/ / Multiple sources of income. Sources of family income

Multiple sources of income. Sources of family income

This article will focus on the question of why multiple sources of income are needed and how they can be created.

One salary is not enough

sources of input
In case the main sources of income are onlysalaries of family members, then it is rather unstable its financial situation. This is especially true if there is another financial crisis behind the window.

Of no small importance is this question,if these sources of income overlap due to loss of employment, and the family needs to be fed, and there are other financial obligations (for example, a bank loan). In this case, the option of earning will help in another place.

Поэтому в тематической литературе можно встретить interpretation of such a thing as multiple sources of income. The creation of such will contribute to the formation of real financial freedom. Especially if such sources of income will be passive. In other words, it is the profit that a person receives, regardless of whether he works or rests.

Passive sources of income

multiple sources of income
So, what it is and by what criteria they can be assessed:

1. Starting your own business. We are talking about this kind of activity that does not require special participation in the process of functioning, but will require a lot of attention at the initial stage.

2. Income from rental properties.This may be personal property both in Russia and abroad. Such sources of family income are relatively stable. At the first stage, it is advisable to have such property abroad.

3Copyrights are quite interesting sources of income generated from various printed or audio, video materials, as well as inventions created personally. The source of such earnings is the receipt of royalties.

four.Bank deposit, which is the most common source of additional income. It is formed at the expense of investing a certain amount of money in the bank at interest, which refers to the passive type of earnings.

In what order is it better to generate revenues?

If today in the family there is only one type of income, then experts recommend adding others gradually.

Multiple sources of income: their creation

sources of revenue
For the successful implementation of their achievements and achievements in order to obtain additional earnings in the future, it is necessary to draw up a certain algorithm of actions:

- select the direction of activity in which you plan to create a source of income;

- a specific plan for its formation is being drawn up

- this plan is being implemented.

Other sources of income

In addition to passive, there are also such sources of income as:

- bonus for work;

- compensation and compensation for damage;

- pension;

- scholarship;

- alimony.

Income and expenses

family income sources
Provided the family receives regularearnings, she has the ability to plan the appropriate level of expenditure. However, often, by distributing expenses for future monthly payments, it is possible to detect the need for additional payments. Thus, additional financial plans may appear.

Совсем другое дело, если речь заходит о irregular earnings. In this case, it is more difficult to plan the sources of income and expenses, as the size of such an average family budget for the previous year and the moment regarding what is the minimum amount expected per month remains uncertain.

An important issue for the budget of any family isits planning in accordance with the minimum size of the source of income. And in case of appearance of surplus, it will be possible to direct them to cover additional needs.

Security of income sources

sources of income and expenses
In this case, you need to repeat once again aboutthe need for a family, in addition to the main source of income, is also additional. For example, if a family member receives only social benefits, then there is a possibility of changes in the current legislation, which will lead to the loss of the status of a citizen who meets specific criteria for receiving such benefits.

Лучший вариант – работают все трудоспособные family members. At the same time, they should have different places of work so that in the event of any reorganization at the enterprise, the family would not be without earnings. Family income depends on a large number of factors, but effective planning will help to increase the effect of income growth with their distribution among sources.

Additional source of income

As an additional income, you can try to get a temporary job (if you can combine it with the main one).

У каждого человека есть свои неповторимые talents that he realizes as a hobby. An example is handicrafts. So, knitted products can be sold with a good income, you can make them to order.

Another example is the garden and vegetable garden hobbies. Thanks to successful sales, you can also get additional income from your land plot in the fall.

Thus, such activities will bring pleasure, and, perhaps, a small, but still earnings.

Expenditures of the family budget

Costs are an important part of anyfamily budget planning. After all, the well-being of all its members depends on their optimization. Often in families there is an excess of expenses over income. This situation contributes to taking loans from banking institutions, which subsequently increase the expenditure side of the family budget, because the loan must be repaid on time, and with interest.

main sources of income
The main items of expenditure should include the following:

- food, shelter, clothing and expenses that are associated with health;

- parenting related to tuition and recreation.

Such needs are the same for absolutely everyone.but only differ in the level of earnings of family members. For some parents, upbringing of children of preschool and primary school age is much cheaper than those who, due to their income level, can provide their offspring with additional elements of education (for example, foreign languages). The latter will have better quality of preparation in the future and, accordingly, life than their parents themselves.

Depending on the size of the source of income, people plan their vacation. So, for some it will be expressed in the work in the garden, and for others it is a trip to an overseas resort.

Costs, like revenues, can be permanent and random. The first can be attributed to those that repeat in a certain period (for example, once a month):

- utility bills;

- rent;

- repayment of loans;

- premium insurance;

- tuition payment;

- fare.

Accidental expenses are:

- overhaul and maintenance;

- purchase of equipment;

- Expenses for examination and sickness.

There are also so-called “undesirable” expenses consisting of:

- fines and penalties;

- various compensations (for example, repair of housing of neighbors filled with water);

- interest for unpaid obligations.

Summarizing the material presented in this article,It should be noted that the preparation of the family budget is an integral part of any "cell of society". Only due to effective planning will the family be able to exist at a sufficient financial level.