Mine "Osinnikovskaya" is within the cityOsinniki (Kemerovo region), in relative proximity to the city of Novokuznetsk. The distance to Novokuznetsk is 25 km. There is a road and rail connection between the cities. The district center is the city of Novokuznetsk. Railway communication is carried out at the expense of the Novokuznetsk - Tashtagol railway line. The mine is the leading enterprise of the city of Osinniki.
Natural conditions
The climate of the region is characterized by highcontinental, long and cold winters. Summer is short and hot. Winter frosts can reach values of 45–50 degrees below zero. The thickness of the snow reaches 40–60 cm. The depth of soil freezing usually does not exceed 2 m. The total amount of precipitation is about 500 mm per year. The prevailing winds are southern and southwest exposures.
The region is seismically unstable. The maximum possible strength of earthquakes is estimated at 7 on the Richter scale.
The history of the mine "Osinnikovskaya"
The year of foundation of the mine is 1932nd. From 1959 to 1975 there was an enlargement of the mine and its unification with the "Kuzbasskaya" and "No. 4".
Now the mine is an openJoint-Stock Company. The year of its foundation is the 1998th. The mine is located at: Osinniki, Kemerovo region, st. Shakhtovaya, d. 3. It is part of the company Yuzhkuzbassugol.
In 1998, the total length of the coal mining zoneat the mine "Osinnikovskaya" was 127 km. The mine had 10 ventilation shafts. In the mining zone were located from 5 to 6 coal seams. The upper coal horizons are mostly already developed. The remaining reserves at a depth of 160 m are about 40 million tons. Up to a depth of 360 m, recoverable coal reserves reach 248 million tons.
Since 1997, the reconstruction of the mine.A total of 39 billion rubles was allocated for these purposes. This is due to the need to replace outdated and less efficient equipment with new, improved.
The current state of the mine
Coal mining is carried out at the mine.layers of the Elban and Kandalep suites of the Kuzbass. The total production area is 56.7 square meters. km, dimensions - 12 to 15 km. All production conditionally divided into four blocks. The first and second blocks make up the central part, which is located in the active development zone. The third block refers to the western part, which is not being developed. The layers here have an oblique orientation. The fourth block is the north-eastern part, remote from the center, with a limited volume of workings. The fifth block is the northern part, the most remote from the center, which is not being developed.
At a depth of 160 m the main stored coal reservesrefer to block 5 only. Therefore, mining in the most accessible 1 and 2 blocks requires the opening of deeper and undeveloped coal seams. The project assumes the beginning of coal mining in the depth horizon of 360 m. The reserves of recoverable resources there amount to 30,000 tons. Taking into account deeper horizons (up to a depth of 600 m), the total reserves of coal available for mining are 250,000 tons.
The accident at the mine "Osinnikovskaya"
A serious accident happened at the mine in March 2013of the year. This happened during the maintenance work on the pumping of water from the flooded zones. At the same time, a collapse of a ten-meter pillar was recorded, which led to a breakthrough of water in the area of workings. The collapse of the mine Osinnikovskaya reported in the administration of the mine. Of the 143 miners who worked at the time at the mine, 139 were able to leave the mine independently. In this case, three of them had minor injuries. Of the remaining four, one is dead. The fate of the other three miners is not reported. It is only known that they worked on an intermediate drainage system.
In accordance with the decree of the governor of KemerovoOblast Aman Tuleyev, a working commission was set up to assist the victims of the collapse at the Osinnikovskaya mine and to eliminate the consequences of this state of emergency. In the accident zone, 5 rescue teams were working. Two medical teams were nearby in constant readiness.
Investigation of state of emergency on mine "Osinnikovskaya" was conductedSiberian branch of Rostekhnadzor. Perhaps the occurrence of the accident was facilitated by the gigantic size of the mine and the long duration of its operation. The most common causes of serious accidents in coal mines are methane explosions. Therefore, as a preventive measure, it is necessary to create a system of continuous monitoring of methane content in the air and early warning systems in order to timely notify miners about an increase in the concentration of this gas.