Who is a hypocrite

Who is a hypocrite?In the days of Ancient Rome, artists were called so, changing their masks with emotions depicted on them during the theatrical performance. Today people are called people who outwardly show emotions that do not correspond to their real feelings. Very often this insincere behavior is combined with contempt for the interlocutor. Thus, the word "hypocrite", which was originally neutral and meant "actor" or "lycee", today is a psychological term.

Who is a hypocrite

Но такое смещение в семантике произошло long enough. For example, in one of the medieval paintings, hypocrisy is conditionally depicted as a pale and thin woman with a bowed head and large beads that puts alms in a church mug with a show of piety. However, under the skirt of this woman are visible wolf's legs.

Causes of hypocrisy

Seeking to understand who a hypocrite is, you needremember that you can not condemn this quality or avoid people with this behavior. As a rule, under the manifestation of the duality of emotions, nothing bad is concealed. After all, each of us had a situation in life, when the true feelings had to hide behind a false smile. The reasons for this can be many. But most often it is the fear of condemnation and misunderstanding, the fear of being not accepted by others.

Often people believe that the manifestation of sincerefeelings makes them vulnerable. Therefore, various methods of protection are used, one of which is hypocrisy. The main reason for this fear is low self-esteem. When people consider themselves not smart enough, attractive, worthy, they in advance include the "mask mode". This method is typical for almost all people. Therefore it is worthwhile to understand: if your interlocutor is hypocritical, then, most likely, he just feels insecure.

The Word of the hypocrite

How correctly to react to hypocrisy

Who is a hypocrite?How to behave if the interlocutor behaves insincerely? First of all, one must understand the difference between insincerity in the manifestation of emotions and a bad mood. Happens, people, having decided that the interlocutor deceives them, roll up a scandal, express grievances and claims. But if the person with whom you communicate, you are dear, then you need to follow three steps:

  1. admit that he does not deceive you, but simply defends for any reason;
  2. try to understand what you did, that your interlocutor felt vulnerable;
  3. change your behavior or just stop pushing at a person.

It is worth noting that such actions will be effective only if you really want to improve relations.

Hypocrite dating

Who is a hypocrite by conviction?

Two-faced pretender, constantly showinginsincerity in external actions is a hypocrite. Dating with such people will not bring you the joy of communication. With them it is very difficult to communicate, as in the process of transmission and perception of information, as a rule, two levels are involved: the conscious and the subconscious. And it turns out that consciousness receives one information, and the subconscious mind is completely different. In trying to combine incompatible things a person gets a headache. But the hypocrites also suffer from their duplicity, because the constant wearing of the "mask" often leads to a split personality with all the ensuing consequences. Learn to perceive and love yourself as you really are. Sincerely express your feelings and desires. Respect your personality and do not hide behind "masks".