/ / The Most Venomous Snake on the Planet

The Most Poisonous Snake on the Planet

The most poisonous snake on the planet is the Australian tiger snake, belonging to the species of snake. Four hundred people can be killed by the poison contained in one individual.

More recent studies have been conducted.the question, what is the most venomous snake on earth, and scientists have determined that the taipan, which previously occupied the first place in terms of poisonousness, must yield to the crown of the Australian tiger snake. Taipan belongs to the same family as the tiger snake. If taipan bites a person, then death is inevitable.

There is one story that tellshow the taipan accepted death from its victim. He was kept in a zoo in Australia. The usual diet included white mice. This went on for quite a long time, but one day the rodents attacked their devourer and bit him severely. Shortly after this incident, the taipan died from his injuries, and maybe from a psychological shock.

The sea serpent produces poison, whichTaypana deadliest poison a hundred times. And in appearance the sea snake is rather inconspicuous, it can rather be mistaken for eels, but one should not take a long look at a poisonous baby in water.

For most people, the word "snake" is associated with something unpleasant and slippery, causing negative emotions. In the same way, animals react to reptiles, they get scared and become aggressive.

The most poisonous snake with one biteguarantees death. She is found in the bush of Tasmania (in Australia), in New Guinea. The color is dark brown or olive with transverse stripes. Those individuals found in Tasmania are painted black.

The tiger snake is not considered one of the mostlarge, but can have a length of up to two meters. The snake got its name from the similarity of its color with the skin of a tiger: gold rings on a black body, and the belly - yellow.

The most poisonous snake, the Australian tiger,has two teeth on the upper jaw on both sides. On them are grooves. Most snakes that are not dangerous, they are empty. The muscle is located around the venom gland. When a bite muscle presses on the gland and squeezes poison on the teeth. The poison passes through the grooves and reaches the body of the victim.

The strongest poison among all venomous snakespossess precisely tiger. If the most poisonous snake bites a small animal, it will die in a few seconds. The worst thing is that this snake can be found throughout Australia and the islands of the southern coast. Tiger snakes are very prolific, hence their large population. One female has over sixty babies.

Snakes inhabiting the western part of the mainlandthey have a small head and a small jaw. They feed mainly on frogs, mice, birds and their eggs. But the closer to the northern part, the more often the dimensions of snakes increase. This is due to the hunt for larger prey.

If the most poisonous snake gets in the way, thenThis does not bode well. However, the natives say that the tiger snake itself is afraid of people and avoids meeting with them. And attacks only in order to self-defense.

The journalist of the famous publication "Around the World"Alexey Astafyev once met a tiger snake on the Tasmanian paths. He recalls this meeting as the most terrible event in his life. The journalist wanted to scare away the big spider with a stick, for which he took the tiger snake, because she quietly lay in the shade, hiding from the sun. Fortunately, he recognized the snake in time and straightened his hand. But still a moment, and it is not known how this unpleasant meeting would end, but almost certainly tragically.

The difficulty is that the snake is the main part of the daydoes not move at all, lying in one place. Therefore, it is easy to confuse it with a stick or a branch or not to notice at all. But if the meeting took place, then you should try not to disturb the poisonous creature and move away from it to the maximum distance.