/ / Market relations are a dead end

Market relations are a dead end

Market and market relations are so mystified terms now that it is sometimes difficult to understand what they really mean.

market relations

It is officially propagated that the market is:

- free trade;

- freedom of private enterprise;

- abundance of various services and goods;

- healthy (free) competition.

In addition, it is believed that it is the marketrelations have caused all the existing advantages of modern life, and its disadvantages are from the small scale of their introduction into the activities of society. Although most of the problems of our time are connected precisely with market relations, their very essence.

"Market economy" turns money into a commodity,intellectual property, natural wealth and the bowels of the earth, it distinguishes it from the ordinary commodity economy. Initially, money was signs to account for consumed and manufactured goods, as well as to simplify the exchange of results of activity (labor). Under market conditions, when money can be bought and sold, they cease to function as a measure of labor and consumption. Money as a commodity decomposes all financial relations in society, creates a favorable environment for the speculation of the fruits of labor of others. These perverted processes are carried out by banks and the entire global banking system.

The earth and its natural resources, as well as intellectual products, are inherently cannot be a commodity by their very nature. They can not be turned into the private property of a person.

Many people gradually realize that the whole modern commodity-monetary system has long been a brake on the development of all mankind.

A characteristic feature of modern marketrelations - a cumbersome financial superstructure, extending far beyond the production sphere. Moreover, in the existing economic relations, it acquires self-sufficiency. Production activity, where all the basic values ​​and wealth of people are actually produced, is pushed into the background. The brokers of world processes, the "owners of life" become intermediaries - brokers, dealers, financiers and bankers.

Modern market relations are powerful.speculative capital redistribution machine. The real turnover of goods and services in the world, according to statistics, is 300 times less than the financial turnover. All signs of a huge financial pyramid there.

market relations is

Modern ways of doing business and developmentmonetary economy inhibit the accumulation of wealth in the world and generate more and more new desires among people prone to waste and overkill. We are not talking about the inhibition of private wealth, they are just accumulating and very impressive! And they are piling up according to the law of mass conservation: if something arrives where, then in another place it will lose as much. The actual amount of wealth remains the same.

Market relations in Russia, as well as throughout the world, lead human society right into a dead end.

The market is a game subject to the general theory of games.This theory assumes that at any stage of the game the participant, using the information available to him, plays in accordance with a reasonable strategy, bringing him the greatest predicted gain. They play quite reasonable and absolutely shameless dealers. Even with one participant, the game theory is difficult, and with three, and even more numerous players, its result is unpredictable and extremely unstable. Individual players, driven by their own greed and greed, create coalitions and alliances, which, in the end, turn into numerous betrayals, betrayals and deceptions. Such is the picture of business and closely connected political life. Even the most talented and merciless broker will face a crash. Even assuming that they are tired of it, and they signed a truce, the main prize will go to those who violate the contract and betray their partners.

Recurring regularly world economiccrises, the ruin of large banks and firms, the collapse of the financial system are facts that convince any sensible person who is able to objectively perceive the situation in the world, in organic vices and defects of a market economy.

Human society cannot develop ifit does not care about its future. And market relations are life in one day. If people think about the future, it is only in the context of building up personal capital. Social wealth is concentrated in a handful of people, withdrawn from circulation, “frozen” in a non-productive form, which hinders social development in general.

market relations in Russia

How market relations decompose morality we observe manyyears since they became a priority in society. In these relations, one incentive is profit and enrichment, the whole range of human communication is reduced only to buying and selling and the accumulation of wealth. This coarsens and "deadens" the human soul.

In terms of privatization, the whole mass of peoplepotentially thieving, criminal propensity gets complete freedom. The temptation of rapid enrichment introduces vicious thieves "rock" in rage. Arrogant, cynical, unscrupulous, greedy people seize the main social wealth, falling almost into a state of looting. After the first “redistribution” (theft) of property, an endless chain of redistribution begins. And, in principle, it is impossible to stop this process until society has come to its senses and will restore justice and rational logic in living arrangements.