/ / African lions: description and photo

African lions: description and photo

These large cats from a long time inspiredto all mankind respect to oneself, having subdued our imagination. Did you recognize them? Of course, these are African lions. We esteem these animals, we bestow them with the best human qualities: courage, nobility, faithfulness and power. But folklore, folklore, but do not forget that the lions are dangerous predatory cats, capable of everything for the sake of profit. How do they behave in the wild? We'll find out!

Indisputable lord of beasts

Why are African lions endowed with "royal"authority and are considered leaders among all modern terrestrial animals? First, they have a rather regal look. Secondly, with the word "lion" in our imagination, there is primarily a large grubby cat in the prime of life. Thirdly, the unique black-brown or dark golden mane of a lion can not be taken seriously, because it gives him the greatness of a monarch!

African lions

Equally impressive voice have thesemajestic beasts. For example, on a quiet night, a lion's roar horrifies everyone who hears at a distance of up to 8 kilometers. A lot of royal qualities African lions show in their behavior. In an ordinary state these predators are majestic and sociable and good-natured, except when they protect their prey or their family. Nevertheless, some scientists doubt the vaunted nobility of these animals: males quite often take prey from their own females and consume it in plenty.

Where do African lions live?

As can be seen from their name, these predators inhabitmostly savannah of Africa, but can also move to shrubby locality or even to forests. Once they inhabited the territory of Europe, the Middle and Middle East, as well as India. Unfortunately, the development of livestock in the world contributed to a reduction in the population of these animals, which, in turn, pushed them exclusively to the South. Currently, these animals trample the lands of Africa to the south of the Sahara desert, and in India they are kept in the reserve "Gar Forest".

African animals lions

The second largest after the tiger

African lion is a predatory mammal, one offour representatives of the genus of large cats called Panthers. It is the second largest modern wild cat after the tiger. The weight of some lions can reach 250 kilograms, and length - 3 meters. As a rule, females are an order of magnitude smaller than males: their body length does not exceed 2.2 meters, and the weight fluctuates around 140 kilograms.

Lions living in Africa are the only onescats, which can easily be distinguished from each other externally and sexually: lions do not have manes. These truly majestic animals have tremendous physical power. For example, an adult lion with one paw punch can knock three hundred kilogram zebra off his feet! From other large cats, lions differ in that they live as related groups of several males and females. Scientists call such communities pride.

African lions circus

How is their pride arranged?

These African animals (lions and lionesses) -collective inhabitants. Usually in their flock (pride) includes 2-3 males, as well as several lionesses with cubs. Each such family has its own leader. It does not have to be a large and strong animal. The main thing here is to be a leader by nature, then the other males of the pride will recognize you and respect you. The leader, in turn, should be patient and good-natured to all pride members. Usually the number of one lion flock varies from 5 to 40 animals.

Zoologists say that all the lionesses withinone pride is related by kindred ties. They are sisters to each other, mothers, cousins, daughters, granddaughters, grandmothers. As a rule, the lioness born in the pack, in it and remain until the end, but if the group quickly grows, then the pride can be divided into two parts. Females together take care of their offspring and others, defend their possessions, hunt together and eat food.

But not always in the lion family everything is sweet, yessmooth. African lions are not always supportive of their females. Soulless males can simply take food away from females and their own children until they get enough of it themselves. The lion-leader does not protect aged or sick members of the pride, but, on the contrary, drives them away from the pack. If the leader himself senile and grow old, it will be food for hyenas. Such are not easy relationship with them. Who said that a lion is a noble creature?

African lion predatory mammal

How do they hunt?

The extraction of food in the lives of these predators, as in lifeany other animals, is of paramount importance. Obligation to procure food within the pride is entrusted to females, males are responsible for the safety of their family, and also participate in procreation. Lionesses, consisting of one flock, hunt by their own group. Their extraction is large ungulate animals, for example, antelopes. They get food in three different ways:

  • independent day hunting of African lions;
  • taking food from other animals;
  • eating carrion (already dead animals).

Lionesses usually hunt during the daytime, but whenstrong hunger they do it round the clock. During such a period, they attack not only large ungulates, but also hippos, birds, rabbits, mice, people ... As soon as the lionesses mark the victim, they very quietly get closer to it, and then deliver a sudden and lightning strike. As soon as the prey is stunned, her relatives come to the aid of the lioness.

African lions day hunt

How many years have lions lived?

In nature, these predators, like ordinary cats, livefrom 10 to 15 years. In captivity, African lions (circus, zoo) live to 25 years. As a rule, males in the wild rarely live to at least 10 years. This is understandable: cruel fights with other lions leave their mark on it. As mentioned above, the number of these African predators inevitably decreases. Over the past 20 years, their population has decreased by 40%.

Lion in human culture

No wonder the ancient Egyptians depicted a lion asa symbol of divine authority and royal dignity (remember the Sphinx?). The ancient Greeks and Assyrians were generally seen in these majestic animals companions of goddesses. It is believed that in early Christian folklore and art the lion could symbolize Jesus Christ himself. In the Middle Ages, these predators decorated the coats of arms of many houses belonging to monarchs and nobles.