/ / Dmitry Frolov: the famous Russian hockey player

Dmitry Frolov: the famous Russian hockey player

К легендам хоккея Дмитрий Фролов не относится, however it was a very capable hockey player and an excellent defender. Three times he became the champion of the USSR, as part of the Russian team became the world champion in 1993. He received an invitation from the NHL, but did not want to leave the country and spent the best years of his career here. Today Dmitry works as a coach, having had time to collaborate with several teams of the youth hockey league.

Career start

Dmitry Frolov was born in Temirtau (Kazakhstan) in1966 year. The hockey school in the Kazakh SSR was quite strong. From there came out many famous players. Teams from Ust-Kamenogorsk, Karaganda played great in the national championship. Did not escape the hobby of hockey and little Dima, enrolling in the hockey section. Physically strong stubborn guy quickly progressed and already in adolescence began to shine in junior tournaments.

Статистика Дмитрия Фролова в хоккее берет свой Counting since 1982, when he at the age of fifteen years debuted at an adult level for the team "Builder" from the Kazakh Temirtau. The club played then in the Second League of the Allied Championship and did not particularly shine.

dmitriy frolov
However, a tenacious, unyielding defender produceda pleasant impression and promised to grow into an excellent hockey player. After leaving his native Temirtau, Dmitry spent two seasons in the leading club of the Kazakh SSR - Karaganda's "Motorist".

In the elite division

According to Dmitry, when he was a player in thethe country was not held a large number of youth tournaments, and young hockey players had to break their own way to success, pushing the elbows of adult players. The same went and the hockey player Dmitry Frolov, who came to Kharkiv Dynamo at the age of eighteen years, not having a guaranteed place in the first team.

The Ukrainian team played then in the First League of the Allied Championship, and the young defender soon became a key link in the team interactions.

dmitriy frolov hockey player
He spent two years in Kharkov, after whichwent to play in the Premier League for the "Dynamo" from Riga. Here Dmitry Frolov also spent two seasons, attracting the attention of the coaches of the best teams of the country. From Latvia, the hockey player left for the third Dynamo club in his life. This time he was invited to his ranks Dynamo from Moscow, one of the best hockey clubs in the country.

Golden years

Here were collected really star players,and in the first season, Dmitry Frolov spent a lot of time off-site, without having a place in the first team. As a result, he asked the club's management to return to Kharkov for a while, so as not to lose practice and practice their skills in games for the club of the First League.

In the late eighties Dmitry Froloventers a new level of development and, together with Zhamnov and Svetlov, becomes one of the leaders of the Moscow "Dynamo". As part of the "white-blue" team, he participated in the games of the legendary Super Series against the NHL teams, twice won the European Cup. In the season of 1989/1990, a talented defender was first invited to the USSR national team.

At the turn of the epoch, the brilliant Dynamo is three years oldsuccessively won the union championship, becoming the last champion of the united USSR. Not the least role in the team played Frolov Dmitry, the statistics on the game in the defense of which was one of the best in the country.

World Champion and Legionnaire

In 1990, the defender of "Dynamo" was selected ondraft NHL club "Calgary Flames" under number 146. However, Dmitry Frolov decided not to test fate and stayed to play in Russia, having managed to take in the "Dynamo" three league titles.

In 1992, he left Moscow, moving tothe composition of St. Petersburg SKA, which was headed by Boris Mikhailov at the time. He will also invite Frolov to the national team, which will win the gold medals of the World Cup in 1993. The native Temirtau was twice summoned to the national team for world forums, but the team's success in those years was more than modest, the Russians did not pass the quarterfinals.

Refusing to leave Russia in due time, DmitryFrolov did not escape the temptation to try his hand abroad. However, the invitation was received not from the NHL, but from a not very hockey Italy. Ex-Dynamo began to play for the "Devils Milano", in which he managed to become the champion of the country.

frolov dmitry nikolaevich statistics

European career Frolova ended with performances for clubs from Austria and Germany, for which he spent one season.


Homeland ice hockey player returned in 1997, becomingplayer of his native Moscow "Dynamo". Together with the club, he reached the finals of the Euroleague and the Cup of Russia, but after one season left the team. At the highest level, he played for another couple of years, having managed to change several Super League clubs, among which were Avangard and CSKA. In 2002, Dmitry Frolov announced his retirement, already being a hockey player of the modest "Gasovik".

However, Dmitry did not forget about his homeland. At that time the hockey club "Barys" from Astana was actively developing.

frolov dmitry hockey statistics
The team leaders decided to invite to the team an experienced veteran, who started in Kazakh hockey, and called Dmitry. Frolov accepted the offer of Barys and won together with him the bronze of the First League.


In 2011, coaching beganformer defender of "Dynamo". The first team of Frolov was the Youth Hockey League club "Vityaz". After a couple of years, he continued to work as a mentor for another youth team - "Atlanta". Teams under his leadership achieved some success, so soon he went on to increase and became the coach of the MHK "Spartak".

dmitry frolov of the legend of hockey

In 2016 Dmitry moved to the adult level and joined the coaching staff of the Sunday "Chemist".