/ / Mountain geese from the Red Book: photo

Mountain geese from the Red Book: photo

Mountain geese are one of the most remarkable andamazing species of geese. They have incredible abilities and characteristics. Most of the time these birds spend on land, not on water, so they run well, unlike their relatives. These unusual geese are listed in the Red Book and are under the protection of the Russian Federation.


The name of the species itself encourages the idea thatThe favorite habitat of birds is mountains. The largest mountain goose population is found in Central Asia at an altitude of 5,000 meters above sea level. The most favorite place for birds is choosing the banks of mountain rivers, where they settle temporary nests. It should be noted that this species of birds is migratory. For the winter, the birds go to India, so they carry the second name - the Indian goose.

mountain geese
It should be noted that recent years in the NorthEurope, an increase in the number of species, due to some individuals escaped from the zoo. Mountain geese are one of the most common birds in captivity. They are well adapted to the influence of the external habitat and are able to interbreed with other members of the goose genus. The total number of species includes up to 60,000 individuals. Unfortunately, in Russia their number is only about 1500. Every year this figure decreases due to the constant hunting and stealing of eggs.


The mountain goose, whose photo can be seen in this article, is immediately distinguished from its relatives by its graceful appearance. The common color of the bird is gray, diluted with black stripes. Beak and paws lightorange. The adult is quite large.

mountain goose photo
The bird's weight can reach 3.5 kilograms, and the length of the body is 75 cm. The wings of the birds reach 50 cm. Unlike other species, the males of the goose do not differ in females in size or color. Legs mountain goose long and strong, thanks to this bird walks well and runs. The voice of the mountain geese is very low, it is quite easy to distinguish it from the gaggle of other species.


Argued that mountain geese never siton the water, but this is not entirely true. These birds are not tied to the water and prefer to spend all their time on land, but in case of danger, they can safely climb into the water and sail away from the coast for a sufficiently long distance. This species differs from others in the unique ability to fly very high. It is necessary for living in rocky terrain. There was a case when the flight of a goose was 10170 m over the Himalayas. They prefer to spend the winter in the marshes of India; it happened that the same individuals returned to their favorite places for several years in a row.

mountain geese never sit on the water
They are not particularly shy and very curious, thereforeoften enter the territory of a person. But noticing that they are being hunted, the birds instantly change tactics and become very cautious, preferring to get food at night and resting during the day. These amazing birds are quite social and work together, their relationship can be compared, except human. In the case of injury of one individual, the whole pack in every waytries to help her and does not scatter. Before flying to the pond, the birds do a few laps, looking at the environment. This explains why the mountain geese do not sit on the water immediately, as it was noticed.


The nesting period of these birds occursquite specific. To attract the female, the male plays with her “salochki”, trying to catch the individual she likes in the air. It should be noted that geese nest in whole groups. Sometimes small and sometimes huge. The largest group was recorded in Tibet (mountain Tibetan goose). Nests prefer to build on highlands. In appearance, the nests resemble the usual “dump” of thin rods. Some birds prefer to create nests on the ground, then they dig a small depression in the moss. Usually one clutch mountain goose has up to 8 eggs in white. The incubation period lasts from 33 to 35 days.

mountain geese don't water why
All this time, the male actively protects the female andnesting site. After hatching, both parents take care of them. After the gosling hatched, the geese try to take their offspring as quickly as possible to the safest place, namely to the water. It is not known how the goslings leave their nests from a high mountain. A case of a chick falling from twenty-five meters was recorded. Surprisingly, he did not crash, but just lost consciousness for a while. Goslings stand on the wing at the age of seven weeks, and the first plumage appears by the 9th week of life. Out of the whole clutch, 2–4 chicks survive in nature.


The main delicacy of the mountain goose are waterplants. In addition, birds eat various insects, crustaceans and small fish. If the birds settle closer to human plantations, the main food for them is grain and agricultural land, which causes enormous damage to their owners. Geese adore a variety of foods, rarely when they prefer to consume the same food. Therefore, in captivity such birds have to be additionally fed with various products. Special attention should be paid to the diet during the breeding season.

Mountain Goose in the Red Book

К сожалению, этот великолепный вид находится на verge of extinction. From year to year the growing poaching and hunting of these birds is gaining catastrophic proportions. The reproductive capacity of these birds is not so great, to all other added density of agricultural activities in the nesting areas of the goose.

mountain goose red book
Therefore, in the Russian Federation and India (wintering place) strictlybanned hunting for this endangered species of birds. Most parks and reserves are trying to save these birds from death. Also, some zoos are trying to improve the life of birds.


So, the Moscow Zoo puts maximumefforts to conserve the population of mountain geese. There lives a small group of birds, which has flight abilities, but never tried to leave the beloved territory.

mountain tibetan goose
Captive mountain geese breed well.Most often, the eggs are seized for artificial growth in an incubator, and then the goslings are placed in a special enclosure where they receive proper care. Surprisingly, in nature, this species of bird lives for about ten years, and in captive individual can reach thirty years.

It is impossible not to note that the life of birds is notcan do without the help and protection of the person. At the moment, it was decided to expand the range of these incredible birds. As mentioned earlier, geese are actively exploring Northern Europe, so there is an assumption that birds can live in different territories. This may increase the likelihood of promoting this species of bird. Perhaps with the help of people these wild birds will find a new chance for survival.