/ / "Motherland" in Volgograd - a monument in honor of the great battle

"Motherland-Mother" in Volgograd - a monument in honor of the great battle

The monument “Motherland-Mother” in Volgograd has, asIzotova Valentina, a resident of this city, is supposed to be her prototype. She was chosen for this honorable role, after the model sent from the capital did not fit the sculptor by type. The team of craftsmen found their “muse” in the restaurant, where Valya worked as a waitress, and for a long time they tried to persuade the female student who worked in the catering to accept the role of a model. A woman for two years posed for several hours a day, holding in her hands the rail symbolizing the sword. Payment for her work at that time was very decent - three rubles a day.

Motherland in Volgograd

Everyone should know that the sculpture "Motherland-Mother"in Volgograd is part of the composition dedicated to the Battle of Stalingrad. During this battle, about 1,219,000 Soviet soldiers were killed, about 1,500 tanks and 2,000 aircraft were destroyed. Search teams still find the remains of military personnel and bury them near the village of Rossoshka in the Gorodishchensky district. According to general estimates, only since 1993, about 48,000 people from different countries have been laid to rest.

The statue of Motherland in Volgograd was erected onan earthy fourteen-mound mound, in the land of which also lie the remains of those who in the years 1942-1943. fought with the enemy in this area. The total weight of the female figure is 8 tons. An interesting feature of the design is that the monument is not attached to the base in any way, i.e. costs only under the weight of its weight and due to the configuration features. In addition, it is noteworthy that the sword in his hand weighs much more than the figure itself - more than 14 tons.

monument to the motherland in volgograd

The height of the Motherland in Volgograd is such thatFor many years, this monument was considered the highest in the world (85 meters). Today it is surpassed by such statues as the monument to Peter the Great in Moscow (about 96 meters), the Victory Monument in Moscow on Poklonnaya Hill (141.8 m), the Buddha statue in Japan (about 120 meters). It was originally intended to install a 36-meter monument, which was later decided to increase.

Monument "Motherland" in Volgograd - thisthe work of the famous Soviet master Vuychich, who created the sculptural portraits of many military leaders, as well as the composition “Cut the Swords to Plowshares” (New York) and the monument “The Winner Warrior” in Berlin's Treptow Park. The master's creation is surrounded by dozens of searchlights, the system of which was installed for the opening of the monument in October 1967.

the height of the mother's motherland in Volgograd

The sculpture "Motherland" in Volgograd over the yearsits existence has undergone minor changes. In particular, in order for the wind not to rock the structure, holes were made in the sword. Then the 33-meter blade was replaced by a lighter one. In the mid 80s of the last century, as well as in 2010, the monument was strengthened to correct the permissible angle of deviation of the statue. So, before the last works, a total deviation of two hundred eleven millimeters was revealed with a permissible value of two hundred seventy two millimeters. The situation has arisen due to changes in the state of groundwater, as well as the characteristics of the materials from which the statue is made.