/ / Olga Berezutskaya, football player's wife: biography, family and activities

Olga Berezutskaya, wife of the football player: biography, family and activities

Olga Berezutskaya, whose biography differs frommany other athletes, was able to make a career at the same time and in the dance field. She is not only the wife of a famous football player, but also a member of the Vintage group, a master of sports in synchronized swimming, a champion of Russia, the founder of the DancEmotion show and one of the dancers of Todesa.

A family

Olga Berezutskaya was born on the sixteenth of May.eighty-fifth year in Moscow, in a family of intellectuals and professional athletes. Her parents played basketball professionally, graduated from a sports school. Olga has a sister, engaged in synchronized swimming. Grandmother is an honored teacher of Russia, and grandfather is an academician and inventor.

Olga Berezutsky

Instead of restaurants, the family liked to walk more.to the stadium. This was the main entertainment of Olga in childhood. Basketball, volleyball, hockey - any matches, but not measured and boring dinners in restaurants. Olga knew the names of the main players of CSKA since childhood. But on a surname somehow did not pay attention.


Since grandparents were well deservedteachers, then family education was taken very seriously. Olga was sent to school with a bias in foreign languages. After graduation she entered the institute. Then she received a second degree. Olga loved English most of all of the languages ​​she taught. And I wanted to go practice it abroad.

Sports career

Olga Berezutskaya began to play sports withchildhood. First rhythmic gymnastics. In this sport, she received the second adult level. But after a while, Olga had problems with her lungs. She felt bad because of the dust in the hall. Therefore, Olga had to quit rhythmic gymnastics. What she regretted for a long time.

Olga Berezutsky biography

Then her parents forcibly recorded onsynchronized swimming. Although Olga herself was not interested in this kind of water sports. But it was necessary for the lungs. And, by the way, thanks to swimming, Olga is now healthy. She practiced this sport for nine years, managed to become a champion of the Russian Federation. But, unfortunately, it didn’t happen at the Olympics. Because she changed her sport to dance.

World of dance

Olga Berezutsky, the wife of Vasily Berezutsky, from childhood loved dancing. But to build a serious career in this field is shewas not going to. But it turned out that she gained fame thanks to the dances. Olga and her friend went to work at Todes. At first they were identified in a group with adult 40-year-old women.

But after a couple of months, Olga’s talent was noticed.So it turned out to be mostly youth composition. From that moment on, her dance career went up. She was in the ballet Street Jazz, participated in the final show "Stars of the dance floor."

Olga Berezutsky match tv

In the group "Vintage"

But Olga on the stage should be bored andshe decided to independently put on author's dance etudes. In a conversation with a friend, I accidentally learned that the Vintage group needed a choreographer and dancer. She met with her supervisor. And they immediately signed a contract.

Personal life

With her future husband, Vasily Olgamet through friends. They told her he was a soccer player. And Olga immediately concluded for herself that there was clearly nothing to talk about with him. But literally after twenty minutes of communication, she changed this opinion. Olga and Vasily immediately realized that it was love at first sight. They had many common interests. Both wanted to start a family and have children.

Vasily in his team was the onlya bachelor. He is older than Olga by five years. At first, she often confused Basil with his twin brother. But only in the first seconds. She distinguished them by behavior. And then by voice.

Olga and Vasily got married in the fall of 2009.Career girl had to quit. Although it was not easy for Olga. And it's not a "star disease". It was just difficult to rebuild the way of life and change the usual schedule. Olga became the keeper of the home. But she did not want to completely leave the world of dancing. And now she periodically goes to rehearsals and classes. Olga Berezutskaya believes that it is impossible to stop the development. She continues self-education, reads a lot.

Olga Berezutsky wife Vasily Berezutsky

The birth of the firstborn

In 2010, they had a son.Called him Vova. The parents still conceived the child out of wedlock, but this did not embarrass them at all. From the first acquaintance they were already sure that the wedding was inevitable. Olga Berezutskaya reacted more calmly to the birth of her son, and for Vasily this became a grand event.

He was madly wanting a child, and when he found out thatson is born, was beside himself with pride and happiness. And Olga dreamed of a girl. But when I gave birth, I realized that it was no less interesting with boys. The older he gets, the more the baby reminds her of her husband.

The role of football in the family of Olga

Vova has not yet seen such a passion forfootball, like his dad. Olga smiles with a smile that he often takes time off from training. When they do not look at him, he immediately stops doing the exercises. To understand what he really liked, Vova recorded on swimming, gymnastics, martial arts and chess.

Olga Berezutsky wife football player

Olga Berezutskaya - the wife of a football player, but here's a sonshe is most attracted to mathematics. Already at the age of four he showed miracles of thinking. He was able to easily add four-digit numbers. Although his parents are closely associated with sports, it is possible that Vova will nevertheless follow in the footsteps of his great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers, becoming an academician.

Olga's view on family life

Olga believes that family is a great value.And the most important thing is to understand the husband and share his hobbies. She supports Basil in everything and practically does not miss any home games of CSKA. He knows the whole team of her husband. He goes to his workout with his son. Olga believes that a wife is a responsible title. And if they have a joint child, it means that he should share his hobby. The real example of an exemplary spouse is Olga Berezutskaya. Match TV - TV channel where she was recently offered a jobas a leading sports program, in no way can distance it from the family. Because husband and child for Olga is the main thing in life. And she will never exchange a family for a career.