As everyone knows, a dog is a man's best friend. However, not all breeds are domesticated. In nature, there are wild dogs of all kinds. Let's talk about them.
Wild animals - dogs

Recently, scientists conducted research. In the course of them it became clear that the oldest wild dog is dingo.
This is a very ambiguous breed, the controversy about whichquite a long time in the academic world. For example, it is not known how the dingo came to Australia. The very first theory tells us that these wild dogs were brought to the mainland by aborigines 40-50 thousand years ago. But this guess was destroyed by the dingo skull found in Vietnam, which, according to scientists, is about 5,500 years old. As a result of this discovery, it was suggested that the dogs crossed overland during that period of our planet's existence, when the continents were not yet separated from each other.
Another theory suggests that dingo was simply brought to Australia from Asian countries.
Also, the origin of thisrocks. After all, the structure of the teeth of these dogs can not be distinguished from the domestic ones, and many questions arise about who is still considered dingo - a wild breed or a descendant of feral domestic dogs?

At the moment, geneticists believe that Australia can not be the birthplace of such dogs. To the possible ancestors of this dog include Chinese domestic, Indian wolf, dog bets, etc.
External Data
Describing the appearance of this breed, we can distinguish,for example, that it is a medium-sized dog with a strong muscular body. Color dingo reddish-brown, ears short, either hanging, or standing upright. The tail is fluffy, curved, and the head is sharp-pointed.
Harm and benefit of dogs
Несмотря на то, что в нашей стране образ динго has a romantic component that has arisen because of literary works, this breed breeds horror to Australian farmers. This is not surprising, given the fact that dingoes cause irreparable damage to livestock keepers. One flock of 4-12 dogs per night may well kill 20 sheep's heads. This wild breed of dogs began to irritate residents, and they began actively destroying animals. But this issue was interfered by environmental organizations, which proved that dogs influence the number of rabbits, which are also a huge problem for local farmers. It is believed that dingo - this is the wildest dog of all existing.

Where do they live?
There are several varieties of dingoes that live in countries such as:
- Philippines,
- Indonesia,
- China,
- Myanmar,
- Laos,
- Borneo,
- Malaysia,
- Thailand,
- Australia,
- New Guinea.
How do they live?
Dingos live in packs of 4 to 12 dogs. In each, there is a dominant pair, and all other dogs obey it. It is noteworthy that only this pair can breed.
Dingo can be tamed only if it falls into the hands of a human puppy. It is worth noting that while the dog absolutely does not tolerate a change of owner.

Singing dog
Science knows wild dogs, similar to dingoes.These animals live in the territory of New Guinea. Such a breed of dog is called a "New Guinea singing". Such an interesting name for wild dogs was not without reason. The thing is that howling of these animals resembles the singing of birds or even whales, but it has nothing to do with the sounds that dogs of other breeds make. Although representatives of the dog also can bark and make squeals.
As mentioned above, New Guinea singingDogs are very similar to dingoes, but they are inferior in size. Fangs in these animals are increased, which is typical for wild dogs. Singing dogs have a very flexible spine, moving feet and short legs. With this structure, New Guinean singing dogs can even climb a tree. The color is golden-red or brown. It should also be noted that these wild dogs have a certain similarity with domestic dogs, which singing dogs are inferior in running and endurance, but surpass them in agility and flexibility. Growth at the withers reaches in males up to 40 cm, and in females - up to 35 cm. The weight of males varies from 11 to 14 kg. Female weigh slightly less (from 9 to 12 kg).
Origin and size
The origin of singing dogs causes a lot of controversy and speculation. According to one version of the New Guinea dogs - it is migrated from Australia by land dingo. But there are other hypotheses.
Thoroughbred singing dogs remained so small that even natives did not see them for a very long time. In the US, there are now only 100 of them, taken out in the 50s.
Previously, New Guinean singing dogs are prettyoften met on the whole island, now this breed is considered extinct. There was not a single observation of this breed in the wild, so nothing is known about the lifestyle of the dog of this breed.
A distinctive feature of the nature of the animal is its friendliness towards the person. The supposed ancestor of such a dog is considered to be an Asian wolf.

Caroline dogs
There are also such wild dogs asCaroline. This breed lives in the USA. This dog has a rather powerful and muscular body. The weight of the animal can reach from 15 to 20 kg with an increase from 45 to 61 cm at the withers. The coat is short, dense, bristly, the color is various shades of red. It is believed that the dogs of this breed are quite smart and agile.
Образ жизни напоминает волчий.For example, Karolinsky dogs collectively hunt, and also they have a clear hierarchy. However, unlike wolves, females in the fall dig holes in the ground with small noses. This feature is inherent only in this breed, and the meaning of this action is not known to anyone. Caroline dog because of its predilection to enjoy scraps of garbage cans is considered a semi-wild breed. At the same time, in order to train the animal, it will take a lot of time. But with constant upbringing and respectable respect, the Caroline dog is becoming quite faithful. From dogs of this breed, good watchmen are obtained.
Насчет происхождения каролинских собак высказана the theory that they were on their current habitat together with the people who settled here, afterwards went wild. DNA research of this breed showed that the animal is closest to dogs from East Asia. The Caroline dog was a faithful assistant to the Indians. This is primarily due to her guarding abilities.
African dog
Another equally interesting breed isAfrican wild dog. Inhabitants live in the African continent south of the Sahara. The second name of this breed is a hyena-like dog. These animals live in packs of 30 to 100 individuals, in which there is a clear hierarchy. The males obey the male leader, and the females obey the alpha female. To give birth, too, has only the alpha female. Other dogs, preparing to reproduce, are deprived of food, and the pups can be killed by members of the pack. A distinctive feature of this breed is its ability to run very fast for a rather long distance.
Now you know what wild dogs are like. Photo of these animals is presented in the article for clarity.