/ / Sergei Pikalov: choice of director

Sergei Pikalov: the choice of the director

Известность ему принес нашумевший в свое время the series "Do not Be Born Beautiful", in which the main role - Kati Pushkareva - was played by Nelly Uvarova. A little later he became the director of the television movie "Mymra" (the modern "Office Romance" in a new way) and the series "The Personal Case of Captain Ryumin." It's all he, Sergei Pikalov, - a talented screenwriter, actor and producer.

Childhood and youth

About this time of life of Pikalov to the general publicThere are not many facts known. He was born on August 11, 1976. Since childhood, he cherished a single dream: to devote his life to the service of art. The only thing with which he could not yet determine exactly what would be better for him to be an actor or a director? He studied at the Yaroslavl State Theater Institute. Already since 2000, Sergei Pikalov came to work in the RAMT. It was on this scene that he served as an actor for many years.

His work

But the young man not only appeared on the stage.In the beau monde there is also a director Sergei Pikalov. His works include many films and serials that are repeatedly broadcast on different channels not only Russian television.

sergey picales

The first serial work was "The Talisman of Love".It was ten years ago. Then there were serials about "beauty" Pushkareva and the house in which everything was mixed up. There was also a serial in which Sergey took off his wife - "Atlantis". The main character falls into a difficult situation, which breaks her whole life.

In 2013, for the "First Channel" Pikalov worked on the series "Second Breath". The main roles in it were played by Victoria Tolstoganova and Marat Basharov.

The first meeting

With his wife, Nelly Uvarova, PikalovI met at work, where they played together in the same performances. Faced constantly at rehearsals, they slowly looked closely at each other and made friends. But the romantic relationship began a little later, on the set of the series, the prototype of which was the series "Betty's Betty." Here he acted as the director of the project. Already now a romance between him and actress Nelly Uvarova, who played the role of Kati Pushkareva, a ugly but very clever assistant to the president of the company Zimaletto, developed with leaps and bounds. The couple in love tried not to advertise their incipient relations. They did not want the people around to even guess what was going on between them.

Sergei Pikalov and Nellie uvrova

Somewhat later, already living together, they allequally tried to "encrypt", on the set came separately. And yet their secret was revealed. Gradually they began to ask tricky questions, letting the young know that they knew everything.

Sergei Pikalov and Nelli Uvarova have finally decidedcreate a family. Their wedding was very quiet, with family, relatives and close friends. By the way, according to the terms of the contract, Nelly had no right to remove brackets before the end of filming. So it is quite possible that she was in them at the wedding. And the second: while in the picture Katya Pushkareva did not become a beauty, the real face of the actress, perfectly dressed up for the filming of the ugly Katya, no one should have seen. Therefore, at his own wedding, the bride's face was closed for some time with a veil.

Life after the wedding

Uvarov-elders sincerely felt sympathy for the son-in-law. He believed that Sergei Pikalov and Nelly Uvarova they married once and for all, they believed in their love.

The newlyweds left for Italy in the weddingjourney. Everything was amazing. But when they returned, they plunged into work and often spent the night in different apartments. Yes, of course, they tried very hard to spend time together at every opportunity. After the shooting of the film about Katya Pushkarev was over, Nelli and Sergei were sure that now their family life will be adjusted and will be exactly the same as for hundreds of thousands of other couples. There will be Sunday dinners, joint vacations, trips to museums and theaters and, finally, the birth of children. At one time, even rumors of Uvarova's pregnancy were heard, but none of their spouses gave a single comment about this.

sergey picales photo

Sergey Pikalov, whose photos can be in the pastyears to see in various glossy publications, I was sure that a loving wife should cook meals, do housework and raise children. Nelly, whose career during this period was all flying up the steps by leaps and bounds, could not afford to give up cinema. In addition, she had many rehearsals in the theater. She had almost no time for anything. Even with relatives she spoke rarely and briefly. They said that she really wanted a child, but all the time there were cases that were more important than the continuation of the race.

New love

After some time on the set of the new series, to which Sergey Pikalov started with excitement, произошла новая встреча.Despite the fact that this series was predicted the glory of the previous one, the story repeated in another. On the set Picalov gets acquainted with Anastasia Pugashkina. It was love at first sight. The girl was very kind, cheerful. She worked as a costume designer, and she often applied to the producer Pikalov on various issues. And that was very happy. Quite quickly, relations from business grew into romantic relationships. And in a very short time the girl became pregnant. Sergei was very happy and almost blew dust particles from Nastya, fulfilled her every request. Someone from the filmmaking group secretly shared with journalists that as soon as Sergei found out about pregnancy, immediately took off the wedding ring.

director sergei pikalov

But despite all the joy and hope forhappy future, Sergei Pikalov, whose personal life at that time interested almost all fans of talent Nellie Uvarova, did not want to share the news about new relationships with anyone. Even his loved ones, he did not say anything. But in the crew, everyone saw the eyes of lovers burning when they saw each other. Oddly enough, Nastya was never condemned for facilitating the departure of Sergei from the family, because the family as such did not exist.

There was one meaningful thing for him between Sergei’s wives.difference: Nellie always put her work first, and Nastya was a very family man and loved her little daughter from her previous marriage very much.

Life after marriage

Nastya Pugashkina and Sergey Pikalov became parents of their little daughter. They are comfortable and work and live together. They decide everything together. But at home they practically do not talk about work, because they have more important things to do.

Нелли забеременела, уже зная о новом увлечении husband She, hoping to save the family, decided to give birth to a child (Iya was born after the parents had left), but Sergey nevertheless filed for divorce.

Sergey Pikalov personal life [

Other evidence suggests that Nelly is afterof divorce, she started romance with her colleagues in the workshop, and when news of her pregnancy appeared, rumors grew like mushrooms after rain. But Nellie never called the name of her daughter's father, and did not say a word about her personal life.

After a while, it turned out that Uvarova’s new husband is an actor Alexander Grishin, who is not against the fact that his wife has a lot of work and she is more successful in his profession.