/ / Watermelon - berry, beloved by all

Watermelon - a favorite berry of all

From July to November, people love to eat delicious andsweet watermelons. Now they are grown not only in the south, but even in the Nonchernozem zone. After all, for their normal maturation, two warm months are enough, therefore watermelons are cultivated even in Siberia.

Watermelon - a berry belonging to the pumpkin family,but growing it is quite difficult. This requires special conditions. For the appearance of sweet fruits, the temperature should not fall below 25 degrees for a long time. The field on which watermelons grow is called bahcha, but in the Middle Belt and to the north they are cultivated most often under film.

watermelon berry

Homeland watermelon - Africa.And now in the deserts there grows a wild species of it - colocint. It has small, poisonous fruits that are not afraid of any heat. Another type of watermelon that is common in America is citron. But the watermelon woolly is more known. That he is so loved by many. Now there is a huge number of varieties that differ in size, thickness and color of the skin, density and color of the pulp.

Watermelon - tender berry, poorly toleratedtransportation. The most delicious and sweet varieties are so thin that they can burst at any touch. Therefore, breeders are trying to display varieties of watermelons that are resistant to "relocation" and storage. They have a thick peel, they can be shifted and even thrown, without fear that the berry will burst. True, such watermelons lose in taste and are very hard to cut.

Скорее всего, в Россию эта бахчевая культура Came from Central Asia. Already in the 11-12 century on the Volga grew watermelons. But they spread throughout the country only from the end of the 19th century. Of course, they were adapted to local conditions, but the best watermelons still grow in our southern steppes of the Volga, Krasnodar Territory, Azov and Transcaucasia. They are considered the most delicious and differ in large size, large seeds and light color with clear stripes.

watermelon varieties

But watermelon is a berry, beloved by many people, quitecan grow delicious and much farther north. This, for example, such varieties: "Siberian Lights", "Spark", "Sugar" and even "Astrakhan" and "Early Kuban." In the Middle zone well ripen "High Speed ​​Kharkiv" and "Medovka". But they need to grow seedlings and with a decrease in temperature covered with a film.

watermelon's birthplace
Watermelon - a rather unpretentious berry.The conditions of its growth depend on the variety. There are those that become sweet only in hot and dry steppe air, and in conditions of heavy rain they rot and burst. But there are those who love an excess of moisture, for example, in Kashmir berries are grown in hammocks, hanging above the water and stuffed with wet algae.

Watermelon is distinguished not only by its pleasant taste.Often they are used in traditional medicine to reduce edema and improve digestion. Pulp is used in face masks that rejuvenate the skin. With the help of watermelon diet you can lose weight and clean the body of toxins. Honey is cooked from the pulp, and large pieces with skin can even be pickled.

Thick skinned watermelons are well kept untilNew Year. But it is possible to increase this period using a simple method: wash the fruit well, so as not to damage the skin, dry it, put it separately in the thread meshes and hang it. In this state, watermelons can stay until spring (just remember to check them periodically).