/ / Oleg Gazmanov's family: biography and photo

Oleg Gazmanov's family: biography and photos

Everyone is used to seeing Oleg Gazmanov fluttering around the stage with ease. Few people know about his personal life. Let's open this veil.

Briefly about the singer

Oleg Gazmanov's family is first of allhead of the family. Forever young, athletic and lively singer was born on the twenty-second of July 1951 in the city of Kaliningrad. In 2016, he celebrated the 65th anniversary.

family oleg gazmanova

By the nature of his work, he is a pop singer, composer, composes lyrics for songs.

Oleg Gazmanov family

Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Peopleactor, goodwill ambassador of UNICEF, winner of the Ovation award, but to ordinary people he is remembered as a performer of such hits as “Sailor”, “Lord officers,” “Squadron” and many others.

First marriage

The first family of Oleg Gazmanov was formed inmid seventies. It was an alliance with a graduate of the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology, Kaliningrad University, Irina. The girl took the name of her husband. In 1981, the young dad heard the long-awaited phrase: “You have a son, Oleg Gazmanov!”, - the family was replenished with a new member, who was named Rodion. Spouses were happy.

But, as sometimes happens, everything was not quite as rosy as it seemed from the outside.


In the early nineties, long-awaited popularity came to the singer. The artist literally flooded all television and radio broadcasts. But this situation had a downside.

As Irina admitted in an interview later, veryit's hard to be the wife of a public person like Oleg Gazmanov. Biography, family, wife - aggressive-minded fans wanted to know everything about their idol. Some were even openly jealous of their lawful spouse, who were not shy about talking during numerous phone calls.


Already at the peak of its popularity, the singer metwith another girl who won his heart. It is easy to guess what Gazmanov Oleg Mikhailovich was thinking about: the family was no longer so strong, and the new acquaintance was a lifelong dream.

By the way, acquaintance - the whole detective story.Marina was only eighteen at the time of her acquaintance, she was a student at a local university. The singer accidentally saw a beautiful woman on the street and realized that he could not live without her. What did the singer not do to endear himself to the girl - and sent the members of the group with the cherished ticket to his concert, guarded her personally, donated his CDs and often-often telephoned, discussing various intellectual topics.

Later Marina admitted that her favorite meeting places with her future husband were the planetarium and the arboretum.

In 2003, after the break from the firstwife, happy young wedding. A new social unit was formed - Oleg Gazmanov and his family (the photos of which, by the way, were updated soon enough). And in December, the common daughter of the spouses was born, who was named Marianna. The young mother already had a son from his first marriage, whose name is Philip.

Oleg gazmanov biography family

The new family of Oleg Gazmanov is the union of the most famous and creative singer and professional designer and economist. Their first meeting took place in the mid-1990s.

Before meeting with the public's favorite, Marina was married to the brother of the most famous Russian combinator, Vyacheslav Mavrodi.

Gazmanov Oleg Mikhailovich family

The first joint "publication" took place in 2003year on the fashion show of the popular artist-designer Valentin Abramovich Yudashkin. Almost ten years have passed since the moment of the first meeting before Marina became the personification of the phrase “Oleg Gazmanov’s family”.

At her own wedding, the bride wishedride in a cabriolet. Her wish was fulfilled at its best. The red open car of happy young people will forever remain in the memory of numerous wedding guests, among whom there was even the mayor of Moscow. In addition to other gifts, the bride got the most beautiful diamond ring.

Rodion Gazmanov

Son is the main achievement of which Oleg is proudGazmanov. Biography, the family of the heir in something similar to the fate of his father. Rodion also became a popular personality. Many people know him as a famous actor, but most still associate his name with the songs “Gravity”, “Last Snow” and “Lucy”.

At the age of five, Rodion began studying piano at a music school. Left classes just a year before graduation. Subsequently mastered the guitar.

The first fame came to the boy at the age ofjust six years old. In 1987, Rodion’s music video for the song about the yard dog Lucy became popular thanks to the “Morning Post” program. Rodion owes his fame to Alla Pugacheva, who insisted that the composition go on the air.

Subsequently, the disc with the song was replicated inmore than fifty million copies! It was a huge success, and subsequently - the whole assembled stadiums. The crowd and the public have become for Rodion something everyday and everyday. The fee of the performer was one hundred and fifty rubles, which were spent mainly on sweets and toys. In addition to vocal classes, Rodion's interests are kung fu, swimming and karate.

The youth of the boy went on a Western pattern.At school, Rodion studied abroad for several years. Upon reaching the age of eighteen, the father stopped financing his son, believing that in life he needed to achieve everything himself. Rodion had a chance to work as a bartender, and manager of a restaurant, a construction company, and a financial analyst.

In 2003, the young man graduated from the financial academy with a red diploma.

In 2012, he decided to return to show business. Soon his album "Antiphases" was released. In 2015, he participated in the show “Voice” in the team of Grigory Leps. He is the leader of the group "DNA".

Philip Gazmanov

Philip is also a popular person - as a child he took part in a large-scale project, the Fidgets group. The guy loves sports. His hobbies are football, rugby and of course, the gym.

Currently studying in Britain, inthe same college where his stepbrother Rodion studied and lived. Master the basics of business. Removed as a model for various magazines.

Oleg Gazmanov biography family wife

Philip is a creative person. He loves to draw and play various musical instruments.