/ / Kristen Johnston - famous American comedian. Photo and biography of the actress

Kristen Johnston is a famous American comedian. Photos and biography of the actress

Today let's talk about one of the famous andtalented hollywood stars. Kristen Johnston is a popular American comedian and actress who is a two-time winner of the most prestigious Emmy television award. The actress is known to the viewer on the comedy series The Third Planet from the Sun, in which Sally Solomon played the role.

Kristen johnston

Biography: origins

Кристен Джонстон родилась двадцатого сентября 1967 in Washington, DC, in the family of Republican Senator Rod Johnston and an insurance real estate agent. After the birth of Kristen, the family moved to Milwaukee (Wis.). There, the future actress went to school and began attending classes in theatrical skills.

After graduation, Kristen went to a privateNew York University research, which graduated with a bachelor of dramatic arts. Even then, Chris thought about the career of an actress.

Career start and filmography

A young girl began to build her career intheater - she participated in Broadway productions in New York. Kristen has become quite a famous and popular theater actress. Three times (in 1994, 2007 and 2010) she was nominated for the theater prize "Drama Desk Avat".

Kristen johnston private life

After several episodic appearances onTelevision actress received a long-awaited leading role in the series "The Third Planet from the Sun." In the main cast, she was present for all 139 episodes. For Best Supporting Actress Kristen Johnston received two Emmy awards, a nomination for the US Screen Actors Guild Award and Golden Globe Award.

The film “Debt”, which was presented at the Cannes Film Festival and nominated for an award, became crucial for the actress.

Johnston starred in films such as Warbrides "," Vampire "," Best friends and child "," Bad parents "," In search of bliss "," Sick of love "," Sex and the City "," Ugly "and" First Aid ".

From 2011 to 2015, Kristen Johnston starred in the Former Sitcom. The project brought the actress success. For the best actress in the comedy series, Kristen deservedly received the Gracie Award.

In parallel with the filming of the comedy series "Former" Johnston is involved in work on the projects "Kersti" and "The American Family." There she appeared in several episodes.

Personal life

In the fall of 2013, the press reported on the diseaseKristen johnston The personal life of the actress remained closed to society, but later it became known that Kristen was diagnosed with myelitis (inflammation of the tissues of the spinal cord).

The actress suffers from muscle weakness, can hardly move. Also due to illness, Kristen has to constantly wear an orthopedic collar.

It's hard to say if we will see more Johnston inany movies or episodes of TV shows. But it's safe to say that Chris is a really talented actress. More than once she proved it on the screen.

Kristen Johnston, whose photo is in the article, loves to do homemade photo shoots.

Kristen johnston photo

To date, the actress is 49 years old. During her bright career, Kristen managed to play in 22 films and 16 TV shows. She also appeared on several television programs.

In the audience, Chris is always associated with a positive character. The ability to perceive everything with a smile on her face only paints this wonderful woman. We wish her good luck in the future.