/ / When and where can you see the northern lights in Russia?

When and where can you see the northern lights in Russia?

Our planet is a unique organism capableendlessly surprising people with their beauties and unusual phenomena. What is the mystical fiery dance of heaven! So called the Northern Lights, the indigenous people of Chukotka, related to this phenomenon with great awe and respect. Those who were lucky to see this heavenly carnival with their own eyes have never been the same. Northern Lights forever captivates human souls with its beauty. But do not think that in order to enjoy this amazing spectacle, you need to go to foreign distances. Each person, having shown some patience, can look at the northern lights in Russia.

Where can I see the northern lights in Russia

What is the heavenly glow really?

Before you figure out whereyou can see the northern lights in Russia, let's find out the nature of this mysterious phenomenon. In ancient times, magical origins were attributed to an unusual glow. Some nations thought it was the lights of the divine palace. Others treated him wary and hid children during this phenomenon, believing that the gods are angry with the inhabitants of the earth and can punish the death of their family members. In any case, the northern lights belonged to the mystical mysteries, the mystery of which was not worth exploring the uninitiated.

In fact, a natural phenomenon can be givenvery simple definition. Scientists have shown that the celestial glow occurs due to the reaction of particles of the solar wind that have reached the upper layers of the atmosphere of our planet with nitrogen and oxygen. The interaction of these particles causes the glow of extraordinary beauty.

Who first began to study the phenomenon of the northern lights

Scientists all over the world tried to solve the riddleamazing glow, but the northern lights in Russia was actively studied only by Mikhail Lomonosov. He conducted a lot of experiments and proved that the glow has an electrical nature. His followers continued the work of the teacher, step by step revealing the essence of an unusual phenomenon.

Where is the northern lights in Russia

In the end, it was proved that the powerful lights of the sun are always followed by the northern lights. And brightness and duration of a luminescence depends on the power of solar emission.

Where is the northern lights?

Emission of charged particles by the Sun occursconstantly, but in most cases this solar wind is insignificant and does not cause a glow in the upper atmosphere. But a particularly powerful charge is sure to be attracted by the magnetic pole of the Earth. Therefore, the northern lights can be seen only in the area of ​​the magnetic poles of our planet. Since there are two of them, the radiance is northern and southern. At the South Pole, where there are practically no human settlements, it is very problematic to see the celestial carnival. But the North Pole is quite hospitable, and people can enjoy an amazing natural phenomenon if they try to get there at the right time. However, in order to see the magic sky lights, it is not necessary to get together on a long journey. The Northern Lights in the cities of Russia can also be observed, the list of such places on the territory of our country is quite extensive.

Such a different northern lights

Scientists studying the northern lights identified twoof his kind. The palest glow is diffuse. It is usually barely perceptible even on a dark night and does not differ in color. Dot aurora borealis is the complete opposite of the previous species. It radiates a surprisingly bright glow, which is very clearly visible at night. Some eyewitnesses claim that under such a light, you can read a printed text without straining your eyes.

Is it easy to see the northern lights?

Если вы уверены, что поймать в объектив Cameras sky lights are very easy, and you only care about the question of where you can see the northern lights in Russia, then you have to upset. Do not rush to collect bags and buy tickets - the northern lights are very difficult to see. Even powerful emissions of solar particles do not guarantee color stains in the sky. Experts consider the opportunity to photograph the northern lights as a rare success, because for this many factors must coincide. The absence of one of them will already change the situation, and the magic lights in the sky will not appear. A journey to the ends of the earth will be wasted.

Northern lights in cities of Russia

The best time to hunt for the sky light

The Northern Lights, surprising as it sounds,is a seasonal phenomenon. Most often it can be observed in the winter months. Those who want to know when you can see the northern lights in Russia can start planning a vacation from November to February. This period is considered the most successful for observing a rare natural phenomenon. Moreover, the northern nights in these months last up to twenty hours, which is very convenient for fixing the natural phenomenon.

The multicolored glow manifests itself most clearly until three in the morning. In the following hours it becomes paler and gradually disappears.

How to see the northern lights?

Most sky-shading huntersThe question is about where you can see the northern lights in Russia. But it is equally important to know how and when exactly to observe the magical natural phenomenon. Experts know that before buying tickets to the northern region, you need to carefully track the solar flares. Powerful emission on the sun is a guarantee of the presence of the northern lights. Around the world, several observatories track the activity of our star, their data are available to every Internet user. If you notice a great activity of the Sun, then you can safely choose the northern city and buy tickets. You will have about five days in stock - this time is necessary for the solar wind to reach our planet.

When can you see the northern lights in Russia

When choosing a place where you plan to see the northern lights, follow a few simple rules:

  • it is necessary to leave to the most distant northern cities;
  • clear weather will be ideal for observing a natural phenomenon, the clouds immediately hide all the beauty;
  • the point from which you will observe the heavenly glow should be a small village, otherwise the light from the city will block the northern lights.

Experienced travelers have their own list of cities around the world that are ideal for filming the northern lights.

What is useful on the way?

North does not forgive mistakes and stupidities.Both polar explorers and residents of the Far North regions know this. Therefore, be well prepared for the hunt for the northern lights, otherwise you will waste your money on a trip. First of all, take care of the car. It can be rented in the city where you are going. The machine will help you out in many cases:

  • you will always be mobile and be able to choose the best angle for shooting;
  • inside the car you can always warm up;
  • special equipment in the car will be safe and sound, without being exposed to low temperatures.

The main thing - make sure that the tank of the car was full, and in the trunk was a pair of spare jerry cans with gasoline.

Pay special attention to clothes - it should bewarm and comfortable. And shoes must be chosen very carefully, while shooting you will have to spend several hours in the snow. Note that the batteries in a frost very quickly lose their charge. So take a few spare units for the equipment.

View the Northern Lights in Russia

It will not be superfluous to take along a thermos withtea and a lot of sandwiches. After all, the hunt for the northern lights can be delayed for the whole night, and hunger will force you to return to the city and lose precious time.

Northern Lights in Russia: where can I see?

Россия - это огромная страна.Its population can observe the beautiful celestial glow in many of the lost corners of the Russian hinterland. Where in Russia the northern lights are the brightest? Scientists believe that in Chukotka and in Karelia. Residents of these areas more often than others enjoy the beautiful sight in the winter months. But do not rush to go to these edges. In winter it is very difficult to get here, to many settlements there are not even roads. And severe frosts almost completely exclude the possibility of a trip to observe the northern lights. Therefore it is worth looking for other places where an amazing natural phenomenon is also often found.

First of all, you should go to those cities andareas of the country where you can see the northern lights. In Russia, these territories include the Murmansk and Arkhangelsk regions. It is quite easy to get here from central Russia, and the frost does not interfere with spending nights on the street, watching the sky glow.

Where can I see the northern lights in Russia: a list of cities

If you go chasing the northradiance from Moscow, then pay attention to the city of the Murmansk region. Choose small towns with good access roads. Best cities fit:

  • Polar.
  • Vidyaevo.
  • Pechenega.

It has all the necessary infrastructure, such as hotels and cafes. That is, travelers will be quite comfortable and convenient in these towns.

Northern Lights in Russia

If you are looking for a real extreme, then we advise yougo to the Khibiny Mountains. They are located just south of Murmansk and offer just an amazing view of the night sky. There is no need to worry about light "pollution", because the nearest city is a few thousand kilometers away. The only disadvantage in the Khibiny is the lack of a large selection of hotels. In winter, only a few recreation centers remain open.

In the Komi Republic the northern lights can be seenfrom almost any locality. Locals can even observe such a rare phenomenon as the aurora borealis of august. But it is best to go to Vorkuta - there is the least light pollution and quite decent infrastructure.

Поездка на Таймыр - это настоящее приключение.Northern Lights hunters usually go to the village of Khatanga. It is considered the northernmost settlement in Russia. Here you can see the most beautiful and lasting heavenly glow in the world. Even Norway and Iceland can not boast of such a colorful northern lights, which is usually observed by the locals of Khatanga.

Northern Lights in Russia where you can see

Northern Lights is an amazing phenomenon.Even those who have watched it more than once cannot refuse to enjoy this spectacle once again. No camera or video camera can convey the essence of this magical light. No wonder the northern peoples gave this natural phenomenon poetic names, the most beautiful of them is "the light that is heard."