/ / Filamentous algae: stages of development, reproduction, how to remove from the aquarium?

Filamentous algae: stages of development, reproduction, how to remove from the aquarium?

Нитчатые водоросли, едва появившись в аквариуме, begin to expand rapidly, braiding thin threads of plants and stones. Within a few days, the filament can completely fill the room pond. Expanding, algae secrete a large amount of waste in the water, interfere with the growth of plants, become cobwebs, in which fish fry can become entangled or fodder particles may get stuck. All this is the reason for the activation of decay processes. If you do not take any action and start the problem, green filamentous algae can lead to the death of the entire ecosystem.

filamentous algae

How are algae different from plants?

All representatives of the plant kingdom in terms ofBiology are divided into higher and lower. Plants, including aquarium ones, are rather complexly organized creatures having different sections in their structure: root system, leaves, stem, shoots, flowers and fruits.

Examples of fairly unpretentious careaquarium plants can serve as duckweed, limnobium, ellodieus, valisneria, rogolodnik. These inhabitants of a room pond carry out photosynthesis, during which they remove carbon dioxide and release oxygen, absorb phosphates, nitrites and nitrates, cleaning the aquarium, are indicators of the state of the ecosystem and additional food for its inhabitants.

green filamentous alga

Algae are representatives of the lowerplants, the simplest. Their structure is much more primitive than representatives of the group of higher (flowering or seed plants) - there are no organs in the algae, they consist of one or several cell types in which complex biochemical processes take place. Algae are divided into single-celled and multicellular. The main feature that distinguishes the lower plants is the multiplication of spores.

The variety of algae is conventionally divided intodepartments. The simplest of them are blue-green algae, while the rest of the group is more complex. You can find brown, green, diatom and red algae in aquariums. Frequent “guest” of home water bodies lacking natural light in sufficient quantities are brown algae in winter, and the increased content of organic matter in aquarium water often leads to the activation of blue-green representatives of the group.

Why do algae appear in the aquarium?

The filamentous algae in the aquarium actively grow and rapidly occupy almost the entire area of ​​the home water reservoir under the following conditions:

  • increased water hardness;
  • insufficient amount of aquarium plants;
  • irregular water change;
  • poor cleaning, which causes the accumulation of nitrates, necessary for the growth and development of the yarn;
  • insufficient oxygen supply;
  • too bright light: the thread appears more often if artificial light is used more than eight hours a day or direct sunlight falls on the aquarium.

Novice aquarists encounter threadin cases where higher plants have not yet managed to take root in the ecosystem and there is an excess of trace elements necessary for the active development of the simplest. Sometimes you can bring green algae with new aquarium plants.

reproduction of filamentous algae

What are dangerous algae?

Active reproduction of filamentous algae leadsthe fact that organisms literally in a few days fill all the space in the aquarium. They unite in bunches, entangle plants, hampering their growth and development, clog up filters and other equipment, attach to the bogs. Toxic substances secreted by filamentous algae in large quantities, detrimental effect on the inhabitants of the aquarium. In the algae filaments themselves, the fry and small fish may get entangled, sticking to the remains of feed and other organic matter.

What do algae look like?

Green filamentous alga isrepresentative of one of the groups, often delivering extra trouble to aquarists. One of the signs of active reproduction of green algae in the home pond is the visible turbidity and greening of the water. Externally, the thread looks like thin green threads. The alga is slim, soft to the touch, when removed from the water immediately loses its shape and sags. The development of filamentous algae occurs due to the absorption of nutrients dissolved in water and the process of photosynthesis.

fight filamentous algae

Why does the thread “conquer territory” so quickly?

Filamentous algae grows rapidly withfavorable conditions. Contribute to the rapid spread of filament in an artificial reservoir method of reproduction: the alga splits into separate sections, each of which forms a new thread. Also filamentous algae spores multiply. In the latter case, spores with flagella attached to the ground and germinate.

What are the types of algae (filamentous)?

Two can be present in the aquarium.varieties of filamentous algae: directly green filaments, freely floating in water, and shorter, as a rule, accumulating on the surface of glass and planes of plants. Different types of green algae have different “preferences” in living conditions and nutrition, so that the methods of dealing with them are different.

To filamentous algae include:

  1. Спирогира.The alga has the form of long bright green "strands" that are knocked together in a kind of nest. The threads are soft, easy to warm up with your fingers. Most often, spirogyra settles near young plants, and a surplus of nutrients and lightness contribute to a surge in algae activity.
  2. ThreadThis species combines many very similar algae. Long strands are attached to old bark or stones in well-lit places, the color can vary from dark or light green to grayish or black.
  3. "Down".At the early stage of the development of filamentous algae, “down” covers the leaves and stems of plants. The appearance of such algae indicates malnutrition in the aquarium and the poverty of the soil substrate.
  4. Chlorella and Chlamydomonas.The simplest algae are part of the natural life process in natural reservoirs, while in an aquarium they can be a real disaster. Chlorella and Chlamydomonas are exactly those single cells that cause the water to "bloom".
  5. Ulotriks. The filamentous alga Ulotrix forms balls, which are interconnected. Algae covers the well-lit walls and soil of the aquarium.

What ways to deal with the thread?

There are several methods to deal with the yarn, it is better to take a comprehensive approach to the problem. To get rid of algae as follows:

  • using mechanical cleaning;
  • creating unfavorable conditions for the growth and development of algae;
  • biological and chemical methods.

filamentous algae are
How to mechanically remove algae?

How to start a fight?Filamentous algae, which may have left an artificial reservoir after mechanical cleaning, are spirogyra and filament. In the fight against other organisms, mechanical removal will be only the first step.

So, you need to thoroughly clean the walls.aquarium from greenish bloom. To simplify the procedure, there are many special tools: scrapers, which work on the principle of a razor, grater with a magnet, which allows to control the process through the glass. However, in practice, it is easier and more effective to clean the walls of the aquarium with a usual sponge for washing dishes. By the way, soft sponges do not leave scratches, which are typical when using special scrapers.

Очистить от налета декоративные элементы, коряги and the stones are a little harder. But there is also a simple and reliable way - the old toothbrush has proven to be the most effective means. Stiff bristles and small size make it possible to carefully treat uneven surfaces. Together with the mechanical cleaning it is necessary to change the water in the aquarium.

developmental stages of filamentous algae

What conditions are unfavorable for the nitrica?

The fight against filamentous algae also impliescreating unfavorable conditions for their reproduction and development. So, it is necessary to reduce the brightness of the lighting, and if the aquarium is under direct sunlight, darken it with white paper or gauze. Algae will die under specially darkened lighting. Three days are enough to get rid of the thread in this way.

Кроме того, возможно стоит увеличить количество aquarium plants. Living plants are necessary to maintain the harmonious life of an artificial reservoir, otherwise their place will be occupied by algae. It is also important to ensure good aeration - a sufficient flow of oxygen will allow the plants to feel good and suppress the growth of algae.

Which inhabitants of the aquarium eat algae?

Fight excess filamentousalgae will help and inhabitants of an artificial reservoir. Some species of fish feed on algae, controlling their distribution. So, for the normalization of the ecosystem, it is sometimes enough to start a fish called Ancistrus ordinary. Natural enemies of algae are also:

  • Daphnia crustaceans;
  • mollies;
  • barbs;
  • shrimp;
  • coil snails;
  • petilia;
  • guppies and other viviparous fishes.

What drugs inhibit the development of nitrica?

Not always cope with the activation of growthalgae can be exclusively "natural" methods. In some cases, it is worth using chemicals that can be purchased at aquarium or zoological stores. From filamentous algae helps the introduction in the artificial reservoir bicillin-5 and penicillin.

fight with filamentous algae

How to prevent the appearance of algae?

Для профилактики появления нитчатки в аквариуме you need to know not only why parasite algae appear, but also what conditions are necessary for a normal life. Lighting is one of the important factors. Direct sunlight or just bright light contribute to the emergence and spread of algae, so the aquarium should not be left under powerful lighting for a long time.

It is also believed that a high content of nitratesand phosphate causes the growth of this alga to increase. Substances are part of the fertilizer for aquarium plants, but still completely abandon the additional feeding is not worth it, as fertilizer is still needed. So, in plants it is necessary to fertilize rationed.

In order not to bring algae parasite along withnew plants, you need to control everything that is planned to be placed in an artificial reservoir. If there are any signs of thread on the new plants or decorative elements, you need to postpone the purchase.

When cleaning an aquarium, all plants shouldrinse thoroughly with water and clean. With the ground should do the same. With regular cleaning of the soil, the risk of filament is significantly reduced. Good in the prevention of nitric potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide. However, all the above methods do little to help if the alga has already appeared in the aquarium. In this case, you must first get rid of the parasite.

Why you should not completely remove algae?

Algae are full participants.biological processes, so that the presence of visible fibers in moderate quantities does not damage the aquarium. In contrast, filamentous green algae are able to absorb excess nutrients and rotting products. Harm also causes excessive growth of algae in an artificial pond. In addition, a similar situation is a clear indicator that some kind of failure has occurred in a closed ecosystem. Perhaps the problem is insufficient amount of aquarium plants or excessive lighting.