, provide a person with services that are not profitable (building infrastructure, maintaining the country's defense, etc.), smooth out the wave nature of onomical development. That is why in our time the intervention of the state is simply necessary. The only question is to what extent and with what tools it will be implemented.